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Tillage Appearance Device Test When Used Mold Board Plow Under Difference of a Variables Condition
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Tillage appearance device is mechanical, electric-electronic design, getting Patent from the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control – Industrial Property Department - Ministry of Planning – The Republic of IRAQ under number Patent 3876 in 20 / 4 / 2014, calculates the number of clods per area by Tillage appearance device, This is done through the generation electrical impulses are sent to the controlled accurate calculates number clods required space and shows the result on the screen in order to see the tillage view per area. Three factor used in these experiment, first factor represents forward speed of tractor three levels (3.5, 4.5, and 5.5 km/h), second factor represent soil moisture content at two levels (14 – 17 and 17- 20 %) and third factor was depth of tillage at three levels (10 ,15 and 20 cm) in texture silt clay loam in Wasit cityIraq. Split – split plot design under randomized complete block design with three replications and Least Significant Design 5 % was used to compare the between means of treatments. The result showed that significant differences to forward speed to the tractor on tillage appearance of more than 10 cm. Speed 5.5 km/h recorded lower number of clods 10 cm 6.5230 clods/m2. Also result showed that the increase soil moisture content from 14-17 to 17-20 % led to increase the tillage appearance more than 10 cm from 7.5178 to 9.6200 clods/m2 for tillage appearance device respectively ,while the conventional method recorded 9.1639 to 9.9400 clods/m2. Observed also depth of tillage 10 cm for the least number of clods soil more 10 cm were 6.753,6.9633 clods/m2 when used the tillage view device and conventional method respectively. There was a significant correlation between the reading of the tillage appearance device and conventional methods which means that the reading device was Accuracy.

Publication Date
Sat Dec 17 2022
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn: 2789-3219 )
Organic Synthesis under Solvent-free Condition (Green Chemistry): A Mini Literature Review
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Solvents are important components in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, and they are increasingly being used in catalytic reactions. Solvents have a significant influence on the kinetics and thermodynamics of reactions, and they can significantly change product selectivity. Solvents can influence product selectivity, conversion rates, and reaction rates. However, solvents have received a lot of attention in the field of green chemistry. This is due to the large amount of solvent that is frequently used in a process or formulation, particularly during the purification steps. However, neither the solvent nor the active ingredient in a formulation is directly responsible for the reaction product's composition. Because these ch

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
A study Some Technical Indicators Under Impact Tillage Depth and Disk harrow Angle of the Compound Machine
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Abstract<p>The research included studying the effect of different plowing depths (10,20and30) cm and three angles of the disc harrows (18,20and25) when they were combined in one compound machine consisting of a triple plow and disc harrows tied within one structure. Draft force, fuel consumption, practical productivity, and resistance to soil penetration. The results indicated that the plowing depth and disc angle had a significant effect on all studied parameters. The results showed that when the plowing depth increased and the disc angle increased, leads to increased pull force ratio, fuel consumption, resistance to soil penetration, and reduce the machine practical productivity.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design of Immersion Electrostatic LensOperated under Zero Magnification Condition
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The inverse problem is important method in the design of electrostatic lenses which is used in this work, with new technique by suggesting an axial electrostatic potential distribution using polynomial functions of the third order. The paraxial-ray equation is solved to obtain the trajectory of particles that satisfy the suggested potential function.In this work design of immersion electrostatic lens operated under zero magnification condition. The electrode shape of sthe electrostatic lens was the dermined from the solution of laplace equation and plotted in two deimensions . The results showed low values of spherical and chromatic aberrations , which are considered as good criteria for good desigh.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Agricultural Mechanization In Asia, Africa And Latin America
Determination of the suitability period of S-3 diesel oil when used in tractor engines
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The diesel oil type S-3 specified for diesel engine has limited the suitability for diesel trucks for 8000 km, but didn't clarify its suitability if used in tractor engines.It is known that the work style of farm tractor differs from that of other vehicles where tractors are used for all the activities in sever conditions and under the complete usage of the available power and capability, so there is no sign or indication of the usage period of this oil in tractor's engine. The oil has been used on Cirta C6806 tractors. The manual book of the tractor's engine, Deutz recommends changing the oil every 100 hrs. Therefore the main goal of this research is to give the recommended working hours for S-3 diesel oil when used in farm tractor engines

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Flow Over the Spillway of AlAdhiam Dam Under Gated Condition
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The AlAdhaim Dam is located 133 kilometers northeast of Baghdad. It is a multipurpose dam and joints the Iraqi dam system in 2000. It has a storage capacity of 1.5 billion m3. The dam has an ogee spillway with a length of 562 m, a crest level of 131.5 m.a.m.s.l. and a maximum discharge capacity of 1150 m3/s at its maximum storage height of 143 m.a.m.s.l. This research aimed to investigate the hydrodynamics performance of the spillway and the stilling basin of AlAdhiam Dam by using numerical simulation models under gated situations. It was suggested to modify the dam capacity by increasing the dam's storage capacity by installing gates on the crest of the dam spillway. The FLUENT program was used to

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Mass Transfer Correlations for a Rotating Cylinder Electrode under lsothermal and Controlled Heat Transfer Condition
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Mass transfer correlations for iron rotating cylinder electrode in chloride/sulphate solution, under isothermal and
controlled heat transfer conditions, were derived. Limiting current density values for the oxygen reduction reaction from
potentiostatic experiments at different bulk temperatures and various turbulent flow rates, under isothermal and heat
transfer conditions, were used for such derivation. The corelations were analogous to that obtained by Eisenberg et all
and other workers.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effect of AcceleDent® Device on Both Gingival Health Condition and Levels of Salivary Interleukin-1-βeta and Tumor Necrosis Factors-Alpha in Patients under Fixed Orthodontic Treatment
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Background: Orthodontic tooth movement is characterized by tissue reactions, which consist of an inflammatory response in periodontal ligament and followed by bone remodeling in the periodontium depending on the forces applied. These processes trigger the secretion of various proteins and enzymes into the saliva.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in saliva during orthodontic tooth movement using different magnitude of continuous orthodontic forces. Materials and Methods: Thirty orthodontic patients (12 males and 18 females) aged 17-23 years with class II division I malocclusion all requiring bilateral maxillary first premolar extractions were randomly divided into three groups according to t

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Techniques
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using dickey _ fuller expanded test for testing variables of investment function in Iraq
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         To ascertain the stability or instability of time series, three versions of the model proposed by Dickie-Voller were used in this paper. The aim of this study is to explain the extent of the impact of some economic variables such as the supply of money, gross domestic product, national income, after reaching the stability of these variables. The results show that the variable money supply, the GDP variable, and the exchange rate variable were all stable at the level of the first difference in the time series. This means that the series is an integrated first-class series. Hence, the gross fixed capital formation variable, the variable national income, and the variable interest rate

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 22 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Splitting the One-Dimensional Wave Equation. Part I: Solving by Finite-Difference Method and Separation Variables
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In this study, an unknown force function dependent on the space in the wave equation is investigated. Numerically wave equation splitting in two parts, part one using the finite-difference method (FDM). Part two using separating variables method. This is the continuation and changing technique for solving inverse problem part in (1,2). Instead, the boundary element method (BEM) in (1,2), the finite-difference method (FDM) has applied. Boundary data are in the role of overdetermination data. The second part of the problem is inverse and ill-posed, since small errors in the extra boundary data cause errors in the force solution. Zeroth order of Tikhonov regularization, and several parameters of regularization are employed to decrease error

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