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Evaluating the Benefits of Using Mobile Application (diarrhea management step by step) in the Management of Diarrhea by Community Pharmacists
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Diarrhea is one of the most commonly encountered minor ailments in the community pharmacies. It is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. However, the majority of pharmacists in Iraq did not manage diarrheal cases in a proper way. Therefore, the current study aimed to evaluate the benefit of a new mobile application (diarrhea management step by step) to improve the pharmacist's role in the management of diarrhea. The study was conducted from 21th September to 21th October 2021 using a pre-post design via a simulated patient (SP) technique. A validated diarrhea scenario was presented to each pharmacist by the SP twice, once before and the other after giving the mobile application to the pharmacist. Furthermore, pharmacists were asked to rate the application in regard to its ease of use, reducing the time needed for management of diarrhea cases, reducing diagnostic errors, reducing  medication errors, and applicability in daily clinical practice. The study sample involved 50 community pharmacists. However, only 47 completed the study. After using the application, all questions necessary to assess diarrhea were significantly improved. Moreover, the average number of questions asked to the SP was significantly increased. On the other hand, providing the SP with an appropriate non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment was also significantly improved. Additionally, counseling the SP with the necessary information about dispensed medication was improved; however, significant improvement was detected only in regard to information about the drug dose and dosing frequency. Most participated pharmacists strongly agreed with the application ease of use, its ability to reduce diagnosis and medication errors, and its applicability for use in daily clinical practice.  In conclusion the tested application is an effective method to improve the pharmacist's role in the assessment and management of diarrhea.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
the role of senior management commitment to total quality in the implementation of knowledge management processes_Asurvey of asample of civil colleges
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Occupies total quality management applications play a key role in the development of institutions of higher education performance and achieve its strategic objectives through the commitment of senior management and their employees to continuous improvement of the quality of performance in the various areas of work, and can be integrated knowledge management processes, which means identifying information of value and how to take advantage. The data were collected using the style of the questionnaire for the purpose of analyzing their results on a sample composed of 83 member of the administrative leadership in colleges as representing the decision-making centers in those colleges . 


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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of knowledge management in achieving outstanding university performance (Applied study in the Faculty of Management and Economics / University of Kufa)
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The research aims to determine the role of knowledge management to measure performance on a sample of faculties of Administration and Economics the University of Kufa, and to achieve this goal through a researcher from the theoretical literature and research and studies related to the construction of the scheme shows the hypothetical relationship between the variables, which was adopted by the independent variable knowledge management, distributed four variables are: (knowledge generation, knowledge storage, knowledge dissemination, the application of knowledge), as well as four variables representing the variables adopted for the performance of the university are:
(to reduce costs and increase profits, improve quality, scie

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Common Fixed Point of a Finite-step Iteration Algorithm Under Total Asymptotically Quasi-nonexpansive Maps
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      Throughout this paper, a generic iteration algorithm for a finite family of total asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive maps in uniformly convex Banach space is suggested. As well as weak / strong convergence theorems of this algorithm to a common fixed point are established. Finally, illustrative numerical example by using Matlab is presented.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 22 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Perceptions and attitudes of community pharmacists towards patient counseling and continuing pharmacy education programs in Iraq
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The pharmacist's role in the community is currently directed towards providing drug information and patient care rather than drug compounding and dispensing. Patient counseling is an essential skill for pharmacists. So as to improve the pharmacist role in the community and enhance the patient's education and counseling skills, many continuing education programs are established. The aim of this study is to assess the perceptions and tendency of community pharmacists in Iraq regarding patients counseling and continuing pharmacists’ educational programs.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Molecular Characterization of Plasmid-Mediated Non-O157 Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli Isolated from Infants and Children with Diarrhea
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A significant increase in the incidence of non-O157 verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) infections have become a serious health issues, and this situation is worsening due to the dissemination of plasmid mediated multidrug-resistant microorganisms worldwide. This study aims to investigate the presence of plasmid-mediated verotoxin gene in non-O157 E. coli. Standard microbiological techniques identified a total of 137 E. coli isolates. The plasmid was detected by Perfectprep Plasmid Mini preparation kit. These isolates were subjected to disk diffusion assay, and plasmid curing with ethidium bromide treatment. The plasmid containing isolates were subjected to a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for investigating

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of the successful managerial leaders in crises management
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This research is a modest contribution to Put the finishing touches on therole of managerial leaders represented by static companies belonging to theministry of transport and communication/ [iraq] . the research has adopted thedescriptive. Analytical methodology and field study technique, using thequestionnaire as a tool for data collection [58] forms Nar, been distributed tothe research sample. The sample has been deliberately selected {generalmanager, as assistant general manager and heads of department}. Thequestionnaires and the main hypotheses of represented by the existence ofsignificant correlation and impact between successful managerial leadershipand crisis management using the software {SPSS}, were analyzed. Resultswere identic

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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To track scientific developments and achievements, for example, that (achieved) after the Second World War until this moment, make each of us in absolute amazement. He invented the computer, discovered the genetic factor (DNA), and discovered the drawing of the human genetic map, going up to the moon, penetrating outer space by satellites, getting close to distant planets, producing jet planes, microprocessors, and lasers, in addition to enabling a person to create a layer of The material is extremely thin and extremely imaginative. It has also become possible for a person to "dig lines that do not exceed 20 billion meters of thickness." The human being was also able to collect things an atom and build an efficient and high-precision con

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 14 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Efficient Cost Management in the Housing Projects
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The cost management of cost indicators in housing projects, on the level of planning and design, is the most important quality indicators, for adoption of strategies of planning and design efficient in managing these indicators. So this research points out the need to highlight the most effective and influential cost indicators in housing projects, and to determine strategies in the management of these indicators in order to raise the efficiency of housing projects quality, to seemly the income level target group, taking into consideration the quality of housing standards, to achieve the basic requirements of housing. This paper highlights the importance of the cost  management, the types of housing cost, the method

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
The techno-strategy of the management information system and its role in enhancing risk management in the general directorate of school and sport activity
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The importance of this research lies in shedding light on the concept of techno-strategy for information management from vital and important topics that showed response for change in all areas of life. As this necessitates the updating and changing of it in order to achieve its strategic goals and enhance its technological advantage. The research problem looked at the role of the information technology system (ITS) in enhancing risk management in general directorates for sports and school activity from the viewpoint of its department heads. The research aimed at the relationship of information techno-strategy in risk management and the ratios of the contribution of information techno-strategy in risk management from the viewpoint of heads o

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of deficiencies in the standards and tools used for the management of the banking system in the emergence of the financial crisis by focusing on the Basel 1and 2
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The banking industry, as a result of the great challenges it faced, required continuous development of the principles of management, control and mechanisms used. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has played a leading role in legalizing many of these developments and has been able to contribute significantly to establishing a common framework for banking supervision, The central role in the various countries of the world is based on coordination between the various regulatory authorities and thinking about finding mechanisms to confront the risks faced by banks, recognizing the importance of the banking sector in the stability of domestic and international banking systems or the danger of this sector in the emergence of F

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