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In Vitro Comparative Assessment Of The Effect Of Gutta-Fusion Obturation On The Push Out Bond Strenght Of Three Types Of Sealers
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Background: The bond strength of the root canal sealers to dentin is very important property for maintaining the integrity and the seal of root canal filling. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the push-out bond strength of root filled with total fill Bioceramic, AH Plus and Gutta-flow®2 sealers using GuttaFusion®obturation system versus single cone obturation technique. Materials and method: sixty of mandibular premolars teeth with straight roots were used in this study, these roots were instrumented using Reciproc system, instrumentation were done with copious irrigation of 3 mL 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOCl) during all the steps of preparation, and smear layer will be removed with 1 ml of 17% EDTA kept in the canal for 1 min, roots were randomly divided into two groups according to the obturation technique (thirty teeth for each group): Group I: Single Reciproc Gutta percha cone obturation technique, Group II: Gutta fusion obturation technique, then each group divided into three subgroup according to the type of sealer, AH subgroup: AH Plus sealer, BC subgroup: bioceramic sealer and GF subgroup: Gutta flow 2 sealer. The roots then stored in moist environment at 37°C for one week, the roots were embedded in clear acrylic resin and each root sectioned into three levels apical, middle and cervical. The bond strength was measured using computerized universal testing machine each section fixed in the machine so that the load applied from apical to cervical direction at 0.5mm/min. speed and the computer show the higher bond force before dislodgment of the filling material. These forces were divided by the surface area to obtain the bond strength in MPa. Results: Statistical analysis was performed and the result showed a highly significant differences between the three types of sealers when the same obturation technique were used, also there is highly significant differences between two groups with two different obturation technique. Conclusion: This study showed that the push out bond strength of AH plus sealer was higher than bioceramic sealer and Gutta flow 2 sealer respectively when the same obturation technique was used. The push out bond strength was affected by the obturation technique and Gutta fusion obturation technique showed higher bond strength than single cone obturation technique when the same type of sealer was used.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
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The effect of ground motion characteristics on the fragility analysis of reinforced concrete frame buildings in Australia
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 31 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Assessment of efficacy and safety of dapsone gel 5% in the treatment of acne vulgaris
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ABSTRACTBackground : Acne vulgaris is a
common skin disease, affecting more than 85% of
adolescents and often continuing into adulthood.
People between 11 and 30 years of age and up to
5% of older adults. For most patients acne remains
a nuisance with occasional flares of unsightly
comedones, pustules and nodules. For other less
fortunate persons, the sever inflammatory response
to Propionibacterium acnes (P.acnes) results in
Methods: Disfiguring scars. (1, 2) Stigmata of sever
acne cane lead to social ostracism, withdrawal
from society and severe psychologic
depression (1-4).
Result Pathogenesis of acne Traditionally, acne
has been thought of as a multifactorial disease of
the fo

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparison of the Marginal Fitness of the Ceramic Crowns Fabricated with Different CAD/CAM Systems (An In Vitro Study)
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Background: The marginal fit is the most characteristic that closely related to the longevity or success of a restoration, which is absolutely affected by the fabrication technique. The objective of present in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of four different CAD/CAM systems on the marginal fit of lithiµm disilicate all ceramic crowns. Materials and Methods: Adentoform tooth of a right mandibular first molar was prepared to receive all ceramic crown restoration with deep chamfer finishing line (1mm) and axial reduction convergence angle of 6 degree, dentoform model duplicated to have Nickel-Chromiµm master die. Thirty two stone dies produce from master die and distributed randomly in to four groups (8 dies for each group) accor

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Brainstorming on audit Quality and its Reflection on Detecting the Risk of Fraud
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Brainstorming is one of the fundamental and necessary concepts for practicing the auditing profession, as auditing standards encouraged the implementation of brainstorming sessions to reach reasonable assurance about the validity of the evidence and information obtained by the auditor to detect fraud, as the implementation of brainstorming sessions and the practice of professional suspicion during the audit process lead to increase the quality of auditing and thus raise the financial community's confidence in the auditing profession again after it was exposed to several crises that led to the financial community losing confidence in the auditing profession.

