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أثر استراتيجية الياءات الخمس في تنمية مهارات تشكيل الاشغال المعدنية
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هدف البحث الحالي الى التعرف على اثر استراتيجية الياءات الخمس في التميه مهارة الاشغال المعدنية ، وتبلورت مشكلة البحث عن السؤال الاتي هل يوجد دور لاستراتيجية الياءات الخمس في تنمية مهارة الاشغال المعدنية لدى طلبة كلية التربية الاساسية ، عينة البحث شملت 60 طالب، اما الاستنتاجات التي توصل اليها البحث - تسهم استراتيجية في زيادة الدافعية نحو التعلم , لما توفره فيه من الجو التفاعلي الذي كسر الجمود مما انعكس ايجابياً في نتائج البحث الحالي ، ساهمت استراتيجية الياءات الخمس في تحسين الاداء الحركي وشكل الاداء الفني لمهارات تشكيل المشغولات المعدنية وجات التوصيات ضرورة التأكيد على المدرسين استعمال استراتيجية الياءات الخمس لأنها احدى استراتيجيات التدريس الحديثة في الاكساب بصورة عامة , وتشكيل المشغولات المعدنية بصورة خاصة .

Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The strategy of preventive war In US National Security Documents (2002-2006)
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The adoption of the concept of preventive war in any country especially in a country like the United States result in a lot of serious consequences, so that pre-emptive military action may alter certain regional arrangements based on the basis of political and security balance, and reduce the incidence of tensions that may worsen a sudden during the application of preventive war, so the concept is applicable to be a risk much more when you face the reality and that because the issues more importantly, it should prepare a detailed and careful study of the post –stage of the use of preventive military action and this requires realy no papers insist or documents discuss this but accurate this field study of the situation thereafter.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
نحو رؤيا استراتيجية لبناء القدرة التنافسية للاقتصاد والصناعة في العراق
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استهدفت هذه الدراسة تحليل واقع الاقتصاد العراقي على خلفية تحليل القدرة التنافسية بما يفضي الى وضع ملامح عامة لإستراتيجية بناء للقدرة التنافسية الوطنية للنهوض بالواقع الاقتصادي. وقد افترضت الدراسة ان الاقتصاد العراقي يعاني من اخفاقات شديدة في الاداء لا تتصل بطبيعته ولاتعتبر سمة اصيلة من سماته  بل هي ظرفية وطارئة رغم وجودها منذ عقود.

ان حالة الوهن المرافق للفعاليات الاقتصادية تتصل بغيا

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of the tax pilot phase strategy and its impact on the tax price in Iraq
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The research aims to identify the tax policy strategy adopted in Iraq after the change of the tax system in 2003 and beyond, and then make a comparison of the two strategies on corporate data whether they are charged with progressive tax rates and after the change of the system as the tax rates became fixed, and then indicate the changes In the tax proceeds, and knowing the imensions of the approved tax policy, is it a tax reform strategy or a strategy to attract investments.The research started from the problem of exposure of the Iraqi tax system to several changes, as this led to a reflection on the technical organization of taxes, in terms of the tax rate.The descriptive analytical approach was chosen to study the actual reality of th

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Developing the School Curriculum in a way Helps Raising the Values of Forgiveness and Acceptance
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تناولنا في هذه الدراسة التأكيد على تطوير المناهج الدراسية بأتجاه تنمية قيم التسامح والتعايش السلمي ، لان ثقافة التسامح باتت من الضرورات الملحة التي يفرضها الواقع الراهن لمواجهة العنف المجتمعي ، مما يوجب الحرص على ترسيخ القيم الانسانية ، لان التسامح من الصفات التي تحبها النفوس وتنجذب اليها القلوب .

والقيم الاخلاقية والسلوكية كالتسامح وغيرها ، من الامور الرئيسية لعمليتي التربية والتعليم في المدارس وال

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 21 2024
Journal Name
College Of Education For Women Journal
أساليب التضليل الإعلامي وانعكاسها على تشكيل الرأي العام دراسة ميدانية على جمهور مدينة بغداد
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،يريغت وأ ةلكشم وأ ةثداح ةجيتن ،ةعمالجا وأ درفلا هذختي فقوم هرهوج في ماعلا يأرلا دعي ةيوبرت تماكارتو ،ةيرثك تانوكم لىع هسسأ في موقي وهف اذل ،ةشاعلما ةايلحا تاقايس في لصيح فيو ،عمتمج يلأ يعماتجلاا لعفلا ةيصوصخ تاقايس بسحب يرسي ايرطف نوكي ام اهنم ،ةيفاقثو يعولا ةلاح تيبثت ديرت تاهج نم ةلعتفمو ةعنطصم تايطعمب اهيريست وأ اهذحش متي ىرخأ نايحأ ليكشت ةيلمع تنترقا ذل ،ةثدالحا كلت مهف ةأطو ليلقت وأ يريغت وأ فرح وأ ي

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
The technique of making Super - realism sculptures by Local alternative materials (Applied Study): إيهاب احمد عبد الرضا
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This research is studying technique sculptures super - realism, search through, how the method of work, and the search for the materials used in their manufacture, and this is the first study in the field of art and the field of academic study in the country.Research consists of an introduction, And four sections, The introduction containing information on: research problem, Importance of research, Goals of the research, Limits of research, research approach, and research tools.The first section contains a technical study sculptures super -realism in contemporary sculpture, while the second section includes a search for alternative materials available in the local markets, for making sculptures super - realism, the third section dedicate

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of a University Professor in the Development of Democracy with the Contents of a University Student in the Light of a Democratic Society
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The current research aims to answer the following questions: what is the substance of democracy? What is the content of a democratic society? What is the role of university professor in the democratic development of the student university in light of the new Iraqi society? In order to achieve the goals of the research, the researcher developed an a questionnaire based on literature, Iraq's draft constitution in 2005, and his experience of the field of teaching human rights and public freedoms and the teaching of democracy. It was applied to a sample of faculty members in Department of Education and Psychology / College of Education / University Baghdad for the year 20014 were obtained their answers were then processed statistically. Henc

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التماثل والاختلاف في المعتقد المذهبي للوالدين وأثره في تنمية الاتجاه التعصبي المذهبي لابنائهم
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This study aims at measuring the sectarian prejudice attitude with sample of college student and secondary school students. It also aims at detecting the impact of similarities and differences of the sectarian belief with the parents on the development of sectarian prejudice with their parents according the following variables (gender,grade,achievement of the parents).

 The study restricted by a sample consists of (Baghdad,Al-mustansiriya,and Al-Qadisiyah) students and the fourth grade students (males and female). To achieve the goal of this study , the researcher built atoll to measure the sectarian prejudice attitude after verifying its psychometric characteristics , after analyzin

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 13 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
دور تنمية الموارد البشرية في صناعة التأمين: (حالة دراسية في شركة التأمين الوطنية)
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This study aims to identify human resources development and its role in the development of the insurance industry in the national insurance company, and to inspect how the recruitment requirements for human resource development and its impact in setting up efficient and skilled staff ,good, effective and well prepared based on scientific grounds.

   The concept has been identified the insurance industry as well as understanding human resources and its management and development the main requirements that lead to improve performance within the company. Divided into two main functions, the first type is the staff requirements and functions and the second kind is the requirements and functions of human resource development

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