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An Analysis of the Efficacy of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections on the Treatment of Internal Derangement of a temporomandibular Joint
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Background: A Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) internal derangement (TMJID) is a disruption within the internal aspects of the TMJ in which the disc is displaced from its normal functional relationship with the mandibular condyle, after which the articular portion of the temporal bone causes joint dysfunction, joint sound, malocclusion, and locking of the mouth. Conservative and invasive techniques can be used for the treatment of TMJID. A platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection is a simple, less invasive surgical procedure for the treatment of internal derangement. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of PRP injections in decreasing or eliminating pain, clicking, and limitation of mouth opening in patients with TMJID after they were proven to be unresponsive to conservative treatments. The aim is to also show more predictable clinical results. Methods: The study involved 70 patients between 19 and 46 years-old, 62 of which were female and 8 of which were male (female to maleratio 7:75).There were a total of 140 joints with anterior disc dislocation with reduction, as confirmed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). PRP was injected in the TMJ in the superior joint space. Pain intensity, maximal interincisal opening, and TMJ sounds were assessed and compared for evaluation of treatment success. Results: There was a statistically significant reduction in pain intensity and joint sound and an increase in mouth opening. Conclusions: This study shows that intra-articular PRP injection for the treatment of anterior disc displacement with reduction of the TMJ is a more effective method to reduce pain intensity and joint sound as well as increasing the patient’s mouth opening range

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 27 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of Local Satellite Channels toward the Social and Cultural Development in U.A.E Society
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The study seeks to analyze the perceptions of audience in UAE towards the performance of Emirates Satellite TV Channels. It analyzed the exposure motivations of audience to satellite TV channels, its positive and negative aspects and to what extent they abide by media ethics. A survey is conducted with a sample of four hundred. The study shows significant differences between male and female towards the characteristics of TV channels, its positive and negative aspects and its commitments to media ethics.

            The study also shows that the expectancy value model and third person effect model are applicable in studying the perceptions of audience and media people in UAE t

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The healthy personality and its relation to the academic achievement of school and university teacher
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Personality regard as one of the human soul pillars that has been built throughout the life of people, starting from the fertilizing process to different stages of people ages. Over time, numerous scientific studies have shown that fetus has the ability to hear and feel and he is being stereotyped since the first stages of formation. Accordingly, the process of forming human personality set up since that date. Besides, the socialization means that take different resources to enhance human personality such as holy Quran, school, social media, and social environment. The emergence of social media made the world as a small village which gives the chance for all people, over the world, to obtain the knowledge easily and limitless. Thus, the

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Employing Digital Technology in the Formation of the Theatrical Show Space: ثامر طه عبد علي
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  The current research tries to identify the employment of the digital technology in the formation of the theatrical show space. The researcher started with the significant importance of the digital technology and its workings in the formation of the contemporary theatrical show being a modern, artistic, aesthetic, intellectual and technological means to convey the topic in an integrated manner, as well as its close connection with the creative directive vision and the creative designing vision. It provides a variety of models of numerous implications in terms of transmission and advancement of the relationships represented by clarifying the scenography and dramatic conflict forms according to the numerous motivations of the directo

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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The Developed Materials and Techniques and Its Role in Exposing the Aesthetic Of Art Work
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This study is targeting the new developed materials and techniques and how they were affected by the scientific and technological developments that contributed to revelated new and varied developed materials and techniques. And from the artist’s formulation by using the materials and techniques and through its embodiment and sensor the values, artistic and aesthetic standards by breaking from the familiar in aesthetic contemporary way.
The studies on questioning what’s the role of The New Developed Materials and Techniques in exposing the aesthetic of the art work?

This study is to show the aesthetic of the art work through the new developed materials and techniques. Which was based on descriptive analyzing method and hig

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the Performance of IT Governance According to COBIT5 Framework by Using the Balanced Scorecard
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The research aims to clarify the COBIT5 framework for IT governance and to develop of a criterion based on Balanced Scorecard that contributes in measuring the performance of IT governance. To achieve these goals, the researchers adopted the deductive approach in the design of balanced scorecard to measure the IT governance at the Bank of Baghdad that was chosen because it relied heavily on IT.

The research has reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that the performance of IT department in the Bank of Baghdad falls within the good level that requires constant monitoring, the most committed items of Balanced Scorecard by the Bank were customer, internal operation, growth and finally the financial item; IT

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Scientific Research In Business Management And Economics
The profitability index and its role in evaluating the performance of specialized banks in Iraq.
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Central banks around the world typically use various financial indicators to evaluate performance. In Iraq, the indicators used by central banks to evaluate the performance of banks are of great importance to ensure that the banks operating within the Iraqi banking system comply with the regulatory and legal requirements issued by the Central Bank of Iraq or the Ministry of Finance. Given the need to study the profitability indicator to ensure its ability to evaluate the performance of specialized banks in Iraq, these banks carry out their banking activities and businesses through capital funded by the government. The use of profitability indicators in evaluating the performance of specialized banks provides information about the profitabil

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Knowledge Management and Developing Human Resources in the Secretariat of the Central Library- Baghdad University
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Knowledge management contribute to the overall private university libraries to develop libraries for the purpose of creating human and technological resources by investing research and development, as well as education and training for life.
This study followed the methodology of the descriptive and historical pillars of knowledge management for the years 1990 to the present day in 2017, depending on statistical figures obtained by the researchers from the General Secretariat of the Central Library at the University of Baghdad, and the Human Resources Division, which specialized human resources training after 2004 (and before those years from 1982 until 2002, where the continuing education was committee of the fixed committees are wor

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Theoretical study of the photons rate production in the Quark-Gluon interaction at Compton scattering
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 29 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Digital media and linguistic evaluation between the need to stay and the idea of dispensing
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In spite of the contemporary development over the world in pertaining of modernization and its differences about the transformation of the knowledge but, the important instrument to transfer the thoughts and information did not have change except the language. So the evolutionary process became as a torrent or fusillade above the cliff which drifted anything. So that the objective inquiry and impressed with varieties of development the casement to evaluate the linguistic or re - correction highlight article in order to preserve on the origins of the language and its sobriety.
Today, we have different correspondence and social media as

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
J Of Mustansiriya College Of Dentistry
the usefulness of Ramfjord teeth to represent the full-mouth pocket depth in epidemiology study
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