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Concentrations of selected elements in permanent teeth and enamel among a group of adolescent girls in relation to severity of caries
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Background: Human teeth considered to be an important etiological host factor in relation to dental caries through its morphology and composition. Elements may incorporate in tooth structure during pre and post-eruptive period changing the resistance for caries. The aims of this study were to determine the concentration of selected major (Calcium and phosphorus) and trace elements (Ferrous iron, nickel, chromium and aluminum) in permanent teeth and enamel among a group of adolescent girls in relation to severity of dental caries Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 25 girls with an age of 13-15 years old referred by Orthodontists for extractions of upper first premolars (two sides). Tooth and enamel samples were prepared for chemical analysis according to method described by Lappalainen and Knuttila (1979). Dental caries was diagnosed by both clinical and radiographical examinations following the criteria of D1-4MFS index described by Muhlemann (1976). All data were analyzed using SPSS version 19. Results: The concentration of major elements in teeth and enamel (measured in % of dry weight) showed that Ca ions were higher than P ions. On the other hand the concentration of trace elements in teeth and enamel samples (measured in ppm) showed that Al ions was the highest followed by Ferrous Fe then Ni ions, while Cr ions were the least in concentration. All elements showed statistically highly significant difference in concentration between teeth and enamel samples. Ca/P ratio was higher in enamel than tooth, but the difference was statistically not significant. Major elements (calcium and phosphorus) in tooth and enamel samples recorded negative correlations with DMFS. Trace elements except chromium ions recorded positive correlations with DMFS. They were not significant except for nickel ions in tooth and aluminum ions in enamel. Conclusions: The presence of these elements in both teeth and enamel samples indicated that these elements present in our environment; as foods, water, and air so they incorporate through out the tooth layers during the pre-eruptive period of tooth development, and incorporate the outer enamel surface during the demineralization and remineralization processes that occurs in the post-eruptive periods. Ca and p ions play an important role in mineralization of tooth and enamel. Cr ions may play a role in improving mineralization and crystallity of teeth, while Fe, Ni and Al may act as cariogenic elements.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
12- months color stability of direct resin composite veneers in anterior teeth: Clinical trial
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Background: This clinical trial aims to evaluate the color changes of direct resin composite veneer (DCV) restorations based on spectrophotometric analysis of 4 different types of resin composites between the baseline immediately after polishing and after one year of follow-up. Materials and methods: 28 patients were assessed for eligibility for participation, aged between 18 and 38 years old, who indicated for DCV restorations in anterior maxillary teeth were considered for participation in this study. In total, 25 patients who met the inclusion criteria were selected (6 males and 19 females, mean age: 20.9 at the time of restoration placement), and 3 patients were excluded. Partic

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Smart thin king and its relation with cognitive (intuitive- Systematic) style among the university lecturers
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Smart thinking requires a continuous flexible systeroatic  teaching in order that the lecturer can reach at easily, The Successful individuals in smart thin king are the most knowledgably with  it, where the cognitive (intuitive- systematic) style has common bases with another cognitive styles in many traits, and these two concepts are the core of theorization of the rost important cognitive styles. The present study aims to measure the Smart thinking among university lecturers according to sex variable and recognize the statistically differences significance in the level of cognitive (intuitive- systematic) style among the university lecturers according to sex variable and recognize the correlation between smart thinki

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Finite strain of the Tertiary rocks and their relation to tectonic deformation at Al-Tib Anticline in Missan governorate, Southeastern part of Iraq
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Development In Social Sciences And Humanities
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PDBN Rashid, International Journal of Development in Social Sciences and Humanities, 2023

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A study of some atomic properties for He-like selected ions
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The atomic properties have been studied for He-like ions (He atom, Li+, Be2+ and B3+ions). These properties included, the atomic form factor f(S), electron density at the nucleus , nuclear magnetic shielding constant and diamagnetic susceptibility ,which are very important in the study of physical properties of the atoms and ions. For these purpose two types of the wave functions applied are used, the Hartree-Fock (HF) waves function (uncorrelated) and the Configuration interaction (CI) wave function (correlated). All the results and the behaviors obtained in this work have been discussed, interpreted and compared with those previously obtained.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Stylistic Analysis of Two Selected Poems: تحليل اسلوبي لقصيدتين مختارتين
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This paper presents a stylistic analysis of two poems of well-known poets of the English literature, namely; E.E. Cummings and the Irish noble laureate Seamus Heaney.  The researcher's attempt here is to approach Cummings’s poem “maggie and milly and molly and may” and Heaney’s “A Kite for Aibhín from the stylistics’ point of view.  The paper also analyzes the poems using the tools of linguistics with a view to make their meaning explicit.

          It is worth noting that stylistics as a scientific discipline is really beneficial to those who are teaching and studyi

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Genre-Based Analysis of Selected Political Debates: A Discourse Analysis Study
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The researchers of the present study have conducted a genre analysis of two political debates between American presidential nominees in the 2016 and 2020 elections. The current study seeks to analyze the cognitive construction of political debates to evaluate the typical moves and strategies politicians use to express their communicative intentions and to reveal the language manifestations of those moves and strategies. To achieve the study’s aims, the researchers adopt Bhatia’s (1993) framework of cognitive construction supported by van Emeren’s (2010) pragma-dialectic framework. The study demonstrates that both presidents adhere to this genre structuring to further their political agendas. For a positive and promising image

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Enhancing the Performance of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters Using Permanent Magnets
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A cantilevered piezoelectric beam with a tip mass at its free end is a common energy harvester configuration. This paper introduces a new principle of designing such a harvester which increases the generated voltage without changing the natural frequency of the harvester: The attraction force between two permanent magnets is used to add stiffness to the system. This magnetic stiffening counters the effect of the tip mass on the natural frequency. Three setups incorporating piezoelectric bimorph cantilevers of the same type in different mechanical configurations are compared theoretically and experimentally to investigate the feasibility of this principle. Theoretical and experimental results show that magnetically stiffe

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Usage of the visual elements in the interior designing of indoor swimming pools
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The research specializes in (Usage of the visual elements in the interior designing of indoor swimming pools), the research seeks to provide a study that contributes to providing scientific and knowledge material, as a reference for researchers, students of interior design and architecture, and companies constructing indoor swimming pools.
The objective research is to detect the actual state of the interior design of the indoor swimming pools, and recognize the most important standards and techniques used in its design to provide appropriate design solutions if needed also Proposing a development proposals for the interior design of indoor swimming pools, the theoretical framework of this study, included two sections, The first one ta

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Calculation of soil pollution indices with elements in residential areas of Baghdad city
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Estimation of elements: Pb, Zn, Mn, Cd, and Cu, which were conducted seasonally from October-2021 till March-2022 in residential areas of Baghdad City using Geoaccumulation index (Igeo), enrichment factor ratios (EF), the factor of contamination (CF), contamination degree (Cd), index of pollution load (PLI) and index of potential ecological risk (Eif). The overall contamination factor in the research area is limited from low contamination with Cu, Mn, and Zn, moderately contaminated to very high contamination with Pb and Cd, while the assessment according to the I-geo index shows categories that vary from a slightly polluted to unpolluted by those examined heavy metals. The pollution load index indicates that the soils in some resi

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