تقدم هذه الدراسة وصفا للطريقة المستخدمة في تحضير الكربون المنشط (AC)من بقايا الشاي. تم دراسة الخواص الفيزيائية والكيميائية وكفاءة الامتزاز للكربون المنشط المحضر. تم إنتاج الكربون المنشط (AC) على مرحلتين: الاولى التنشيط باستخدام حامض الفوسفوريك (H3PO4) والثانية الكربنة عند درجة حرارة 450 درجة مئوية. استخدم الكربون المنشط لغرض امتصاص العقار الدوائي السيبروفلوكساسين(CIP) . تمت دراسة عدة عوامل تشغيلية بدرجة حرارة الغرفة لمعرفة تأثيرها على كفاءة الامتزاز. تشمل هذه العوامل التركيز الأولي لـ CIP الممتز، ومستوى الرقم الهيدروجيني، وزمن الامتزاز، وكمية المادة المازة. تم اختبار خصائص الكربون المنشط باستخدام التحليل الطيفي للأشعة تحت الحمراء (FTIR)، والمجهر الماسح الإلكتروني (SEM)، وحيود الأشعة السينية (XRD)، وحساب المساحة السطحية والحجم المسامي بطريقة (BET). تمت دراسة نمط الامتزاز وتبين بان نموذج Langmuir هو الموديل المناسب لعملية امتزاز CIP على الكربون المنشط بالشاي .(TAC)يتمتع الكربون المنشط المنتج بالقدرة على امتصاص السيبروفلوكساسين، بقدرة امتصاص قصوى تبلغ 256.41 ملغم/غرام. تمت دراسة حركية الامتزاز وتبين انه يمكن تمثيلها بتفاعل من الدرجة الثانية.
Desulfurization of a simulated diesel fuel by different adsorbents was studied in a fixed-bed adsorption process operated at ambient temperature and pressure. Three different adsorption beds were used, commercial activated carbon, Cu-Y zeolite, and layered bed of 15wt% activated carbon followed by Cu-Y zeolite.Initially Y-zeolite was prepared from Iraqi rice husk and then impregnated with copper. In general, the adsorbents tested for total sulfur adsorption capacity at break through followed the order Ac/Cu-Y zeolite>Cu-Y zeolite>Ac. The best adsorbent, Ac/Cu-Y zeolite is capable of producing more than 30 cm3 of simulated diesel fuel per gram of adsorbent with a weighted average content of 5 ppm-S, while Cu-Y zeolite producing of
... Show MoreThis work is aiming to study and compare the removal of lead (II) from simulated wastewater by activated carbon and bentonite as adsorbents with particle size of 0.32-0.5 mm. A mathematical model was applied to describe the mass transfer kinetic.
The batch experiments were carried out to determine the adsorption isotherm constants for each adsorbent, and five isotherm models were tested to choose the best fit model for the experimental data. The pore, surface diffusion coefficients and mass transfer coefficient were found by fitting the experimental data to a theoretical model. Partial differential equations were used to describe the adsorption in the bulk and solid phases. These equations were simplified and the
... Show MoreThe adsorption of copper ions onto produced activated carbon from banana peels (with particle size 250 µm) in a single component system with applying magnetic field has been studied using fixed bed adsorber. The fixed bed breakthrough curves for the copper ions were investigated. The adsorption capacity for Cu (II) was investigated. It was found that 1) the exposure distance (E.D) and strength of magnetic field (B), affected the degree of adsorption; and 2) experiments showed that removal of Cu ions and accumulative adsorption capacity of adsorbent increase as the exposure distance and strength of magnetic field increase.
The adsorption isotherms and kinetic uptakes of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) on fabricated electrospun nonwoven activated carbon nanofiber sheets were investigated at two different temperatures, 308 K and 343 K, over a pressure range of 1 to 7 bar. The activated carbon nanofiber-based on polymer (PAN) precursor was fabricated via electrospinning technique followed by thermal treatment to obtain the carboneous nanofibers. The obtained data of CO2 adsorption isotherm was fitted to various models, including Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin. Based on correlation coefficients, the Langmuir isotherm model presented the best fitting with CO2 adsorption isotherms’ experimental data. Raising the equ
This research presents a response surface methodology (RSM) with I‐optimal method of DESIGN EXPERT (version 13 Stat‐Ease) for optimization and analysis of the adsorption process of the cyanide from aqueous solution by activated carbon (AC) and composite activated carbon (CuO/AC) produced by pyro carbonic acid microwave using potato peel waste as raw material. Pyrophosphate 60% (wt) was used for impregnation with an impregnation ratio 3:1, impregnation time of 4 h at 25°C, radiant power of 700 W, and activation time of 20 min. Batch experiments were conducted to determine the removal efficiency of cyanide from aqueous solution to evaluate the influences of various experimental parameters su
This work was carried to study the capability of activated alumina from bauxite compared with activated carbon adsorption capability to reduce the color content from Al-Hilla Textile Company wastewater. Six dyes were studied from two types(reactive and dispersed) namely (blue, red, yellow) from wastewater and aqueous solutions.
Forty eight experiments were carried out to study the effect of various initial conditions (bed height, flow rate, initial concentration, pH value, temperature, and competitive adsorption) on adsorption process.
The results showed that the adsorption process using activated carbon insured a good degree of color reduction reaching (99.7%) and was better than activated bauxite which reached (95%).
The adsorption of hexavalent chromium by preparing activated carbon from date seeds with zinc chloride as chemical activator and granular date seeds was studied in a batch system. The characteristics of date seeds and prepared activated carbon (ZAC) were determined and found to have a surface area 500.01 m2/g and 1050.01 m2/g , respectively and iodine number of 485.78 mg/g and 1012.91 mg/g, respectively. The effects of PH value (2-12), initial sorbate concentration(50-450mg/L), adsorbent weight (0.004-0.036g) and contact time (30-150 min) on the adsorption process were studied . For Cr(VI) adsorption on ZAC, at 120 min time contact, pH solution 2 and 0.02 adsorbent weight will ach
... Show MorePharmaceuticals are widely distributed in different applications and also released into the environment. Adsorption of Ciprofloxacin HCl (CIPH) on Porcelinaite was studied at ambient conditions. The adsorption isotherms can be well described using the Freundlich and Temkin equations. The pH of the solution influences significantly the adsorption capacity of Porcelinaite, the adsorption of CIPH increased from the initial pH 1.3 and then decreased over the pH rang of 3.8-9. The adsorption is sensitive to the change in ionic Strength, which indicate that electrostatic attraction is a significant mechanism for sorption process. The enthalpy change (ΔH) for the adsorption of CIPH onto Porcelinaite signifies an endothermic adsorption. The ΔG va
... Show MorePharmaceuticals are widely distributed in different applications and also released into the environment. Adsorption of Ciprofloxacin HCl (CIPH) on Porcelinaite was studied at ambient conditions. The adsorption isotherms can be well described using the Freundlich and Temkin equations. The pH of the solution influences significantly the adsorption capacity of Porcelinaite, the adsorption of CIPH increased from the initial pH 1.3 and then decreased over the pH rang of 3.8-9. The adsorption is sensitive to the change in ionic Strength, which indicate that electrostatic attraction is a significant mechanism for sorption process. The enthalpy change (∆H) for the adsorption of CIPH onto Porcelinaite signifies an endothermic adsorption. The ∆G
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