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Effects of high and low dose of cadmium chloride on male Reproductive system in mice
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Background: Cadmium is highly toxic and carcinogenic environmental contaminant exposure to cadmium has been reported to reduce male fertility and there are several hypotheses that suggest how reduced male fertility may result from incorporation of cadmium. The purpose of this study was to determined the role of testicular ascorbic acid level in cadmium mediated oxidative damage on mice testis.
Objectives:To know the extent of toxicity of cadmium chloride and its adverse effects on male reproductive system in mice .
Methods:Fifteen adult albino male mice were divided into three groups, group one control and two experimental groups (low dose and high dose ).the experimental groups were injected with single dose of (0.14mg/BW) cadmium chloride in low dose and with (0.28mg/BW) cadmium chloride in high dose group ,intraperitoneally (ip) . The control group has given normal saline (0.9%) only .Animals were sacrificed after 15 days.The epididiymal sperm count, sperm abnormalities, tissue level of lipid peroxidation and testicular ascorbic acid level were estimated.
Results:Exposure of mice to different doses of cadmium showed a decrease in the testicular weight (0.219±0.03), sperm count (124.6±0.2), ascorbic acid level (0.023±0.04), and increase in the testicular level of lipid peroxidation (0.49±0.1) and in the incidence of abnormal sperms. Exposure to high dose of cadmium showed a significant decrease in testicular weight (0.140±0.03), sperm count, (83.8±0.5) and increase in lipid peroxidation (0.79±2.1) compared to low dose group. Ascorbic acid level decreased significantly in high dose group compared to low dose group.
Conclusion: Therefore the present study suggests that cadmium has deleterious effect on spermatogenesis and one of the possible mechanism in cadmium induced oxidative damage on mice testis cell might be mediated through its effect on reducing ascorbic acid level.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigating the Histological Changes in Heart, Lung, Liver and Kidney of Male Albino Mice Treated with Ivabradine
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            The present study aimed to investigate the histological changes of heart, lung, liver and kidney which caused by different concentrations (10, 20 and 40 mg/kg) of Ivabradine. Results of the study revealed some histological changes represented by aggregation of the lymphocytes around respiratory bronchioles of the lung. In the liver, the drug caused hepatocyte necrosis and infiltration of the lymphocytes. In Kidney, there are no histopathological modifications in the tissue after the animals treated with 10 mg\kg of Ivabradine. When the animals treated with Ivabradine drug at 20mg/kg of bw, dose showed vascular congestion between myocardial fibers of heart. Emphysematous c

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 23 2016
Journal Name
Association Of Genetic And Environmental Resources Conservation (
Effect of cold and hot aqueous extract of garlic on the reproductive performance of immature male mice until puberty
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This study was investigated the role of garlic extracts on the reproductive functions, via the development of immature male mice (25 days old) un l puberty. Immature male mice were divided into 3 groups (n=25). Group 1 "control" was daily administrated with tap water. Group 2 was daily administrated with cold aqueous garlic extract. Group 3 was daily administrated with hot aqueous garlic extract. Each group was randomly consisted of 5 subgroups (n=5/ subgroup) and administrated for different periods i.e, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 weeks respectively. Animals were scarified after 24 h from last treatment. Our findings elucidated that, cold and hot aqueous garlic extracts, when administrated at 25 days old (Immature period) have different impact dep

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Analysis of Acetylcholinesterase Gene Expression in Male Mice Exposed to Sublethal Dose of Endosulfan Pesticide
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     The aim of the current study was to investigate endosulfan effects on the Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme and gene in albino mice. Thirty selected male albino mice were randomly divided into 3 groups. The first group was control group (G1), while the other two treated groups were injected intraperitoneally twice per week with two doses of endosulfanG2 (3 mg/kg) and G3 (17 mg/kg) for 21 and 45 days respectively. The results recorded a significant decrease in AChE enzyme in the group treated with 17 mg/kg b.wt. (3986.67 ±170.32 U/L),compared to the control (5584.33 ±140.35 U/L)and treatment group with 3 mg/kg b.wt.(5556.00 ±341.01) U/L for 21 days. Also, there was a significant decrease in the enzyme level

