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Evaluating the anti- Pseudomonas Aeroginosa Efficacy and Potential Cytotoxicity of Nerium Oleander Alcoholic Extract

Nerium oleander known as oleander has belonged to the poisonous plants its habitat in a tropical andsubtropical region. The chemical analysis with GC-Mass of the alcoholic extract of oleander leaves revealedthat this plant has many chemical compounds more than 80 compounds and high-peaks about 29 compoundswhich are represented by alkaloids, phenol, terpenes, and fatty acid. HPLC analysis showed many essentialoils that have many biological effects.To evaluate the antibacterial activity of the alcoholic extract of N. oleander against locally isolatedPseudomonas aeroginosa the broth micro-dilution method was adapted to different concentrations werestarted from 3.9 to1000 mg/ml. The results revealed that the alcoholic extract has antibacterial activitydepending on the concentration and bacterial strain.When treating the onion root cells as a model of the study to find the cellular toxic effect the results showedthat treatment with an alcoholic extract of oleander leaves with concentrations (control, 150, 300, 600,and 1200 mg /ml) for four hrs., the mitotic index (MI) was decreased to less than 50%, when treated withhigh concentrations 600,1200 mg /ml and many cases of chromosomal aberration were shown, such as theabnormal shape of the cells with a percentage about 1 and 2.8 % at the concentrations 600 and 1200 mg /ml respectively, as well as the multinucleated cells recorded the highest percentage at the concentrations1200 mg /ml with 14.4%, and nuclear lesion (chromatin degradation) were seen in a large percentage atthe interphase were recorded 13.66, 25.42, and 32.3% at the concentrations 300,600, and1200 mg /mlrespectively.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
Performance possibilities of the flute (Descriptive analytical study)

The nay is one of the important in stvument in Arabic music which is considered one of the oriental instruments used in the oriental music tect, and is also considered one of the basic instruments in Arabic music, It is used in many religious and mundane areas, through its expressive capabilities through which expression and conveyance of feelings to the recipient, despite their importance and role in music, and through the researcher's follow-up to this subject did not find a study on the potential capabilities of the machine. In view of the above, and given the importance of this subject at the researcher, the need arose for research to study (the potential of the flute machine)..

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The concept of identity in Western political thought

Receipt date:10/8/2019 acceptance date:18/12/2019 Publication date:31/12/2021

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This research is concerned with the concept of identity in general "Overall definition" and is not exposed to the classifications of identity or concepts that deal with their types and classifications, only the concept in terms of the initial picture as well as the views of thinkers on the proof of

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Geographical analysis of the poultry in Wasit governorate

This study aims to discuss the projects of poultry in Wasit province in 2013 and geographical distribution according to the type and contrast on the level of administrative units representing Districts and The reasons for this discrepancy, as well as knowledge of the factors affecting the distribution by the analysis and reasoning and description This study divided to the four themes, The first of the statement of nutritional importance and economic Poultry focused on the importance of various poultry products, The second one shows the relative position of the province of Wasit between the provinces of Iraq in poultry and production of eggs and meat farming projects, and then followed by the third one (theme) as it ensures the geographic

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

In this paper, the static analysis for finding the best location of boxes inside the composite wing-box structure has been performed. A software ANSYS (ver.11) was used to analyses the Aluminum wing to find the maximum stresses reached in. These results are used as a base for the composite wingbox to find the numbers of layers and location of the box beam and its dimensions so that the composite wingbox may carry the same loading conditions in the Aluminum wing. Analysis showed that a composite wingbox having two boxes is better than the single or triple boxes wing based on stress to weight ratio. Mass saving of (40%) had been achieved when composite wing-box is used instead of Aluminum wing.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Scientific Efforts of Ahmed Mustafa Al-Maraghi

This conducted research,  (The Scientific Efforts of Ahmed Mustafa Al-Maraghi) deals with Al-Maraghi's life, birth, upbringing, characteristics, title, family and religion secter, as well as his general biography. And his relationship with scholars, his learning and teaching, and the introduction of the Muhammed Abdo School and the College of Dar Al Uloom, and finally the discussion  of his scientific, social and political poin of view, as an interpreter of twentieths century, was  appointed as the president of Al-Azhar and Ifta during the days of the royal era, and he studied at the College of Dar Al-Uloom


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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The clinico-pathological findings of surgically treated goiter

Background: Goiter is one of the most common conditions that affect people’s at different age groups with its effect on the metabolic status of the body through the hyper&/hypo functioning gland that may needs surgical resection. This prospective study had been conducted on 100 patient (85 females&15 males} at the specialized center for endocrinology and diabetes mellitus in Baghdad city, between Jan.2013-Oct.2014;Their ages were ranging between 11-75 years ; the median age is (40.5 years) .Objectives: define the clinic-pathological pattern of goiter in the center .Methods: This is a prospective study at the specialized center for endocrinology & diabetes in Baghdad at ALRissafa district; including 100 patients (84 f

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Coloproctology
The Value of Terminal Ileum Intubation During Colonoscopy
Abstract<p>It is uncertain whether terminal ileum intubation should be performed routinely during colonoscopy, as there is uncertainty regarding its diagnostic value. The aim of the present study is to assess the diagnostic yield of terminal ileum intubation during colonoscopy according to indications for colonoscopy. This is a cross-sectional study in which the results of 294 total colonoscopy procedures were reviewed; ileal intubation was performed in 269 (91.49%) patients. The indications for colonoscopy, the results of ileoscopy, and the histopathological results of ileal biopsies were evaluated.</p><p>A total of 54 (20%) out of 269 patients who had successful intubation into the terminal ileum sh</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 03 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Palynological Study of the Genus Arabis l.(Brassicaceae)

Pollen morphology of 4 species (A. aucheri , A. auriculata, A. caucasica, A. nova) belonging to the genus Arabis L. in Iraq was examined by light microscope and scanning electron microscope to determine the significance of pollen features as a taxonomic characters. The results showed pollen grains of the species were monades, homopolar, tricolpate, and with medium size, but the species varied in shapes (polar and equatorial view), colpus length and width, exine thickness and exine ornamentation. Pollen colors were brown convert to brownish yellow.

Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The optical properties of (PVA+PVP) + PANI blends

Polyaniline polymer has been prepared by chemical oxidation
polymerization method in laboratory successfully. The PANI and
(PVA+PVP) as a polymer blends in different percentage (30%, 50%,
70%) from Polyaniline was prepared. The sample was studies as
optical properties by UV-vis spectrophotometer at (400-700) nm.
The result of optical energy gap was 2.23 eV for pure (PVA+ PVP)
and with additive was increasing with increasing PANI concentration
to become (2.49 for 30% to 2.52 for 70%) PANI. The goal of this
project is prepare triple blend polymer and study the effect when add
conductive polymer (Polyaniline) on the optical properties and
calculate optical constant as energy gap, refractive index, dielectric

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Sediment Transport within the Reservoir of Mandali Dam

Mandali Dam is one of the small dams in Iraq; it is located on Haran Wadi, Gangir, just 3km north-east Mandali City. Mandali dam consists of four main parts, the dam body, the intake structure, the spillway, and the bottom outlet. The dam body is zoned earth filled with a central core.  The main purposes of the dam are to maintain flow of Wadi Haran, supplying irrigation and drinking water to Mandali City, and recharging the groundwater. Over a period of seven years of operation, the dam lost its ability to store water due to accumulated sediments within its reservoir. The accumulated sediment is about 2.25million m3. The average annual rate of reduction during this period is about 0.321

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