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Time of Emergence of Permanent Teeth and Impact of Nutritional Status among 4-15 Years Old Children and Teenagers in Basrah City /Iraq
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Background: The timing of eruption of permanent teeth is of considerable importance to the dental health planning for diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic measures for children and teenagers. The purposes of this study were to determine timing of maxillary and mandibular permanent teeth emergence (except third molars) and to evaluate the effect nutritional status by anthropometric measures on the eruption time of permanent teeth, investigations had been done according to jaw and gender variations. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted among four to fifteen years old children and teenagers from kindergarten and schools in Basrah city in the south region of Iraq. The total sample composed of 1807 children and teenagers that were collected randomly from kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Basrah city. The data were statistically analyzed by using probit model in order to compute the median 5th and 95th percentile range of emergence. Athropmetric measures of height and weight were used for the purpose of assessment of nutritional status. The indices include: Weight for age, Height for age and Weight for height; each was considered as in term of standard deviation score (Z – score) as primary indicator of underweight, stunting and wasting respectively. The statistical significance of differences in mean of a normally distributed variable (nutritional indices z score) between 2 groups was assessed by independent samples t-test. Results: The results showed significant differences (p<0.05) between the timing of maxillary and mandibular teeth emergence in girls and boys, with earlier emergence in girls , also the mandibular teeth emerge before their maxillary opposing teeth in both sexes except for premolars . The prevalence of malnutrition according to height for age, weight for age, and weight for height nutritional status indicators were found to be 7.4 %, 3.7 % and 1.5% respectively. The results showed that among well-nourished children and teenagers described by height for age nutritional status indicator, most teeth were significantly erupted earlier than stunted except the lateral incisor which erupted earlier in stunted boys than well-nourished boys but the difference was not significantly accepted. The greatest difference of median eruption age of permanent teeth between well -nourished and stunted found in girls in the second molar tooth. Conclusions: Records indicated that the Iraqi children exhibit variation in their times of permanent teeth emergence when compared with other studies, and among well-nourished children and teenaged described by height for age nutritional status indicator, most teeth were significantly erupted earlier than stunted children and teenagers.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Obesity and its co morbidities in children and adolescents
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Background: Obesity has become one of the most important public heath problems all over the world.An epidemic of obesity is affecting children and adolescents across the developed and developing countries in recent years. As the prevalence of obesity increased, so did the prevalence of co morbidities like metabolic and endocrine diseases.Objectives: To overview obesity clinical features and the prevalence of associated co morbidities in children and adolescents attended the obesity researches and therapy center in Alkindy medical collage.Type of study: This is a cohort observational studyMethods : Obese child and adolescents aged 4-15year attended the obesity research and therapy unit in AL Kindy medical collage from the 1st of September

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Suggested Index for studying violent by Environment and Psychology components among Collegian students at a sample in Baghdad City
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Objective: To identification environmental and psychological violence's components among collegians’ students of different stages, and gender throughout creating specific questionnaire, and estimating regression of environmental domain effect on psychological domain, as well as measuring powerful of the association contingency between violence's domains in admixed form with respondent characteristics, such that (Demographics, Economics, and Behaviors), and extracting model of estimates impact of studied domains in studying risks, and protective factors among collegians’ students in Baghdad city. Methodolog

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Neoplasm
The stage of breast cancer at the time of diagnosis: correlation with the clinicopathological findings among Iraqi patients
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Background: Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy and the second leading cause of mortality among women in Iraq forming 23% of cancer related deaths. The low survival from the disease is a direct consequence to the advanced stages at diagnoses. Aim: To document the composite stage of breast cancer among Iraqi patients at the time of diagnosis; correlating the observed findings with other clinical and pathological parameters at presentation. Patients and Methods: A retrospective study enrolling the clinical and pathological characteristics of 603 Iraqi female patients diagnosed with breast cancer. The composite stage of breast cancer was determined according to UICC TNM Classification System of Breast Cancer and the Ameri

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal Of Administrative And Economic Sciences
The impact of Outward bank transfers on exchange rates in Iraq
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The depreciation of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar, reaching low levels and causing disruptions in the local markets, has had detrimental effects on individuals and companies, particularly those with limited income and the poor. The local currency approached around 1600 dinars per dollar, after the official exchange rate had stabilized at around 1450 dinars per US dollar. This depreciation in the value of the Iraqi dinar can be attributed to financial speculation among currency traders, which directly affected exchange rates and illicit dollar smuggling operations. Bank transfers are also important alongside financial transactions, especially in light of current economic developments in the 21st century. To prevent currency s

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Leptin and Insulin Resistance in Obese Children
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Background: Insulin resistance (IR) is the primary metabolic disorder associated with obesity. Obesity is a growing worldwide health problem affecting both adults and children. Objectives: To determine the association between leptin and IR, and to identify the ratio of fasting glucose/leptin (G/L) and insulin/leptin (I/L) as a new simple method for the detection of IR in obese children.Methods: This study was done in the National DiabeticCenter/ AL-Mustansiriya University during the period fromMay 2013 until the end of October 2013. Fasting bloodglucose (FBG), serum insulin, leptin, and lipid profile weremeasured in 52 obese children (24 children with IR and 28without IR); their age range was (5-15) years, they werecompared with 38 healt

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Recruitment of Children in African Armed Conflicts and its International Dimensions
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       African countries are among the countries in the world that suffer from the phenomenon of child recruitment in wars and conflicts. There are many reasons behind it, including the nature of the human formation of children, the societal violence to which they are exposed, lack of access to education, economic hardships, as well as the role of African wars and conflicts and other reasons that compelled children to join armed groups and participate in military operations. The recruitment of children is divided into two types, compulsory and voluntary, and this leads to many humanitarian and security repercussions that are not limited to a specific period of time but extend to subsequent generations, and due to its seriousness, t

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 22 2023
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn 2789-3219 )
Clinical Characteristics and Therapeutic Management of Osteogenesis Imperfecta in Iraqi Children
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Background: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a rare congenital condition that results in bone fragility, recurrent fractures, and various extra-skeletal manifestations. Currently, intravenous bisphosphonate is the mainstay of medical treatment in OI. Objective: To identify the effect of current management strategies on Iraqi children diagnosed with OI. Methods: A retrospective study enrolled OI patients who were registered in Central Child Teaching Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq, from January 2015 to December 2022. We enrolled confirmed OI cases (either clinically and/or radiologically) who received cyclic pamidronate therapy for at least 3 cycles. They neither received other types of bisphosphonates nor underwent surgical intervention. Res

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
Estimation of Prevalence rate of Sjogren’s syndrome among Rheumatology clinic patients in Iraq
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Pjmhs Jun
Non-polio Enterovirus Isolation in children with acute Flaccid Paralysis in Iraq
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Aim This study is an overview of NPEV investigated during AFP surveillance programs for the period 2010–2017 in Iraq. Methods Stool samples from 4296 AFP cases and 2933 healthy contacts among children less than 15 years of age were processed for virus isolation as a part of AFP surveillance for the Global Polio Eradication Program in Iraq at National Polio Laboratory. NPEV detection was performed by virus isolation on cell culture according to WHO recommendations. Results The NPEV isolation rate was 14% of total AFP cases and 14.5% of healthy contacts. The infection rate was higher in males than females with a male/female ratio of 1.5: 1. The highest NPEV infection rate was observed among the children aged 1-2 years and decrease significa

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Geotechnical Engineering And Sustainable Construction
Determine the Most Common Geotechnical Risks and Their Impacts on the Cost and Time Schedule for Implementing Water Treatment Plants in Iraq
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