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An Analysis of the Efficacy of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections on the Treatment of Internal Derangement of a temporomandibular Joint
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Background: A Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) internal derangement (TMJID) is a disruption within the internal aspects of the TMJ in which the disc is displaced from its normal functional relationship with the mandibular condyle, after which the articular portion of the temporal bone causes joint dysfunction, joint sound, malocclusion, and locking of the mouth. Conservative and invasive techniques can be used for the treatment of TMJID. A platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection is a simple, less invasive surgical procedure for the treatment of internal derangement. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of PRP injections in decreasing or eliminating pain, clicking, and limitation of mouth opening in patients with TMJID after they were proven to be unresponsive to conservative treatments. The aim is to also show more predictable clinical results. Methods: The study involved 70 patients between 19 and 46 years-old, 62 of which were female and 8 of which were male (female to maleratio 7:75).There were a total of 140 joints with anterior disc dislocation with reduction, as confirmed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). PRP was injected in the TMJ in the superior joint space. Pain intensity, maximal interincisal opening, and TMJ sounds were assessed and compared for evaluation of treatment success. Results: There was a statistically significant reduction in pain intensity and joint sound and an increase in mouth opening. Conclusions: This study shows that intra-articular PRP injection for the treatment of anterior disc displacement with reduction of the TMJ is a more effective method to reduce pain intensity and joint sound as well as increasing the patient’s mouth opening range

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Assessing the efficiency Economic performance of the diyala General company for electrical industries for the Period (2000-2010)
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     Facing industrial companies many pressures and challenges due to rapid changes in the business environment of contemporary, which requires them to do their performance look more inclusive rather than limiting performance evaluation on the financial perspective in spite of its importance, prompting companies to rethink their reality competitive through the adoption of methodologies and new philosophies to manage competitiveness of total quality management, and re-engineering of production processes, and knowledge management,... etc., as This study framework cognitive and practical "to evaluate the performance of a company Diyala General Electric Industries and how to rehabilitate

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Measuring the extent to which Application the criteria Transfer stations (regularity) for the municipalities of Karrada and Shula
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The process of transporting waste from urban areas to sanitary landfill sites requires large amounts of money due to the length and distance. To address this problem, temporary transfer stations were established by the Municipality of Baghdad to reduce the cost of transportation, and for the purpose of preserving the environment in a sustainable manner, standards were set for the establishment of these stations. The two stations of Al-Karrada Municipality and Al-Shula Municipality were chosen as a case study to measure the extent of adopting and applying the standards for establishing substations locally, regionally and internationally, and the most important results were reached Which is that the transforming (regular) stations of the t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The adoption of ISO 45001: 2018 in the civil aviation establishment test and its accessibility to the standard
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The current research aims to analyze the extent of the adoption of the standards of ISO 45001: 2018 for occupational safety and health management by the General Establishment of Civil Aviation. The research problem was the extent to which the General Establishment of Civil Aviation approved ISO 45001: 2018 for occupational safety and health management. The questionnaire was used as a primary data collection tool, the sample was distributed (50) form, they were selected from the category of employees of the establishment at different levels to represent the research community. Data were analyzed using the statistical package (SPSS), a number of vector statistical methods were used as well as arithmetic mean, standard deviation, an

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluating the Efficiency of the Entomopathogenic Fungus Beauveria bassiana to Control the Brown Banded Cockroach Supella longipalpa F.
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      Entomopathogenic fungi can be ideal for the biocontrol of cockroaches since it is environment-friendly microbial pesticide. Susceptibility of second and fourth instar of nymphs and adults of the brown banded cockroach, Supella longipalpa (F.) (Blattodea: Blattellidae) to the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. at two concentrations 1x 107 and 1x 108 spore/ml was evaluated. Fungus was tested by using two different methods: bait and direct contact. Mortality was monitored after 3, 5 and 7 days’ post exposure. Direct contact of B. bassiana at concentration 1x 107 spore/ml produced mortality on adults 82.76% and for fourth and second instar of nymphs 82.76 and 93.10% after 7 daysâ

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Local Food Crisis in Iraq Between Thoughts of the Malthusian Theory and the Agricultural Section Regression Reality
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Most countries in the world particularly developing countries, including Iraq,  facing  extremely dangerous problem with social and political dimensions, which is the emergence of the food crisis  problem ,the decrease in domestic food production in Iraq isn't meet the needs of its population food, due to the fact that the agricultural sector suffers from multiple natural ,economic  and human   problems .It is still below the level required to meet the needs of the population  of  food ,since food  at the forefront of priorities needed by the human . This represents indispensable  basic  necessity , so the responsibility of its availability permanently  in appropriate&nb

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Precision tracking and visual animation and its relationship to the results of the competition with the Sabre Players.
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In order to get advanced results, we must stand at the pointsthat have been observed by the trainers that are of significance inthe sport of fencing and concern for capacity optical (traceoptical and precision visual animation), so we must learn some ofthese types of capacity, whichever is more influential in the gamefencing so that they add a new axis to the player to pick andchoose in order to achieve the desired goal and raise the level ofthe game.The study aimed to identify the relationship between the visualtracking and accuracy of visual animated face and the results ofcompetitions Sabre of the other.Used a much more descriptive approach to study relational on asample of players clubs Sabre and the way intentional, whoqualified to the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Investigations in the sanctity of divine texts and their composition: (Comparative study between the Quran and the Torah)
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The research deals with an important issue that many people are working on, namely the sanctification of the texts on which the timings of the time and the different conditions of the place took place. Do not live up to the ranks of perfection and perfection, and every effort has explanations according to the mind machine, which is not protected by infallibility from error. The great downfall is to put these intellectual efforts in the Bible without separating them from the Word of God. The situation and the place on the adherents of a religion and mixed with the trick of the average individual only to be subject to the words of the teachers of Sharia and docility.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Treasury bills to the most important monetary variables in Iraq for the period 1990 – 2013
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The treasury bills one internal government debt instruments in iraq that were used to finance temporary deficits in the government budget, There fore the government resorted to issuing for the purpose of providing liquidity, As well as to invest in productive progects, After that it was financing the budget deficit by the monetary authovity of  the central baalpennek  [the new cash velease] which led to negative effects on the Iraqi econome, Thus we find that the treasury transfers have formed alarge proportion of the gross domestic government debt to finance the deficit ayear ago 2003.                      &nbs

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of applying assurance engagements according to the international standard IASE (3402) in enhancing the auditing action
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                The research seeks to explain the role of the international auditing standard (3402) in the auditor's procedures, where the importance of the research stems from the adoption of international auditing standards in the Iraqi environment, including the standard (3402) of assurance engagements that the external auditor performs by submitting reports on the design of control tools and their operational effectiveness in a service facility that provides the beneficiaries with a service. To provide useful information for service organizations The control tools are of great benefit in rationalizing decisions, and many recommen

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The relationship between the multiple intelligence and the numerical sense of mathematic subject among 4th secondary stage students
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The study aimed to investigate the relationship between the multiple intelligence and the numerical sense. The chosen population of the study was the 4th secondary stage students. The sample consisted of 400 female and male student. The researcher utilized two test; multiple intelligence test which include three categories of intelligence (logical-mathematical, spatial, and linguistics) consisted of (36) item, and the numerical sense test that consisted of (44) item. The two tests were constructed by the researcher himself. The psychometric properties of the test were also verified. The results showed that there was a correlation between the multiple intelligence and the numerical sense as well as the students’ means scores

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