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Immunohistochemical study of PDGF, IGF of radiated tooth rat embryo
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Background: Oral health is important to the quality of life of all individuals. Oral lesions can cause discomfort or pain that interferes with mastication, swallowing, and speech. Oral disease is a health problem that is not only a matter of oral hygiene and local condition, but can also be a precursor to other dangerous and potentially life threatening illnesses. The present study was designed to analyze the main clinicopathological aspects of most common oral lesions in patients who visit the Oral Diagnosis Clinic of the College of Dentistry, University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan region, Iraq. Patients and methods: This prospective study was performed on 3144 patients from July 2009-July 2010. In this study a total of 3144 patients were examined. Of these 1507 (47.93%) were males and 1637 (52.06%) females. The patients' age ranged between 10 to 79 years. An interview was conducted to collect information using a structured questionnaire which was completed by each patient. The lesions that could not be diagnosed by clinical examinations alone were analyzed histopathologically. Results: Among 3144 patients, only 799 patients (25.41%) had oral lesions. Females constituted 49.81% (n=398) and males 50.18 (n=401). The age range of the patients was between 10-79 years with a mean age of 33.75 years. Anatomic changes and developmental anomalies were considered as linea alba (16.68%), Fordyce's granules (12.37%), torus mandibularis (0.66%), torus palatinus (0.55%). Common oral lesions after those considered being anatomic changes and developmental anomalies were fissure tongue (18.23%), cheek biting (12.15%), hairy tongue (6.51%), and recurrent aphthous stomatitis (5.85%) , ankyloglossia (3.75%) , lingual varicosities (2.87%) , frictional (traumatic) keratosis (2.87%) , denture stomatitis (2.54%), recurrent herpes simplex virus infection (2.43%), traumatic ulcer (2.43%), geographic tongue (1.98%), fibroepithelial hyperplasia (1.32%), denture induced fibrous hyperplasia (1.21%) , angular cheilitis (0.99%) , oral lichen planus (0.88%) , median rhomboid glossitis (0.88%) , peripheral giant cell granuloma (0.22%) , and gingival hyperplasia (0.33%) . Conclusion: Routine examinations of oral cavities are valuable in identifying several oral lesions and this will help to establish early diagnosis and treatment and better prognosis particularly early precancerous and other oral lesions.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Evaluation of Sustainable Spatial Suitability of Urban and Population Expansion in Al Hillah City Using Remote Sensing Techniques
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Abstract<p>The study focused on explaining urban expansion and sustainable development of urban land and explaining the role of population expansion in Al Hillah city, Al Hillah city in the center of Babylion Governorate located. The study relied on analyzing the population data of the city of Al Hillah for a period of time (22 years) for the period (2000-2022). This data was analyzed and its role in planning and designing residential areas and neighborhoods in the Al Hillah city was analyzed based on the standards of urban planning and sustainable growth of cities. Landsat 5TM was used in the investigation, Landsat 8OLI satellite data to retrieve the NDVI, NDBI, and NDWI. The findings showed th</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Symptomatology and Distribution of Attachment Patterns 1 and 5 Months after a Terrorist Attack
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As a consequence of a terrorist attack, people may experience posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and lack of feeling secure in relationships. This longitudinal study aimed to examine the prevalence of PTSD symptoms over time, the relationship between adult attachment styles and PTSD, as well as their association with degree of exposure, and finally to consider the distribution and the trajectory of attachment styles. The sample consisted of 235 students (M=125, F=110) who were exposed to different levels of trauma intensity in response to a bombing attack. Participants were recruited and assessed approximately 1 month and 5 months after the attack using a battery of questionnaires. Findings revealed, as expected, that 79.5% of the part

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Proceeding Of The 1st International Conference On Advanced Research In Pure And Applied Science (icarpas2021): Third Annual Conference Of Al-muthanna University/college Of Science
Dimensional analysis of predicting the removal of chemical oxygen demand from domestic wastewater using moving bed biofilm reactor
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Municipal wastewater sources are becoming increasingly important for reuse, for irrigation purposes, so they must be treated to meet environmentally friendly local or global standards. The aim of this study is to establish, calibrate, and validate a model for predicting chemical oxygen demand for the pilot plant of mobile biofilm reactors operating from municipal wastewater in Maaymyrh located in Hilla city Using the approach of dimensional analysis. The approach of Buckingham's theorem was used to derive a model of dimensional analysis design for the forecast of (COD) in the pilot plant. The effluent concentration (COD) It has been derived as a result of the influential concentration of (COD), dissolved oxygen (DO), volume of pilot plant

