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Evaluating the anti- Pseudomonas Aeroginosa Efficacy and Potential Cytotoxicity of Nerium Oleander Alcoholic Extract
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Nerium oleander known as oleander has belonged to the poisonous plants its habitat in a tropical andsubtropical region. The chemical analysis with GC-Mass of the alcoholic extract of oleander leaves revealedthat this plant has many chemical compounds more than 80 compounds and high-peaks about 29 compoundswhich are represented by alkaloids, phenol, terpenes, and fatty acid. HPLC analysis showed many essentialoils that have many biological effects.To evaluate the antibacterial activity of the alcoholic extract of N. oleander against locally isolatedPseudomonas aeroginosa the broth micro-dilution method was adapted to different concentrations werestarted from 3.9 to1000 mg/ml. The results revealed that the alcoholic extract has antibacterial activitydepending on the concentration and bacterial strain.When treating the onion root cells as a model of the study to find the cellular toxic effect the results showedthat treatment with an alcoholic extract of oleander leaves with concentrations (control, 150, 300, 600,and 1200 mg /ml) for four hrs., the mitotic index (MI) was decreased to less than 50%, when treated withhigh concentrations 600,1200 mg /ml and many cases of chromosomal aberration were shown, such as theabnormal shape of the cells with a percentage about 1 and 2.8 % at the concentrations 600 and 1200 mg /ml respectively, as well as the multinucleated cells recorded the highest percentage at the concentrations1200 mg /ml with 14.4%, and nuclear lesion (chromatin degradation) were seen in a large percentage atthe interphase were recorded 13.66, 25.42, and 32.3% at the concentrations 300,600, and1200 mg /mlrespectively.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Acute and Chronic Sinusitis – Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment: A Review article
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Background: Sinusitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the mucous membrane lining the airways. Chronic rhinosinusitis and acute rhinosinusitis are the two types. Rhinosinusitis is characterized by facial pain, congestion, and headache. Due to the widespread prevalence of sinusitis, there must be an evaluation of the case because the diagnoses are more serious in the advanced stages of the disease and impact the outcome of care. Objectives: The objective of this study was to conduct a literature evaluation of chronic and acute rhinosinusitis, risk factors, symptoms and signs of sinusitis, diagnostic, sinusitis treatment, and antibiotic treatment, as well as new databases. Conclusion:

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of New Mesomorphic Azo Compounds and Study their Photoluminesecence Properties
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The preparation of a new Azo compounds of highly conjugated dimeric and polymeric liquid crystal to achieve the crystalline characteristics Which have structures assigned based on elemental analysis, IR 1HNMR and CHNS-O while mesogenic properties have been set for DSC and hot-stage polarizing optical microscopy. The compounds show enantiotropicnematic phase being displayed. The compounds show photoluminescence properties in the organic solution at room temperature, with the fluorescence band centered around 400 nm.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Extraction and Characterization of rapeseed oil (Brassca campestris ) and it's Effected on Microorganisms
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Oil from Brassca campestris (local variety) was extracted with hexane using Soxhlet. The extracted oil was characterized and its antimicrobial activity was determined as well. The content of extracted oil was 40% with 0.5% of volatile oil .Oil was immiscible with polar solvent such as ethanol, acetone and water, while it was easily miscible with chloroform due to its hydrophobicity. The result of organoleptic tests revealed that the oil is clear yellow in color and odorless with acceptable taste. The oil was stable at 4 -25 C? for a month. Refractive index (RI) of oil was 1.4723 with density of 0.914, [both at 4-25 C?]. Boiling point 386 C?. Infra red spectroscopy (IR) indicated the presence of different chemical groups (C=C

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Physiological and Hormonal Effects of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles on Thyroid and Kidney Functions
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           Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) are generally used in different types of applications such as the industry of plastics, paper industry, paints, toothpaste, cosmetics, sunscreens, and in various lifestyles, because of the vast range of applications and our daily exposure to these nanoparticles and a lack of information on animal and human health this study was designed to reveal dose and time-dependent effects of TiO2-NPs on the thyroid gland and kidney functions in male rats.

