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Assessment of some mechanical properties of Imprelon® and Duran® thermoplastic Biostar machine sheets in comparison with some types of acrylic resins
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Background: Imprelon® Biostar foils are new alternative tray material that has become increasingly popular because oftheir several advantages. Also, (Duran®) is another type of Biostar foils which is used in splint therapy. This study assessed some mechanical properties of these two types Biostar sheets in comparison with some types of acrylic resins used for construction of trays and splints. Materials and Methods: A total of 150 specimens were prepared, 30 specimens for each test, 10 for each group material in order to assess some mechanical properties of the Imprelon® Biostar foil (dimension stability, surface roughness and shear bond strength of Imprelon® materialto zinc oxide impression material) and compare them to that of the other tray materials (autopolymerized and VLC) resin materials. Also to assess the mechanical properties (wear rate and transverse strength) of the Duran® Biostar Foil and compared them with that of the other splints materials (heat-cure acrylic and VLC) resins. Results:The results showed highly significant differences at P<0.01 between all studied groups except the in dimensional changes of Imprelon® and VLC, and in wear rate of heat cure acrylic and VLC resins, no significant differences obtained between their studied groups. Conclusions: Imprelon® is dimensionally stable, so it can be used directly after fabrication, also it has a good shear bond to zinc oxide eugenol impression material but it may not provide mechanical retention to other elastomeric impression materials and their adhesives since it has a low value of surface roughness (Ra).Duran® is recommended for short time use in patients with acute pain and/or dysfunction symptoms.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Reverse Derivations With Invertible Values
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this paper, we will prove the following theorem, Let R be a ring with 1 having
a reverse derivation d ≠ 0 such that, for each x R, either d(x) = 0 or d(x) is
invertible in R, then R must be one of the following: (i) a division ring D, (ii) D 2 ,
the ring of 2×2 matrices over D, (iii) D[x]/(x ) 2
where char D = 2, d (D) = 0 and
d(x) = 1 + ax for some a in the center Z of D. Furthermore, if 2R ≠ 0 then R = D 2 is
possible if and only if D does not contain all quadratic extensions of Z, the center of

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Robust Optimization with practical application
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The purpose of this paper is applying the robustness in Linear programming(LP) to get rid of uncertainty problem in constraint parameters, and find the robust optimal solution, to maximize the profits of the general productive company of vegetable oils for the year 2019, through the modify on a mathematical model of linear programming when some parameters of the model have uncertain values, and being processed it using robust counterpart of linear programming to get robust results from the random changes that happen in uncertain values ​​of the problem, assuming these values belong to the uncertainty set and selecting the values that cause the worst results and to depend buil

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Playfair with Multi Strata Encryption
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     Playfair cipher is a substitution scheme. The classical playfair scheme has a limited matrix size  containing only uppercase letters, so it is prone to hackers and cryptanalysis. To increase the resistance of playfair cipher, a new encipherment and decipherment method is proposed in this work, which depends on the permutation and its inverse, respectively. In addition, a modified  key matrix is utilized, which includes capital and small Alphabets, numbers, and 38 special characters collected from ASCII codes. In the proposed method, both substitution and transposition schemes are used, where the first stratum of the cipher is a substitution by using  key matrix and the second stratum is a transposi

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
The International Journal Of Oral &amp; Maxillofacial Implants
Early Failure Rate and Associated Risk Factors for Dental Implants Placed With and Without Maxillary Sinus Augmentation: A Retrospective Study
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Chem Tech Research
Synthesis of New Selective Electrodes for the Determination of Metronidazole Benzoate (MNZB) Based on a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Combined With Poly Vinyl Chloride
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of different oral hygiene regimens on the quantity of cariogenic plaque on orthodontic bands with different attachments (A clinical photographic study)
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Background: Fixed orthodontic appliances impede the maintenance of oral hygiene and result in plaque accumulation leads to enamel demineralization caused by acids produced by bacteria. Studies on plaque control strategies in orthodontic populations are limited. This might be caused by difficulties in the quantitative evaluation of dental plaque because the teeth have various levels of bracket coverage, and different tooth sizes and malocclusions, making the traditional categorical indices complex. The present study aims to evaluate the effect of different hygiene protocols on plaque quantity on bands with different attachments. Materials and method: Twenty patients had four bands within the orthodontic appliance. Then randomly divided into

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Influence of Inclined MHD on Unsteady Flow of Generalized Maxwell Fluid with Fractional Derivative between Two Inclined Coaxial Cylinders through a Porous Medium
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"This paper presents a study of inclined magnetic field on the unsteady rotating flow of a generalized Maxwell fluid with fractional derivative between two inclined infinite circular cylinders through a porous medium. The analytic solutions for velocity field and shear stress are derived by using the Laplace transform and finite Hankel transform in terms of the generalized G functions. The effect of the physical parameters of the problem on the velocity field is discussed and illustrated graphically.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Dental Sciences
Evaluation of the efficacy of lycopene gel compared with minocycline hydrochloride microspheres as an adjunct to nonsurgical periodontal treatment: A randomised clinical trial
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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Environmental Chemical Engineering
Green synthesis for novel sorbent of sand coated with (Ca/Al)-layered double hydroxide for the removal of toxic dye from aqueous environment
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Dental Sciences
Evaluation of the efficacy of lycopene gel compared with minocycline hydrochloride microspheres as an adjunct to nonsurgical periodontal treatment: A randomised clinical trial
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