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Photodynamic Therapy and Periodontology
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This review highlights the importance of photodynamic therapy in periodontology. It can be confirmed that the photodynamic therapy as adjunct to classical scaling and root planing can be recommended as treatment option, which can by no means replace the classical therapy concepts. But even over an observation period of six months a slightly higher improvement of the clinical parameters was achieved than with SRP alone.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Preliminary study on the phytoplankton of the marshes Al-Sallal , Al- Hwizah and Al­ Chebiaysh - South Iraq
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Phytoplankton  flora in southern marshes of govemorate Al- Basrah ( Al-SallaJ   marsh   )                                  Meissan   (Al-   Hwizah   marsh)   and   Di-qar   (Al­ Chebiaysh  marsh ) were studied from August 12005 to November /2005,

Four Stations were Chosen in each marsh. Identified  species and total

cell count were recorded . As aquality study, (35) species of algae were identified belonged to (23) genus in Al-Sallal  marsh  , (46) speci

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 14 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measurement of radon and thoron concentrations of soil- gas in Al-Kufa city using RAD-7 detector
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This work represents the set of measurements of radon and thoron concentrations levels of soil-gas in Al-Kufa city in Iraq using electric Radon meter (RAD-7). Radon and thoron concentration were measured in soil-gas in 20 location for three depth of (50, 100 and 150) cm.
The results show that the emanation rate of radon and thoron gas varied from location to anther, depending on the geological formation. The Radon concentration in soil has been found to vary from (12775±400) Bq/m3 at 150 cm depth in location (sample K2) to (41.45±17) Bq/m3, for depth 150 cm in location (sample K20). The thoron concentration in soil has been found to vary from (198±8.5) Bq/m3 at 150 cm depth in location samples (K1 & K2) to undetected in the mos

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Embossing technologies and their role in enhancing the aesthetic dimension of digital printing: رياض محسن حبيب الربيعي
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Publications are generally considered an effective visual artistic means that addresses the recipient (the audience), with the functional, aesthetic and expressive dimensions they carry that contribute to spreading a diverse cultural awareness, especially those publications that are concerned with their media, promotional and organizational performance, as well as specific cultural events at specific times, in pursuit Access to renewable and elaborate designs to achieve the functional and aesthetic purpose, as the completed design and construction process is subject to many variations, whether this diversity is intellectual or technical, internal or external, and all of them may overlap to obtain a comprehensive system of artistic format

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Mechanisms of Pricing Iraqi Crude Oil and It's Reflect On the Trends of Export (2003-2013)
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Oil is considered the most important source for providing the funds for the national economic sectors. The revenues of oil constitute %95 of the GPD. Therefore, the development of the remaining sectors depend on oil..

The Iraqi Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO) depended on the a unified price for all the buyers, That may not reflect the real value of market and did not contribute in marketing the type of heavy oil. Then, to what extent had SOMO been able to market the light and heavy crude oil in a way that contains the expected increase in the crude oil production.      

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Methods of Acting Performance and Watching Industry in Street Theatre- Play (Sold) - A Model: بهاء زهير كاظم
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  The audience is one of the important practical elements in the theatrical show and its importance is not confined to its static activity as a receiver element only, rather it went beyond that issue as an effective and influential element in the proceedings of the show and the process of meaning construction, that it gains an active role in the construction and production of the connotation that influences and is influenced by the actor, where the communication channels are open between the two sides, consequently a kind of watching and joint interaction happens between them. Thus, it has become necessary for the actor to create a suitable environment for the onlookers in order for it to be an essential part of the show system. The

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of nano and micro SiO2 weight percent on interlaminar fracture toughness of woven roving/ epoxy composites
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Effect of nano and micro SiO2 particles with different weight percent (2,4,6,8 and 10) %wt on the Interlaminar fracture toughness (GIc) of 16-plies of woven roving glass fiber /epoxy composites prepared by hand lay – up technique were investigated. The specimens were tested using DCB test (mode I).
Area method was used to compute the interlaminar fracture toughness. The results show that, GIc would increase with the increasing in the filler content, the main failure in microcomposites and nanocomposites was delamination in the layers, the delamination reduced with increasing in the filler content.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of the Effect of the North Atlantic Oscillations with Temperature and Precipitation in Baghdad City
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     The aim of this research is to study the effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on the temperature and precipitation patterns in Baghdad city. Data of the monthly means of the NAO index,the monthlymeans of temperature, and the monthly total of precipitation were analyzed for the period 1900-2008. Non-parametric tests were used to investigate the correlations between these variables. The time series of temperature and precipitation showed no trends. The results indicated that is a slight correlation between the NAO and temperature and precipitation suggesting that NAO has no major effects on the temperature and precipitation patterns in Baghdad city.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Cholera disease in iraq and the invetigation of some virulence of vibrio locally isolated from diarrhea case
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A survey statistician for cholera in Iraq for 1980 and until 2003 show that cholera is endemic in Iraq and that the highest number of casualties recorded in the years 1998-1999 and increasing spread of the disease during the wars in hot climates, wet a study bacteriological used where circles selective and tests Alkouhaoah examinations serological system

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Student's Relationship with Teacher and His Relation to the Student's Behavior in the Intermediate Stage Students
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The goal of this study is to investigate the relationship between the student and the teacher and the student's behavior for a subject of the student in the intermediate stage, the sample contained (568) student, (266) male and (302) female.
The scale of student – teacher relationship was built according to a questionnaire pointed to a sample of the students, adding to that reviewing a number of previous scales and studies which was about the same topic, and in the same way a measure of student behavior was constructed.
Results showed that there was significant relation between the student's teacher relationship and student behavior, and the level of student- teacher relationship is higher than the average of the population that

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Serum Trace Elements (Zinc, Copper and Magnesium) Status in Iraqi Patients with Acne Vulgaris :( Case- Controlled Study)
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Recently on the dermatological fields, the serum levels and the roles of Zn, Cu and Mg have been studied especially in acne vulgaris, but the results were controversial. The aim of the present study is to investigate  a relationship between the severity of acne and the serum levels of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and magnesium (Mg) and to demonstrate the status of serum levels of zinc, copper, and magnesium in Iraqi male patients with acne vulgaris and to compare it with those of healthy controls.This case controlled study was conducted in the Department of Dermatology and Venerology and in the Poisoning Consultation Center of Baghdad Teaching Hospital between May 2009 to January 2010. Forty- five male patients with acne vulgaris, their a

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