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Concentrations of selected elements in permanent teeth and enamel among a group of adolescent girls in relation to severity of caries
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Background: Human teeth considered to be an important etiological host factor in relation to dental caries through its morphology and composition. Elements may incorporate in tooth structure during pre and post-eruptive period changing the resistance for caries. The aims of this study were to determine the concentration of selected major (Calcium and phosphorus) and trace elements (Ferrous iron, nickel, chromium and aluminum) in permanent teeth and enamel among a group of adolescent girls in relation to severity of dental caries Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 25 girls with an age of 13-15 years old referred by Orthodontists for extractions of upper first premolars (two sides). Tooth and enamel samples were prepared for chemical analysis according to method described by Lappalainen and Knuttila (1979). Dental caries was diagnosed by both clinical and radiographical examinations following the criteria of D1-4MFS index described by Muhlemann (1976). All data were analyzed using SPSS version 19. Results: The concentration of major elements in teeth and enamel (measured in % of dry weight) showed that Ca ions were higher than P ions. On the other hand the concentration of trace elements in teeth and enamel samples (measured in ppm) showed that Al ions was the highest followed by Ferrous Fe then Ni ions, while Cr ions were the least in concentration. All elements showed statistically highly significant difference in concentration between teeth and enamel samples. Ca/P ratio was higher in enamel than tooth, but the difference was statistically not significant. Major elements (calcium and phosphorus) in tooth and enamel samples recorded negative correlations with DMFS. Trace elements except chromium ions recorded positive correlations with DMFS. They were not significant except for nickel ions in tooth and aluminum ions in enamel. Conclusions: The presence of these elements in both teeth and enamel samples indicated that these elements present in our environment; as foods, water, and air so they incorporate through out the tooth layers during the pre-eruptive period of tooth development, and incorporate the outer enamel surface during the demineralization and remineralization processes that occurs in the post-eruptive periods. Ca and p ions play an important role in mineralization of tooth and enamel. Cr ions may play a role in improving mineralization and crystallity of teeth, while Fe, Ni and Al may act as cariogenic elements.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Modesty trait and its relation to self-assertiveness among Tikrit university’s students
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The study aims to identify the level of modesty and self-assertiveness among Tikrit university’s students in regard with students’ gender and major (scientific, human studies), and to identify the correlation between modesty trait and self-assertiveness of students. To this end, the researcher has designed a scale to measure modesty that consisted of four-domains (decency, avoiding of unattractive, pang of conscience, and apprehension). Moreover, the researcher adopted a scale of self-assertiveness that designed by (shawki, 1998). The sample included (600) student on first-stage at the university of Tikrit. The results revealed that students have a high level of modesty and self-assertiveness; there is a correlation between modesty t

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Adaptive Response and its relation to Cognitive Appraisal among Secondary School Students
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The current research's problem includes the impact of cognitive reappraisal and reformulate on self-experience of emotional response and its negative feelings and the activity of cognitive reappraisal in changing response. The aim of this research is to detect the relation between adaptive response and cognitive reappraisal upon students of secondary school, and to find differences in gender and stage. The sample contained male and female student for the year(2022-2023) and consists of (480) students (240) male and (240) female in the karkh education/ 1 To achieve this aims researcher used descriptive method and to measure the two variables researcher built a scale for adaptive response according to theory of compound emotion (Barrett,20

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 09 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Nutrition Awareness among Middle School Students and its relation to some Variables
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    The aim of the study was to identify the nutritional awareness of middle school students and its relation to some variables of the sample of the research according to the gender variable (male and female), the variable type of family and the variable achievement of the parents.       

      The descriptive approach was adopted and the sample of the study consisted of (795) male and female students who were selected by the random stratified method. The research tool was prepared based on the literature and previous studies. The food awareness measure in its final form was (25) after the data collection was processed using the appropriate statistical met

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Semantic Relation among the Expressions Of the Phonetic in the Holy Qura: The Semantic Relation among the Expressions Of the Phonetic in the Holy Qura
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The phonetic replacement is the process of putting a sound or a linguistic
syllable instead of another in one word that results in changing its meaning . It is one
way of vocabulary varionsness and discrimination because replacement among the
sounds of one expression and changing its image lead to change its meaning , and
accordingly , each replaced sound has its own linguistic value that distinguishes it . In
other words , the phonetic replacement is based on system of phonemic change
which is a general phenomenon in all languages . The linguistic system doesn’t stand
straight for word unless it is based on different standards that work on variousness ,
assortment and relating the phonetic change wi

