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An Assessment of Sagittal Condylar Position of TMJ Dysfunction in Centric Occlusion by Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography

Background: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a compound articulation formed from the articular surfaces of the temporal bone and the mandibular condyle.CBCT imaging of TMJ is that it allows accurate measurements of the volume and surface of the condyle. The aim of the study is to assess the sagittal position of mandibular condyle in patients with temporomandibulardysfunction using Cone Beam Computed Tomography in centric occlusion. Materials and Methods: CBCT images for all patients were obtained in an upright position using New Tom Giano CBCT with different field of view (11 x 8), (11 x 5), and (8 x 8) and exposure factors was changed accordingly using NNT version 5.1 software for sagittal reconstruction, anterior, superior and posterior joint spaces was measured. Results: There was a significant change in the anterior, posterior and superior joint spaces when compared to normal functioning TMJ. The sagittal position of the condyle in glenoid fossa could be affected by TMJ dysfunction and it would be positioned centrally but slightly inferior to the normal position according to the results of this study. There was no significant difference in the sagittal condylar position in glenoid fossa between sexes. There was significant difference in the value of anterior, posterior and superior TMJ spaces between right and left sides of the mandible in both normal cases and TMJD. Conclusion: Sagittal section of Temporomandibular joint revealed that TMJ dysfunction affects the joint spaces in sagittal plane. It means significant changes occur in the value of anterior, posterior and superior joint spaces when compared to normal functioning TMJ.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Impact assessment of strategic goods on government grants and as a result of activity: An analytical study at the General Company of grain trading

  In Iraq,  government contributions to the public companies have become a very important aspect which contributes to the survival and sustainability of these institutions as it consider  one of the main sources of funding, if not it consider the basis of funding.

  According to  the vital roles assigned to these institutions to follow up, which usually  include important activities in the national economy, the research focused on studying the field reality of the method used in evaluating the stock of total production and purchases of goods for the purpose of selling the strategic commodities of the General Company for Grain Trade.  As a result, the aim of this study came to came to highlight&n

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An An Accurate Estimation of Shear Wave Velocity Using Well Logging Data for Khasib Carbonate Reservoir - Amara Oil Field


Shear and compressional wave velocities, coupled with other petrophysical data, are vital in determining the dynamic modules magnitude in geomechanical studies and hydrocarbon reservoir characterization. But, due to field practices and high running cost, shear wave velocity may not available in all wells. In this paper, a statistical multivariate regression method is presented to predict the shear wave velocity for Khasib formation - Amara oil fields located in South- East of Iraq using well log compressional wave velocity, neutron porosity and density. The accuracy of the proposed correlation have been compared to other correlations. The results show that, the presented model provides accurate

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2018
Journal Name
الجامعة المستنصرية كلية الإدارة و الاقتصاد
The possibility of adoption of hybrid cloud computing in Iraqi universities : an analytical study using technology acceptance model

الناصر، عامر عبد الرزاق عبد المحسن والكبيسي، صلاح الدين عواد كريم. 2018. إمكانية تبني الحوسبة السحابية الهجينة في الجامعات العراقية : دراسة تحليلية باستخدام أنموذج القبول التكنولوجي. مجلة الإدا

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Comparative Study between Nasal Endoscopic Findings and Nose and Paranasal Sinus Computerized Tomography in diagnosis of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses Diseases

Background: Nasal obstruction is common in otorhinolaryngology outpatient visitors. The diagnosis of such compliant is by history, clinical examination and diagnostic procedures. Nasal endoscopy and computerized tomography scan are common diagnostic investigations. Nasal obstruction is either anterior or posterior (nasal septal deviations, hypertrophied turbinate pathological cyst, polyps, mass etc), or postnasal obstruction (hypertrophied turbinate, adenoid hypertrophy, nasopharyngeal cyst or nasopharyngeal tumors).

Aim of study: Prospective study to compare endoscopic finding and computerized tomography of nose, paranasal sinuses and postnasal space as diagnostic methods for nasal obstruction and other nose, p

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 04 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Media Image of Afghan Women as Reflected by News Websites in 2021: an Analytical Study of Russia Today site

International news websites, including Russia Today, pay special attention to the media image of Afghan women, especially after the Taliban movement took control of Afghanistan. Therefore, it was necessary to know the image of the Afghan woman, the fate of the rights she acquired in recent years, and the transformations that affected her after the Taliban took control of the government, and studied them on international news sites, specifically Russia Today.

          The researcher summarized the problem of this study in the following question: What is the media image of the Afghan woman on the Russia Today news site?


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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Human Skin WoundWelding Using 980 nm Diode Laser: an in Vitro Experimental Study

Laser assisted skin wound closure offers many distinct advantages over conventional closure
techniques. The objective of this in vitro experimental study, carried out at the Institute of Laser for
Postgraduate Studies/Baghdad University, was to determine the effectiveness of 980 nm diode laser in
welding of human skin wounds. Multiple 3-4 cm long full thickness incisions in a specimen of human
skin obtained from the discarded panniculus of an Abdominoplasty operation were tried to be laser
welded using a 4 mm spot diameter laser beam from a 980 nm diode laser at different laser parameters
and modes of action. The tensile strength at the weld site was analyzed experimentally. Although laser
assisted wound welding did

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Community Detection in Modular Complex Networks Using an Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

     Community detection is an important and interesting topic for better understanding and analyzing complex network structures. Detecting hidden partitions in complex networks is proven to be an NP-hard problem that may not be accurately resolved using traditional methods. So it is solved using evolutionary computation methods and modeled in the literature as an optimization problem.  In recent years, many researchers have directed their research efforts toward addressing the problem of community structure detection by developing different algorithms and making use of single-objective optimization methods. In this study, we have continued that research line by improving the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm using a

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Scopus (3)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect Of Using Quantitative Methods Of Demand Forecasting In Improving Of Supply Chain Performance:" Case Study In One Of An Industerial Organization"

Objecte The study aims to test the effect of using the appropriate quantitative method of demand forecasting in improving the performance of supply chain of the aviation fuel product ( The study sample), One of the products of the Doura refinery (The study site), By testing a set of quantitative methods of demand forecasting using forecasting error measurements, and choosing the least faulty, most accurate and reliable method and adept it in the building  chain.

Is the study of problem through a starting with the fol

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Path Planning of an autonomous Mobile Robot using Swarm Based Optimization Techniques

This paper presents a meta-heuristic swarm based optimization technique for solving robot path planning. The natural activities of actual ants inspire which named Ant Colony Optimization. (ACO) has been proposed in this work to find the shortest and safest path for a mobile robot in different static environments with different complexities. A nonzero size for the mobile robot has been considered in the project by taking a tolerance around the obstacle to account for the actual size of the mobile robot. A new concept was added to standard Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) for further modifications. Simulations results, which carried out using MATLAB 2015(a) environment, prove that the suggested algorithm outperforms the standard version of AC

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Crossref (18)
Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Design of an Electron Gun Using two Electrod Low Aberration Immersion Lens

A two electrode immersion electrostatic lens used in the design
of an electron gun, with small aberration, has been designed using
the finite element method (FEM). By choosing the appropriate
geometrical shape of there electrodes the potential V(r,z) and the
axial potential distribution have been computed using the FEM to
solve Laplace's equation.
The trajectory of the electron beam and the optical properties of
this lens combination of electrodes have been computed under
different magnification conditions (Zero and infinite magnification
conditions) from studying the properties of the designed electron
gun can be supplied with Abeam current of 5.7*10-6 A , electron
gun with half acceptance

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