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An evaluation of three fissure sealants microleakage with presence or absence of bonding agent through time intervals (In vitro study)
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Background: Pit and fissure sealant have been considered an outstanding adjunct to oral health care in the decrease of occlusal caries onset and low progression. The aims of this in vitro study were to evaluate the marginal microleakage of three different types of fissure sealants (SDI, Tg and tetric N-flow) by time interval, one day and 45 days, in the presence or absence of bonding agent among maxillary and mandibular teeth. Materials and methods: Seventy two sound human maxillary and mandibular first premolar teeth were collected which were free from obvious carious lesions. The teeth were randomly divided into two main equal groups, group (1) and group (2), each group consists of (36) teeth involving equal numbers of maxillary and mandibular teeth. The first group incubated for one day, the second incubated for (45) days. Each group divided into two subgroup; one of them treated with bonding agent while the other without. Then each subgroup was treated with three different materials which were; Tg sealant (without fluoride) group (A), SDI sealant (containing fluoride) group (B) and Tetric N-flow (flowable composite) group (C). Each one consist of six teeth involving three maxillary and three mandibular. Then dye penetration tested by using methylene blue dye, then the teeth cleaned and sectioned by sectioning device and tested under microscope. Results, the results had shown that, group (C+) in both incubation periods have no microleakage (score 0), but there was an opposite effect when using bonding agent with sealant materials not containing filler particles that showed a significant increase in the microleakage rate as shown in groups (A+ and B+). The opposite effect was seen also when used sealant materials containing filler particles but without bonding agent that seen in group (C) during both incubation periods that showed significant increasing in microleakage rate. While the effect of fluoride was very clear in decreasing significantly the microleakage rate after (45) days of incubation in both groups that treated with and without bonding agent (groups B and B+). Concerning the anatomical variation, there were no significant changes in most groups regarding the microleakage rate. Conclusions: Results had shown that the microleakage can be prevented by using of flowable composite containing nanofillers that treated with bonding agent after etching of enamel with 35% phosphoric acid gel.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 18 2022
Journal Name
Dental Hypotheses
Microleakage Evaluation of Glass Hybrid Restoration Following Usage of Papain-Based Gel and Ceramic Bur for Caries Removal: An in Vitro Study
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
An in vitro evaluation of shear bond strength of chemical and light-cured bonding materials with stainless steel, ceramic, and sapphire brackets
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Conductivity Study of DTAB in Water and Ethanol-Water Mixture in the Presence and Absence of ZnSO4
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The physicochemical behaviour of dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) in water and ethanol-water mixture in the presence and absence of ZnSO4 were studied by measuring the conductivity at 298.15 K. The pre-micellar (S1) and post-micellar slopes (S2) were obtained and calculated the degree of dissociation (α) and the critical micelle concentration (cmc). With an increase in ethanol content, the cmc and α of DTAB increased whereas, in the presence of ZnSO4, the cmc and α decreased. By using cmc and α, thermodynamic properties as the standard free energy of micellization ( ) were evaluated. With an increase in ethanol content, the negative values of  are decreased indicating less spont

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The impact of various staining substances and immersion time on the stainability of bonded sapphire brackets with three kinds of light cure orthodontic adhesives (An in-vitro study)
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Background: The need of the patient for a more reasonable esthetic orthodontic intervention has risen nowadays. Thus, orthodontists make use of esthetic orthodontic materials like brackets, ligature elastics, and arch wires. The esthetic brackets come as different forms of materials, such as ceramic brackets, which have their stainability remaining as the most important consideration for the patients and the orthodontists. This study aimed to compare the staining effects of various staining materials, including black tea, cigarette smoke and Pepsi, as well as the time effect on the color stability of sapphire ceramic brackets bonded with three kinds of light cure orthodontic adhesives: Transbond, Resilience and Enlight. Materials and Met