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The relation between the mesio-distal crown widths of the deciduous second molars and the permanent first molars
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Background: This study aimed to find whether there is a relation between the mesio-distal crown diameters of the deciduous second molars and the permanent first molars in an Iraqi sample from Baghdad city. Material and methods: The sample consisted of 54 Iraqi children aged 8-9 years at the mixed dentition stage. The measurements included the mesio-distal crown width of the deciduous second molars and the permanent first molars on the study casts using digital sliding vernier. Results: The results revealed absence of the side difference of the widths of teeth measured. High significant gender difference was detected for the permanent first molars and the deciduous second molars except mandibular permanent first molar. On the other hand, hig

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Infants’ Obesity and Overweight in Relation to Type of Feeding
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Abstract Objective (s): To identify the prevalence of obesity and overweight in infants and children less than 2 years of age and its relationship with type of feeding in a sample of children attending Al- Kadhymia primary health care center. Methodology: This study was a descriptive survey carried out in, the primary health care centre of Al-Kadhymia town in Baghdad during the period from 5th of July 2009-1st of May 2010. Sample was chosen by non probability convenience sampling and it included 744 infant and children. Data were gathered by a combination of a structured questionnaire and measurements o

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Disney’s Girls: The Development of Persona from Snow White to Pocahontas
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Through his female characters, Walt Disney was able to reflect the
development of the general outlook upon women in the Western world over a period
of sixty years.
This paper sheds light in how the cartoon characters changed in their reaction
to problems and means of solving them from the 30s through to the 90s of the
previous century. The main characters will be seen according to the films’ dates of
production and release.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 02 2019
Journal Name
World Heart Journal
Assessment of the Left Ventricular Mass (LVM) among Patients with Diabetes in Relation to Age Using Doppler Echocardiography
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Background: Diabetes mellitus a major factor that has adverse effects on the vascular system and the heart. It causes an increase in cardiac muscle thickness, resulting in decreased compliance and increased peripheral arterial stiffness. This study aims to assess the left ventricular mass (LVM) and left ventricular hemodynamic changes in diabetic patients measured by Doppler echocardiography. Patients and Methods: The study included 50 diabetic patients ranging in age between 25 and 80 years, (mean age: 54.1 ± 15.10, 19 males, 31 females) and 50 healthy subjects, aged 25 to 80 years (mean age: 48.52 ± 14.45, 11 males, 39 females). Doppler echocardiography was used to assess left ventricular function. The measurements included

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Future Anxiety and Its Relation to Life Orientation among Male and Female Nurses Working in Gaza Strip Government Hospitals
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The study aimed to explore the relationship between future anxiety and life orientation of male and female nurses, working in government hospitals of Gaza Strip governorates. The study sample consisted of 228 nurses (131 male nurses and97 female nurses. To achieve the study objectives , the researcher used the future anxiety scale, prepared by the researcher, and life orientation scale prepared by Scheier and Craver (1985 ) and translated into Arabic by Bader Al-Ansari . The results indicated that the level of future anxiety among nurses working at government hospitals was (64.85%), a high percentage, whereas life orientation was (65.96%), a low percentage. Additionally , the results showed that the Pearson correlation coefficient betwee

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Assessment of the oral findings, salivary oxidative status and IgA level among group of workers exposed to petroleum pollutants in Al-Daura oil refinery
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Background: Oil refinery workers are continuously exposed to numerous hazardous materials. Petroleum contains the heavy metals as a natural constituent or as additives. These metals induce the production of ROS which associated with an oxidative damage to DNA, proteins, and lipids. This study was conducted to assess the salivary levels of heavy metals, salivary oxidative status, oral immunological activity (salivary sIgA) and assessment of the oral findings among the workers of Al-Daura oil refinery in Baghdad city. Subjects, Materials and Methods: This study was done in Al-Daura oil refinery; samples consist of 60 workers involved in refinery processes (study group) and 20 non-workers (control group). Oral examination and saliva collection

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