For this study 54, Sprague-Dawley albino adult male rats were classified into three main groups each of 18 rats treated for a particular duration (1,2, and 4) weeks respectively. Each group was subdivided i

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Scopus (4)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jul 05 2018
Journal Name
Eurasip Journal On Wireless Communications And Networking
Positioning and guiding educational robots by using fingerprints of WiFi and RFID array
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Scopus (7)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Chemical Methodologies
Synthesis and Characterization of New Substituted Coumarin Derivatives and Study Their Biological Activity
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New substituted coumarins derivatives were synthesized by using nitration reaction to produce different nitro coumarin isomers which were separated from these isomers by using different solvent, and the reduction of nitro compounds was done to give corresponding amino coumarins. Temperature and reaction time of reaction were very important factors in determining the most productive nitro isotopes. A low temperature for three hours was sufficient to give a high product of a compound 6-nitro coumarin while increasing the temperature for a period of twenty-four hours that gave a high product of 8-nitro-coumarin. The synthesized compounds were confirmed by FT-IR,1 H-NMR, and13 C-NMR spectroscopy and all final compounds were tested for their ant

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Scopus (20)
Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison of Groundwater Quality and Quantity between Al-Rahbah and Al-Haydariyah Regions
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This study focused on two areas in AL-Najaf city, AL-Ruhbah and Al-Haydariyah regions because of the importance and widespread use of groundwater in these areas. The two areas were compared quantitatively and qualitatively. For the quantitative approach, the GMS software was used in conjunction with the GIS software to simulate the groundwater flow behavior. The solid model for both areas was created, the geological formation was determined, and the hydraulic properties were identified using GMS software. To test the quantity of groundwater in both areas, the wells have been redistributed to a distance of 2000 m between them, and a period of 1000 days was chosen. When a discharge of 10 l/s and operation times of 4, 8, an

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design and Implementation of Classical Sliding Mode Controller for Ball and Plate System
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Ball and Plate (B&P) system is a benchmark system in the control engineering field that has been used to verify many control methods. In this paper the design of a sliding mode . controller has been investigated and verified in real-time via implementation on a real ball and plate system hardware. The mathematical model has been derived and the necessary parameters have been measured. The sliding mode controller has been designed based on the obtained mathematical model. The resulting controller has been implemented using the Arduino Mega 2560 and a ball and plate system built completely from scratch. The Arduino has been programmed by the Arduino support target for Simulink. Three test signals has been used for verification purposes

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Regeneration and Cormels Production of White Prosperity and Priscilla Gladiolus Varities In Vitro
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Plant regeneration and cormel production was carried out from callus cultures initiated from White Prosperity and Priscilla Gladiolus Varities. It is aimed to produce plants and cormels in vitro all year round. The study included many experiments, these were the effect of Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and Kinetin (Kin) interaction on callus initiation, effect of Benzyl adenine (BA) on shoot regeneration from callus culture, effect of NAA on rooting after 30, 40 and 50 days in culture. The role of the type of agricultural medium (Peat moss or river sand and their mixture on plantlets survival after weaning was studied. Results showed that the interaction between NAA and Kin induced callus on axillary bud explants. Callus was best ini

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Use of Internet by Universities Teachers and Benefits in Teaching and Scientific Research
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The research aims to shed light on the internet and how to employ them and to take advantage of applications in scientific research among faculty members, from a survey the opinions of professors at the University of Alanbar and Almustansiriah, to see the reality of use of the Internet and ways to invest in the service of scientific research.
The follow descriptive analysis approach , which is appropriate to the nature of this study concerned with exploring the views on the uses of the Internet. The study reached the field the following results:
1- There are(60) % of respondents use the Internet on an ongoing basis to see new information and keep pace with scientific developments in the field of specialty and the average use of the

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