The research aims to explain the effect of brain

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Brainstorming on audit Quality and its Reflection on Detecting the Risk of Fraud
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Brainstorming is one of the fundamental and necessary concepts for practising the auditing profession, as auditing standards encouraged the implementation of brainstorming sessions to reach reasonable assurance about the validity of the evidence and information obtained by the auditor to detect fraud, as the implementation of brainstorming sessions and the practice of professional suspicion during the audit process lead To increase the quality of auditing and thus raise the financial community's confidence in the auditing profession again after it was exposed to several crises that led to the financial community losing confidence in the auditing profession.

The research aims to explain the effect of brain

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Propagation of Sedum adolphii In vitro
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Sedum adolphii  stem cutting 1-2 cm were sterilized and cultured on different media . The favorable medium for callus formation was Murashige and skoog (MS, 1962)supplemented with Banzylaminopurine ( BAP) plus Naphalene acetic acid (NAA) in106M  each . Whereas, the best medium for differentiation was MS ,1962 supplemented with BAP 10-7M and NAA10-7M . The formed shoots were transferred to media without Auxin (control) or with different (NAA) concentrations (10-6and 10-7M) . The best rooted shoots were on control, transferred successfully to jeffy 7  discs and to the green house after 3 weeks.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
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Background: Levetiracetam is a member of the new antiepileptic drugs and has a broad spectrum effect, used as an adjunctive therapy in addition to monotherapy in the treatment of partial onset-seizures. The effect of levetiracetam on the development of embryo nervous system after maternal exposure during pregnancy has not been identified. Objective: to evaluate the effect of antiepileptic drug, levetiracetam (LEV) within its therapeutic dose 350mg/Kg body weight on albino female rat to clarify its effect on the developing cerebral cortex histologically. Material And Methods: Ten pregnant female rats were separated into two groups, control group and experimental group. They were obtained from the animal house of the high institute of inferti

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Metakaolin on the geotechnical properties of Expansive Soil
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Expansive soil spreads in Iraq and some countries of the world. But there are many problems can be occurred to the structures that built on, so we must study the characteristics of these soils due to the  problems that may be caused to these structures which built on these kinds of soil and then study the methods of treatment. The present study focuses on improving  the geotechnical properties of expansive soils by treating it Metakaolin(M). Metakaolin (M) has never been used before as an improvement material  for stabilizing the expansive soil . Metakaolin  is a pozzolanic material. It’s obtained by calcination of kaolinite clay at temperatures from 700°C to 800°C. Kaolin chemical composition is

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Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Rifadin Drug on Lipids Metabolism of Rabbits
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  The aim of this study was intended to study the effect of rifadin drug on lipids metabolism  in the blood of the rabbits .Eight rabbits were used in the experiment ,they were divided into two groups ,first group(control group ) was administrated with 15mg/ml /day normal saline for 35 days ,while the second group (treated group )was administrated with (15/mg /kg/day) for 35 days of rifadin( capsule 300mg/kg).This study examined the influences of rifadin drug on the concentration of cholesterol  , triglycerides , HDL ,LDL and  VLDL in rabbits sera .The result showed that there were no significant  increased (p>0.05) in cholesterol concentration in rifadin  treated group compared with control group ,and th

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Humidity on Superconducting Phase of Bi-2223
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  The ceramics specimens as superconducting phase (Bi2PbxSr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ) with different concentrations of Pb from (0.0-0.5) were prepared by solid-state reaction method. Superconducting samples were exposed to high humidity (RH 75% at 25ºC) for seven weeks time interval. The humidity has a negative effect on the transition temperature of superconductor phase .It destroys the superconducting phase and the samples were converting to insulator.  

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