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Optimization, modeling and accurate prediction of thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity of stabilized ethylene glycol and water mixture Al 2 O 3 nanofluids by NSGA-II using ANN
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In this study, multi-objective optimization of nanofluid aluminum oxide in a mixture of water and ethylene glycol (40:60) is studied. In order to reduce viscosity and increase thermal conductivity of nanofluids, NSGA-II algorithm is used to alter the temperature and volume fraction of nanoparticles. Neural network modeling of experimental data is used to obtain the values of viscosity and thermal conductivity on temperature and volume fraction of nanoparticles. In order to evaluate the optimization objective functions, neural network optimization is connected to NSGA-II algorithm and at any time assessment of the fitness function, the neural network model is called. Finally, Pareto Front and the corresponding optimum points are provided and introduced. Optimal results showed that the optimum viscosity and thermal conductivity occurs at maximum temperature.

Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Active Role of Admin strative Skills in Reinforcing Strategic Entrepreneur Ship Through Organizational Flexibility: دراسة استطلاعية لأراء عينة من الإدارات العليا والوسطى في المصارف العراقية الخاصة / بغداد
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The study has tackled three important variables on the strategic and organizational level, that are : (Administrative skill, strategic Entrepreneurship  and organizational flexibility). Through the statistical analysis is, the research hers have sought to identify the relation among them. The study has been applied on a sample of (44) private banks in Iraq. A questionnaire, which has been designed according to a number of international standards, has been used. It's made of (29) items that cover the three variables to test their hypotheses. A number of statistical tools have been used A number of conclusion have been reached and recommendations have also been suggested.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Intelligent Auto-Tuning Controller Design Based on Dolphin Echo Location for Blood Glucose Monitoring System
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This paper presents an enhancement technique for tracking and regulating the blood glucose level for diabetic patients using an intelligent auto-tuning Proportional-Integral-Derivative PID controller. The proposed controller aims to generate the best insulin control action responsible for regulating the blood glucose level precisely, accurately, and quickly. The tuning control algorithm used the Dolphin Echolocation Optimization (DEO) algorithm for obtaining the near-optimal PID controller parameters with a proposed time domain specification performance index. The MATLAB simulation results for three different patients showed that the effectiveness and the robustness of the proposed control algorithm in terms of fast gene

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 29 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advances In Scientific Research And Engineering (ijasre), Issn:2454-8006, Doi: 10.31695/ijasre
Yolo Versions Architecture: Review
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Deep learning techniques are applied in many different industries for a variety of purposes. Deep learning-based item detection from aerial or terrestrial photographs has become a significant research area in recent years. The goal of object detection in computer vision is to anticipate the presence of one or more objects, along with their classes and bounding boxes. The YOLO (You Only Look Once) modern object detector can detect things in real-time with accuracy and speed.  A neural network from the YOLO family of computer vision models makes one-time predictions about the locations of bounding rectangles and classification probabilities for an image. In layman's terms, it is a technique for instantly identifying and recognizing

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
استعمال انحدار الاسقاطات المتلاحقة و الشبكات العصبية في تجاوز مشكلة البعدية
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المستخلص يهدف هذا البحث الى تجاوز مشكلة البعدية من خلال طرائق الانحدار اللامعلمي والتي تعمل على تقليل جذر متوسط الخطأ التربيعي (RMSE) , أذ تم  استعمال طريقة انحدار الاسقاطات المتلاحقة  (PPR)    ,والتي تعتبر احدى طرائق اختزال الابعاد التي تعمل على تجاوز مشكلة البعدية (curse of dimensionality) , وان طريقة (PPR) من التقنيات الاحصائية التي تهتم بأيجاد الاسقاطات الاكثر أهمية في البيانات المتعددة الابعاد , ومع ايجاد كل اسقاط

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On the Greedy Ridge Function Neural Networks for Approximation Multidimensional Functions
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The aim of this paper is to approximate multidimensional functions f∈C(R^s) by developing a new type of Feedforward neural networks (FFNS) which we called it Greedy ridge function neural networks (GRGFNNS). Also, we introduce a modification to the greedy algorithm which is used to train the greedy ridge function neural networks. An error bound are introduced in Sobolov space. Finally, a comparison was made between the three algorithms (modified greedy algorithm, Backpropagation algorithm and the result in [1]).

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Publication Date
Fri May 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
WSN-WCCS: A Wireless Sensor Network Wavelet Curve Ciphering System
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With wireless sensor network (WSN) wide applications in popularity, securing its data becomes a requirement. This can be accomplished by encrypting sensor node data. In this paper a new an efficient symmetric cryptographic algorithm is presented. This algorithm is called wireless sensor network wavelet curve ciphering system (WSN-WCCS).  The algorithm idea based on discrete wavelet transformation to generate keys for each node in WSN.  It implements on hierarchical clustering WSN using LEACH protocol. Python programming language version 2.7 was used to create the simulator of WSN framework and implement a WSN-WCCS algorithm. The simulation result of the proposed WSN-WCCS with other symmetric algorithms has show

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Multiwavelet based-approach to detect shared congestion in computer networks
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Internet paths sharing the same congested link can be identified using several shared congestion detection techniques. The new detection technique which is proposed in this paper depends on the previous novel technique (delay correlation with wavelet denoising (DCW) with new denoising method called Discrete Multiwavelet Transform (DMWT) as signal denoising to separate between queuing delay caused by network congestion and delay caused by various other delay variations. The new detection technique provides faster convergence (3 to 5 seconds less than previous novel technique) while using fewer probe packets approximately half numbers than the previous novel technique, so it will reduce the overload on the network caused by probe packets.

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 31 2018
Journal Name
The Open Electrical & Electronic Engineering Journal
Minimum Delay Congestion Control in Differentiated Service Communication Networks
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This paper presents a minimum delay congestion control in differentiated Service communication networks. The premium and ordinary passage services based fluid flow theory is used to build the suggested structure in high efficient manage. The established system is capable to adeptly manage both the physical network resource limitations and indefinite time delay related to networking system structure.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Word Cloud Model based on Hate Speech in an Online Social Media Environment
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Social media is known as detectors platform that are used to measure the activities of the users in the real world. However, the huge and unfiltered feed of messages posted on social media trigger social warnings, particularly when these messages contain hate speech towards specific individual or community. The negative effect of these messages on individuals or the society at large is of great concern to governments and non-governmental organizations. Word clouds provide a simple and efficient means of visually transferring the most common words from text documents. This research aims to develop a word cloud model based on hateful words on online social media environment such as Google News. Several steps are involved including data acq

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Diagnosing the reality of applying the operating requirement according to the international specification for the business continuity management system (ISO 22301:2019) : applied research in the General Tax Authority
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                 The research aims to diagnose the reality of applying the eighth requirement (operation) of the business continuity management system according to the international standard (ISO 22301: 2019), in the General Tax Authority, which is related to planning, implementing and controlling specific processes and procedures to address risks and opportunities, and the research adopted the checklist of the standard ( ISO 22301: 2019), in obtaining information, to measure the extent of application and documentation, the percentages and the weighted arithmetic mean were relied upon, and the research reached a set of result

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