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Concentrations of selected elements in permanent teeth and enamel among a group of adolescent girls in relation to severity of caries
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Background: Human teeth considered to be an important etiological host factor in relation to dental caries through its morphology and composition. Elements may incorporate in tooth structure during pre and post-eruptive period changing the resistance for caries. The aims of this study were to determine the concentration of selected major (Calcium and phosphorus) and trace elements (Ferrous iron, nickel, chromium and aluminum) in permanent teeth and enamel among a group of adolescent girls in relation to severity of dental caries Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 25 girls with an age of 13-15 years old referred by Orthodontists for extractions of upper first premolars (two sides). Tooth and enamel samples were prepared for chemical analysis according to method described by Lappalainen and Knuttila (1979). Dental caries was diagnosed by both clinical and radiographical examinations following the criteria of D1-4MFS index described by Muhlemann (1976). All data were analyzed using SPSS version 19. Results: The concentration of major elements in teeth and enamel (measured in % of dry weight) showed that Ca ions were higher than P ions. On the other hand the concentration of trace elements in teeth and enamel samples (measured in ppm) showed that Al ions was the highest followed by Ferrous Fe then Ni ions, while Cr ions were the least in concentration. All elements showed statistically highly significant difference in concentration between teeth and enamel samples. Ca/P ratio was higher in enamel than tooth, but the difference was statistically not significant. Major elements (calcium and phosphorus) in tooth and enamel samples recorded negative correlations with DMFS. Trace elements except chromium ions recorded positive correlations with DMFS. They were not significant except for nickel ions in tooth and aluminum ions in enamel. Conclusions: The presence of these elements in both teeth and enamel samples indicated that these elements present in our environment; as foods, water, and air so they incorporate through out the tooth layers during the pre-eruptive period of tooth development, and incorporate the outer enamel surface during the demineralization and remineralization processes that occurs in the post-eruptive periods. Ca and p ions play an important role in mineralization of tooth and enamel. Cr ions may play a role in improving mineralization and crystallity of teeth, while Fe, Ni and Al may act as cariogenic elements.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The elements of the global tolerance and its impact on peace
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The achievement of world peace is a humanitarian demand that humanity has sought since its existence. Despite the international and regional efforts to achieve this demand, it is still reaching its desired ambitions if conflicts, contradictions, and internal and external wars continue to justify us clearly in terms of ethnic, religious and sectarian conflict. The revolution of informatics and the impact of globalization opened a new era of communication and openness and the negative and positive impact of others, which re-published and distributed values, ideas and new cultures Some of them carries extremist ideas urging violence and destruction and other abolition, it became necessary to follow policies and reward The culture of peace,

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Health Situations Teaching Of Biology The Manner Teaching Its Relation To Ability Mind and Students Technical Medical Institute
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The Present study aims at answering the following questions:
1-What is the level of the teaching style of biology teachers who teach (human and his

2-what is the level of healthy attitude to the teachers of biology who teach (human and his
3- is there any relation between the teaching style of biology teachers who teach (human and
his health)and their student's Ability Mind.
4- is the any relation between the level of the healthy attitude to the teachers of biology who
teach (human and his health).
The researcher made the following for the purpose of answering the question of the study:
1-The card of observing the level of the teaching style (lecture style )to the teachers of

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Haemogloin Level, Blood Group, Chest X Ray Findings and Consanguinity in Thalassemic Children in AL Muthana Governorate
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Background: Thalassemia is characterized by the decrease or absence of the synthesis of one or more globin chains of hemoglobin. Thalassemia is distributed worldwide and is characterized by; regular blood transfusion which is creating alloimmunization to erythrocyte antigens is one of the major complications of regular blood transfusions in thalassemia, particularly in patients who are chronically transfused.Objectives: The aims of this study are to understand the immune system profile as the triggering factor for thalassemia.Methods: Thirty patients aging between one year and four months and twenty two years, twenty two of them were boys and eight were girls. Twenty nine patients, their parents are relative except one and studied in the