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal For Dental Sciences
Microleakage Evaluation of a Silorane-Based and Methacrylate-Based Packable and Nanofill Posterior Composites (in vitro comparative study)
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This study compared in vitro the microleakage of a new low shrink silorane-based posterior composite (Filtek™ P90) and two methacrylate-based composites: a packable posterior composite (Filtek™ P60) and a nanofill composite (Filtek™ Supreme XT) through dye penetration test. Thirty sound human upper premolars were used in this study. Standardized class V cavities were prepared at the buccal surface of each tooth. The teeth were then divided into three groups of ten teeth each: (Group 1: restored with Filtek™ P90, Group 2: restored with Filtek™ P60, and Group 3: restored with Filtek™ Supreme XT). Each composite system was used according to the manufacturer's instructions with their corresponding adhesive systems. The teeth were th

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparison of microleakage Restorative Dentistry Comparison of microleakage in three different retrograde cavity preparations with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate as filling material
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Background: The apical seal is the single most important factor in determining the success of surgical endodontics, the aim of this study was to compare the sealing ability of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate in three different cavity designs. Materials and Methods: Thirty extracted human single-rooted teeth were divided into three groups of ten teeth per group, a retrograde cavity preparation was carried out using a low speed handpiece and round bur with parallel walls in the first group, ultrasonic retrotip and unit in the second group and a low speed handpiece with a carbide inverted cone bur with undercuts in the third group, all the cavities were filled with MTA. microleakage was measured by dye penetration technique using methylene blue. Re

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of a novel coating material on the microleakage of glass hybrid restoration in primary teeth – An in vitro study
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Background: Glass ionomer restorations are widely employed in the field of pediatric dentistry. There is a constant demand for a durable restoration that remains functional until exfoliation. This study aimed to measure and compare the effect of a novel coating material (EQUIA Forte Coat) on the microleakage of glass hybrid restoration (EQUIA Forte HT) in primary teeth. Material and method: Thirty cavitated (class-II) primary molars were allocated randomly into two groups based on the coat application; uncoated (control) and coated group (experimental). Cavities were prepared by the use of a ceramic bur (CeraBur) and restored with EQUIA Forte HT with or without applying a protective coat (EQUIA Forte Coat). Samples went through the therm

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of a novel coating material on the microleakage of glass hybrid restoration in primary teeth – An in vitro study
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Background: Glass ionomer restorations are widely employed in the field of pediatric dentistry. There is a constant demand for a durable restoration that remains functional until exfoliation. This study aimed to measure and compare the effect of a novel coating material (EQUIA Forte Coat) on the microleakage of glass hybrid restoration (EQUIA Forte HT) in primary teeth. Material and method: Thirty cavitated (class-II) primary molars were allocated randomly into two groups based on the coat application; uncoated (control) and coated group (experimental). Cavities were prepared by the use of a ceramic bur (CeraBur) and restored with EQUIA Forte HT with or without applying a protective coat (EQUIA Forte Coat). Samples went through the

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of The Microleakage of Polyacid Modified Composite Compared to Hybrid Composite and Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement in Primary and Permanent Teeth Restoration (An in vitro study)
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Background: Dental caries is one of the most significant problems in world health care. Restoring carious primary teeth is one of the major treatment goals for Children, and the light activated resin restoration materials like composite, resin-modified glass ionomer and polyacid-modified which was introduced in dentistry in 1970, widely used in clinical dentistry but its application increased dramatically in recent years because of its biocompatibility, color matching, good adhesive properties of its resemblance in physical and mechanical aspects to tooth. The aim of this study: To evaluate the microleakage of Polyacid-Modified Composite resin Compared to Flowable Hybrid Composite and Resin-Modified Glass ionomer cement. Materials and me

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 15 2023
Journal Name
Sumer 3
Treatment of shallow and deep white spot lesions with three different mouthwashes evaluated by laser fluorescence (an in vitro study)
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This research aims to find how three different types of mouthwashes affect the depth of artificial white spot lesions. Teeth with various depths of white spot lesions were immersed in either splat mouthwash, Biorepair mouthwash, Sensodyne mouthwash, or artificial saliva (control)twice daily for one minute for 4 weeks and 8 weeks at 37°C. After this immersion procedure, lesion depth was measured using a diagnosed pen score. A one-way analysis of variance, Dunnett T3 and Tukey's post hoc α = .05 were used to analyze the testing data. Splat mouthwash enhanced the WSL remineralization and made the lowest ΔF compared with other mouthwashes in shallow and deep enamel after 4 and 8 weeks of treatment. In the repair groups, after 4 weeks

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