Background: A Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) internal derangement (TMJID) is a disruption within the internal aspects of the TMJ in which the disc is displaced from its normal functional relationship with the mandibular condyle, after which the articular portion of the temporal bone causes joint dysfunction, joint sound, malocclusion, and locking of the mouth. Conservative and invasive techniques can be used for the treatment of TMJID. A platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection is a simple, less invasive surgical procedure for the treatment of internal derangement. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of PRP injections in decreasing or eliminating pain, clicking, and limitation of mouth opening in patients with TMJID after they were proven to be unresponsive to conservative treatments. The aim is to also show more predictable clinical results. Methods: The study involved 70 patients between 19 and 46 years-old, 62 of which were female and 8 of which were male (female to maleratio 7:75).There were a total of 140 joints with anterior disc dislocation with reduction, as confirmed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). PRP was injected in the TMJ in the superior joint space. Pain intensity, maximal interincisal opening, and TMJ sounds were assessed and compared for evaluation of treatment success. Results: There was a statistically significant reduction in pain intensity and joint sound and an increase in mouth opening. Conclusions: This study shows that intra-articular PRP injection for the treatment of anterior disc displacement with reduction of the TMJ is a more effective method to reduce pain intensity and joint sound as well as increasing the patient’s mouth opening range
In this part of programme , different bacterial isolates mainly Salmonella spp, Shigella spp and Escherichia coli were used for antagonism with Saccharomyces boulardii under different conditions . S.boulardii was grown under aerobic conditions and antagonized with young overnight nutrient broth cultures of test bacterial isolates and other kept in refrigerator for a week after full growth . Young cultures were more susceptible to antagonistic effect of yeast compared to old cultures and on isolates grown on solid medium for 24 hr. S.boulardii grown under aerobic and microaerobic conditions and antagonized with overnight broth cultures of test bacterial isolates , The results revealed that aerobic cultures of yeast had more inhibito
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... Show MoreOne of the concerns of adopting an e-voting systems in the pooling place of any critical elections is the possibility of compromising the voting machine by a malicious piece of code, which could change the votes cast systematically. To address this issue, different techniques have been proposed such as the use of vote verification techniques and the anonymous ballot techniques, e.g., Code Voting. Verifiability may help to detect such attack, while the Code Voting assists to reduce the possibility of attack occurrence. In this paper, a new code voting technique is proposed, implemented and tested, with the aid of an open source voting. The anonymous ballot improved accordingly the paper audit trail used in this machine. The developed system,
... Show MoreIn the 20th century, the concept of "sarcasm" has relatively prevailed, and in this sense, it is a method in the art of conversation that wants to keep the question about the intended meaning, that is, "saying something and suggesting its opposite."
There are other concepts that indicate that sarcasm is saying something in a way that provokes the recipient of the statement an infinite number of different interpretations, with multiple readers of different interpretations. While the philosophy of irony stands by the standards of things, exaggeration or minimization, this manipulation takes place within the enjoyment. However, it's a method to present sharp criticism in an atmosphere of criticism that differs from generation to gener
Diyala Governorate has many unique and diverse geomorphological features that the region enjoys, which are among the attractions for natural tourism, as the natural environment is considered a maker of tourism. The importance of geomorphological aspects as components of natural tourism is due to their association with tourism and entertainment, as a result of the enjoyment of many geomorphological aspects of the beauty of its natural landscape on the one hand, and on the other hand, the association of these manifestations with different types of tourism activity. Any tourist area as it is the main factor for tourist attractions, such as the presence of the Hamrin hills, and sand dunes. Planning for the development of tourism activity in the
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