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis and Characterisation of Novel Cobalt(li),Copper (II) and Mercury (II) Complexes of Poly Vinyl Urethanised Oxime.
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The reaction  of poly (vinyl  alcohol) (PV A) with Urea in (DMSO)

resulted  in uerthanised oxim, wr,ich reacted with diacetylmonoxime  in a (DY.ISOfmethanol) to give anew type (N2) polymeric bidentate imine oxime ligand [HL], The ligand was reacted with MCh (where M= Co, Cu, and Hg). Under  reflux in a (DMF/Methanol) mixture with (I:1) ratio to give Complexes  of the general formula [M (T.)2]X, (where M=

Co,Hg,  Cu). All .:ompouncs have been characterized  by spectroscopic

methods  [IR,  U.V.-Vis, A tomi<;absorption] microanalysis along with conductivity measurements, from  the  above::  data the proposed molecular structure for Co,Cu, and Hg is a

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 04 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Association of Echocardiographic Epicardial Fat Thickness and Carotid Intima Media Thickness with the Severity of Coronary Artery Disease
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Background: Coronary artery disease remains the main cause of death despite several preventive programs. Epicardial adipose tissue is a visceral fat depot of the heart located along the large coronary arteries and on the surface of ventricles and apex. Intima media thickness is commonly recognized as the initial stage in the development of atherosclerosis. The development of ultrasound machines, advances in echocardiographic devices and high resolution transducers facilitate comprehensive analysis of epicardial fat thickness (EFT) and carotid –intima media thickness (C-IMT).
Aim: To investigate the relationship of echocardiographic epicardial fat thickness (EFT) and carotid –intima media thickness (C-IMT) with the severity of coro

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Modern Physics E
Investigation of halo structure of neutron rich 14B, 15C, 19C and 22N nuclei in the two body model
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The two body model of (Core+n) within the radial wave functions of the cosh potential has been used to investigate the ground state features such as the proton, neutron and matter densities, the root mean square (RMS) nuclear proton, neutron, charge and mass radii of unstable neutron-rich 14B, 15C, 19C and 22N nuclei. The calculated results show that the two body model with the radial wave functions of the cosh potential succeeds in reproducing neutron halo in these nuclei.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Seismic Loading on Variation of Pore Water Pressure During Pile Pull-Out Tests in Sandy Soils
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Experimental model was done for pile model of L / D = 25 installed into a laminar shear box contains different saturation soil densities (loose and dense sand) to evaluate the variation of pore water pressure before and after apply seismic loading. Two pore water pressure transducers placed at position near the middle and bottom of pile model to evaluate the pore water pressure during pullout tests. Seismic loading applied by uniaxial shaking table device, while the pullout tests were conducted through pullout device. The results of changing pore water pressure showed that the variation of pore water pressure near the bottom of pile is more than variation near the middle of pile in all tests. The variation of pore water

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Principles of war and jihad to protect the environment and civilians in times of war in Islamic Sharia
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Research summary

Islam protects the environment and civilians in peace and war, and in international humanitarian law protection of the environment and civilians in international conflicts only. As for wars and internal conflicts, it is not within the jurisdiction of international humanitarian law. In Islamic law, the principles of protecting the environment and civilians are fixed in all wars and conflicts, whether internal or external, local. or international.

Islam laid down moral principles in war, including:

- Preserving the environment and avoiding corruption in the land by burning trees and killing animals unnecessarily.

- Not to be exposed to non-combatants, including women, boys, the elderly, the disa

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2013
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Beneficiation of Iraqi Akash at Phosphate Ore Using Organic Acids for the Production of Wet Process Phosphoric Acid
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In the present work, leaching process studiedusing organic acids (acetic acid and lactic acid) to extract phosphate from the Iraqi Akashat phosphate ore by separation of calcareous materials (mainly calcite). This approach characterized by energy conservation, environmental enhancement by recovery of calcite as calcium sulfate (gypsum), keeping the physical and chemical properties of apatite. Samples were analyzed using X-ray diffraction and FTIR spectrophotometer. From the obtained experimental data it was found that using the two organic acids yields closed purity values of the produced apatite at the optimum conditions, while at different acid concentrations, it was found that the efficiency of acetic acid is higher at the low acid co

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The mucilage was isolated from mustard seeds and identification by some different methods like, thermo gravimetric, FTlR., X-ray powdered, proton NMR, FTIR spectra of the three gums contain different functional group in the gums, major peaks  bands noticed were belong to OH (3410.15 – 3010.88) group from hydroxyl group, CH aliphatic (2925-2343.51), C-O (1072.42-1060.85) group and C=O 1743.65, Thermo chemical parameters of mucilage was evaluated  and compared with the standard gums, Results indicated the mucilage was decomposed in 392°C and mass loss 55%, The X ray process found the mucilage had single not sharp peak

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