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A Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Approach for Test Case Prioritization and Optimization
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The application of the test case prioritization method is a key part of system testing intended to think it through and sort out the issues early in the development stage. Traditional prioritization techniques frequently fail to take into account the complexities of big-scale test suites, growing systems and time constraints, therefore cannot fully fix this problem. The proposed study here will deal with a meta-heuristic hybrid method that focuses on addressing the challenges of the modern time. The strategy utilizes genetic algorithms alongside a black hole as a means to create a smooth tradeoff between exploring numerous possibilities and exploiting the best one. The proposed hybrid algorithm of genetic black hole (HGBH) uses the capabilities of considering the imperatives such as code coverage, fault finding rate and execution time from search algorithms in our hybrid approach to refine test cases considerations repetitively. The strategy accomplished this by putting experiments on a large-scale project of industrial software developed. The hybrid meta-heuristic technique ends up being better than the routine techniques. It helps in higher code coverage, which, in turn, enables to detect crucial defects at an early stage and also to allocate the testing resources in a better way. In particular, the best APFD value was 0.9321, which was achieved in 6 generations with 4.879 seconds the value to which the computer was run. Besides these, , the approach resulted in the mean value of APFD as 0.9247 and 0.9302 seconds which took from 10.509 seconds to 30.372 seconds. The carried out experiment proves the feasibility of this approach in implementing complex systems and consistently detecting the changes, enabling it to adapt to rapidly changing systems. In the end, this research provides us with a new hybrid meta-heuristic way of test case prioritization and optimization, which, in turn, helps to tackle the obstacles caused by large-scale test cases and constantly changing systems.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 05 2019
Journal Name
Gen. Lett. Math
Building a three-dimensional maritime transport model to find the best solution by using the heuristic algorithm
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The aim of this research is to construct a three-dimensional maritime transport model to transport nonhomogeneous goods (k) and different transport modes (v) from their sources (i) to their destinations (j), while limiting the optimum quantities v ijk x to be transported at the lowest possible cost v ijk c and time v ijk t using the heuristic algorithm, Transport problems have been widely studied in computer science and process research and are one of the main problems of transport problems that are usually used to reduce the cost or times of transport of goods with a number of sources and a number of destinations and by means of transport to meet the conditions of supply and demand. Transport models are a key tool in logistics an

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Design bases for waste recycling rules in cities/ Baghdad, a case study"
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Waste is one of the most important problems affecting the city’s environment and its urban landscape, which results from the activities and activities of man and the natural environment. Its sources have varied between residential, commercial, industrial, medical and hazardous, and its spread in cities, on roads and on abandoned open lands, has led to significant negative effects and risks to human health and the environment.

  Therefore, there were serious attempts to deal with waste and follow sequential steps that formed a waste management system such as (collection, sorting, transport, then treatment and disposal). Preventing and reducing waste, then recycling and recovering by composting or burning, and ending with bu

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Mathematical Approach for Computing the Linear Equivalence of a Periodic Key-Stream Sequence Using Fourier Transform
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A mathematical method with a new algorithm with the aid of Matlab language is proposed to compute the linear equivalence (or the recursion length) of the pseudo-random key-stream periodic sequences using Fourier transform. The proposed method enables the computation of the linear equivalence to determine the degree of the complexity of any binary or real periodic sequences produced from linear or nonlinear key-stream generators. The procedure can be used with comparatively greater computational ease and efficiency. The results of this algorithm are compared with Berlekamp-Massey (BM) method and good results are obtained where the results of the Fourier transform are more accurate than those of (BM) method for computing the linear equivalenc

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Speech Enhancement Algorithm Based on a Hybrid Estimator
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Abstract<p>Speech is the essential way to interact between humans or between human and machine. However, it is always contaminated with different types of environment noise. Therefore, speech enhancement algorithms (SEA) have appeared as a significant approach in speech processing filed to suppress background noise and return back the original speech signal. In this paper, a new efficient two-stage SEA with low distortion is proposed based on minimum mean square error sense. The estimation of clean signal is performed by taking the advantages of Laplacian speech and noise modeling based on orthogonal transform (Discrete Krawtchouk-Tchebichef transform) coefficients distribution. The Discrete Kra</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
5th International Conference On Energy Aware Computing Systems &amp; Applications
Area efficient test circuit for library standard cell qualification
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High cost of qualifying library standard cells on silicon wafer limits the number of test circuits on the test chip. This paper proposes a technique to share common load circuits among test circuits to reduce the silicon area. By enabling the load sharing, number of transistors for the common load can be reduced significantly. Results show up to 80% reduction in silicon area due to load area reduction.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 05 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Determine criteria for follow-up test defensive basketball junior
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Longer follow-up defense , one of basketball skills that require the team collective action involving active part and consistent to acquire bouncing balls even not be a chance for members of the team striker acquisition rebounding from the target area and bring it back again , which reduces the chances of scoring, and it enables team members defender of the performance of fast attack and score points for being the increase your chances of success.In light of the foregoing, reflected the importance of research in achieving the objective basis of skill tests that require a circumstance similar to the circumstances of the game with the standard operating procedures for the registration, and that the validity judged by consistency between tests

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Vlsi Design & Communication Systems (vlsics)
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Increased downscaling of CMOS circuits with respect to feature size and threshold voltage has a result of dramatically increasing in leakage current. So, leakage power reduction is an important design issue for active and standby modes as long as the technology scaling increased. In this paper, a simultaneous active and standby energy optimization methodology is proposed for 22 nm sub-threshold CMOS circuits. In the first phase, we investigate the dual threshold voltage design for active energy per cycle minimization. A slack based genetic algorithm is proposed to find the optimal reverse body bias assignment to set of noncritical paths gates to ensure low active energy per cycle with the maximum allowable frequency at the optimal supply vo

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2021
Monitoring and controlling the speed and direction of a DC motor through FPGA and comparison of FPGA for speed and performance optimization
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<span lang="EN-US">We are living in the 21<sup>st</sup> century, an era of acquiring necessity in one click. As we, all know that technology is continuously reviving to stay ahead of advancements taking place in this world of making things easier for mankind. Technology has been putting his part in introducing different projects as we have used the field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) development board of low cost and programmable logic done by the new evolvable cyclone software is optimized for specific energy based on Altera Cyclone II (EP2C5T144) through which we can control the speed of any electronic device or any Motor Control IP product targeted for the fan and pump. Altera Cyclone FPGAs’ is a board thro

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 10 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Real Time Quantum Bit Error Rate Performance Test for a Quantum Cryptography System Based on BB84 protocol
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In this work, the performance of the receiver in a quantum cryptography system based on BB84 protocol is scaled by calculating the Quantum Bit Error Rate (QBER) of the receiver. To apply this performance test, an optical setup was arranged and a circuit was designed and implemented to calculate the QBER. This electronic circuit is used to calculate the number of counts per second generated by the avalanche photodiodes set in the receiver. The calculated counts per second are used to calculate the QBER for the receiver that gives an indication for the performance of the receiver. Minimum QBER, 6%, was obtained with avalanche photodiode excess voltage equals to 2V and laser diode power of 3.16 nW at avalanche photodiode temperature of -10

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology &amp; Research
Development of a spectrophotometric analytical approach for the measurement of cefdinir in various pharmaceuticals
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