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 23 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effects of Omega-3 Co-Administered with Therapeutic Dose of lornoxicam on Male Rats' Liver
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of omega-3 poly unsaturated fatty-acids co-administered with the therapeutic dose of lornoxicam on liver of healthy rats. Twenty-eight adults male rats weighing 180-200g were used in this study and the animals were randomly divided into four groups of seven rats each. Group I: negative control/rats intraperitoneally injected with normal saline in a dose 5ml/kg/day; Group II: rats intraperitoneally injected with lornoxicam at dose 0.7 mg/kg/day; Group III: rats orally-administered omega-3 only at a dose 185mg/kg/day; Group IV: rats co-administered omega-3 (185mg/kg/day) orally and in

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Animal Behaviour And Biometeorology
Comprehension of the zinc chloride's ameliorative apoptotic and genotoxic effects on mice with cadmium-induced hepatotoxicity
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Annals Of Biology
The Comparative Effect of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles and Copper Sulfate on Reproductive Hormones and Sperm Parameters in Mature Male Albino Mice
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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Chronic Effects of Sodium Chloride on the Some Reproductive Parameters of the Crustaceans Daphnia pulex (Crustacea: Claclocera)
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This study included the effect of chronic exposure of different concentrations of sodium chloride on the freshwater Crustacean Daphinea pulex from the order of Cladocera. The concentrations used for the chronic exposure were( 0.1‰, 0.5‰, 1‰, 1.5‰, 2‰ )to investigate the effect on the some reproductive parameter which included mean number of eggs and juveniles produced per female and per clutch,and mean number of clutch per female which decline from (6.0) clutch/female in the control treatment to (3.0) clutch/female in (2‰) concentrations, as well as to investigate the number of females produce the clutches and we found only one female produced six cluthes in the( 2‰) concentration of sodium chlor

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Physiological and Histopathological Effects of Abetacept (Orencia) Drug on Liver of Albino Male Mice
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A study investigated the effects of abetacept (Orencia) drug on the level of liver enzyme and on liver histology in albino male mice. Fourty five adult male mice of 8 weeks age and weighting 25-35g divided into three groups (15 mice each). The second & third groups were treated with abetacept drug while the first group was used as a control.
Abetacept was intraperitoneally given twice every week at 125 mg/kg B.W. and 250 mg/kg B.W. to the second and third groups respectively for 6 weeks, whereas the control group was intraperitoneally injected with normal saline. The results showed a significant (p< 0.05) increase in the levels of liver enzymes [serum alanine aminotransaminase (ALT), serum aspartate aminotransaminase (AST) &amp

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Aqueous and Ethanolic Extracts of Tribulus terrestris, Phoenix dactylifera and Nasturtium officinale Mixture on Some Reproductive Parameters in Male Mice
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The present investigation was conducted to evaluate the effect of the crude extracts mixture of three plants (Tribulus terrestris, Phoenix dactylifera and Nasturtium officinale) on semen quality,sex hormones and reproductive performance of mature male mice. A group of 25 male mice given 150mg/kg/day of the powder of the plants mixture with the food for four weeks and another three groups of 25 animals each given intraperitoneal injection from each of the aqueous and ethanolic extracts with a doses 75, 150, and 300mg/kg/day for two weeks. A remarkable increase in sperm concentration and motility with a decreased abnormal morphology was obtained in the experimental groups. A significant increase in hormones level were recognized in most grou

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measurement of Impact of Banking System Development on Economic Growth in Iraq
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At the heart of every robust economy is a vital banking system. The functional banking system can effectively perform several functions such as mobilizing savings, allocating credit, monitoring managers, transforming risks, and facilitating the financial transactions. This paper aims to measure the impact of banking system development on economic growth in Iraq. Credit to private sector divided by GDP used as a proxy of banking development. Real per capita GDP used as a proxy of economic growth. By using Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, the paper finds that the undeveloped Iraqi banking system could not promote economic growth in the country. Therefore, a variety of policies need to be taken to spur the role of bankin

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