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
3rd International Scientific Conference Of Alkafeel University (iscku 2021)
Exposure and etching time effects on the fission track density in CR-39 detectors using teeth samples
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Factors associated with facial swelling severity following impacted lower third molar surgery: A prospective study
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Background: The ultimate purpose of this prospective study is to estimate and measure swelling associated with surgical extrac¬tion of impacted mandibular third molars in different four post-operative times and to identify the risk factors associated with determination of their risk degree. Material and Methods: In this prospective cohort study 159 consecutive cases in which removal of impacted lower third molars in 107outpatients were evaluated. Five groups of variables have been studied which are regarded as a potential factor for swelling after mandibular third removal which will enable the surgeon to predict and counsel high risk patients in order to offer a preventive strategy. Results: Facial measurements were carried out on 1st, 2

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 07 2018
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Clinical Research
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Objective: The present study was aimed to develop a pH-triggered in situ gel for local release of lidocaine hydrochloride (lidocaine HCL) in the buccal cavity to improve the anesthetic effect of this amino amide drug which has very high water solubility. The formulations were introduced to the oral cavity as a spray to improve compliance and for easier administration.Methods: In this work, two grades of carbopol (934 and 940)-based in situ gel spray were designed. The formulations containing lidocaine HCl 5% were prepared by mixing different concentrations of carbopol with xanthan gum. Eight formulations were investigated and evaluated for gelation capacity, spray angle, volume of solution delivered per each actuation, rheological p

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Synthesis and Characterization of New Phthalimides Containing 1,2,4-triazole and Imine Group
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Several new derivatives of 1, 2, 4-triazoles linked to phthalimide moiety were synthesized through following multisteps. The first step involved preparation of 2, 2-diphthalimidyl ethanoic acid [2] via reaction of two moles of phthalimide with dichloroacetic acid. Treatment of the resulted imide with ethanol in the second step afforded 2, 2-diphthalimidyl ester [3] which inturn was introduced in reaction with hydrazine hydrate in the third step, producing the corresponding hydrazide derivative [4]. The synthesized hydazide was introduced in different synthetic paths including treatment with carbon disulfide in alkaline solution then with hydrazine hydrate to afford the new 1, 2, 4-triazole [10]. Reaction of compound [10] with different alde

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Domestic Violence and Extremism among the Young: A Field Study in the Madain Region
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Young people represent the power and cornerstone of societies and their superiority is linked to their well-being. Their empowerment is as essential as the heart to the body, if it is corrupt, then the whole body is corrupt, and vice versa. The exposure to extremism and pressure from their families leads to violent acts and crimes for obtaining money through unknown organized bodies. This will drive them to fail in their life in an attempt to fulfill their most basic needs, which they have been deprived of by their families, the government, and other institutions. Therefore, governments should provide job opportunities for young people and provide entertainment centers, sports clubs, and family education centers that raise awareness of s

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Percentage of Availability of the Elements of Citizenship Concept in the Guides for Teachers of Musical Skills in the Sultanate of Oman
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This research aims to identify the availability of the elements of the concept of citizenship, to identify the distribution ratios of the outputs of the musical skills curriculum at the levels of educational goals associated with the elements of the concept of citizenship in the guides of teachers of musical skills for grades (12-1) in the Sultanate of Oman. A content analysis card was designed to include the teacher’s guides of musical skills for grades (12-1), which included the outputs, according to the grades with the identification of the elements of citizenship (identity, belonging, rights, participation). The results of the research revealed that the percentage of inclusion of citizenship values

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
An Integrated Model of The Relation Between E-Service Quality and User Satisfaction in IHL
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Abstract<p>Quality of e-service is one of the critical factors that decide the success or failure of organizations. It may increase competitive advantages as well as enhance the relationships with the customers. Achieving high e-service quality and user satisfaction are challenging since they depend fundamentally on user perception and expectation which can be tricky at times. To date, there is no agreement as to what service quality is, and how it should be measured, whether it is a function of statistical measures of quality including physical defects or managerial judgment, or it is a function of customer perception about the services. This paper deep-dived the quality of e-services offered b</p> ... Show More
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