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Assessment of Associated Risk Factors with the Incidence Rate of Abortion Cases among Women at Maternity and Pediatric Hospital in Al-Diwaniyah City
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Objective(s):  To find out the incidence Rate of abortions in pregnant women Admitted Maternal and pediatric Hospitals at Al-Diwaniyah City and to identify the relationship between the incidence rate of abortion and the associated risk factors that led to the occurrence of abortion.

Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted to identify the Incidence Rate of Abortions and its Associated Factors among Women at AL-Diwaniyah City’s Maternity and pediatric Hospital from 16 September 2020 to 16 March 2021 . The sample study includes (100) pregnant women with abortion out of (3800) pregnant women. The data was collected by means of a questionnaire through a personal interview, the panel of experts determines the validity of the questionnaires, and the reliability of the questionnaire is very high in terms of stability and internal consistency. The information was collected from 25 November 2020 to 25 February 2021 .The data was analyzed through the use of a statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version. Descriptive statistical measures were used and inferred

Results: The results of the study indicate that the incidence rate of abortion in pregnant women in this study was (0.38%).Effect risk factors that may led to abortion, that were (obesity (70%), family  history of abortion (65%), incompetence cervix (62% , drinking caffeine (79% , fever (86%),) . urinary tract infection (90%), nervous and emotional (73%), anxiety (71%) and insomnia and sadness (70%) .The results showed that the relationship was statistically significant between miscarriage and the factors related to the occurrence of miscarriage.

Recommendations: Focusing on raising awareness of the prevention of abortion among women in the health centers by educate pregnant women about Preventive measures from abortion specially educate them about urinary tract infection and its possible impact on the occurrence of miscarriage, also educate them about the psychological factors associated with abortion occurrence  which should be avoid during pregnancy.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Medical And Health Sciences
A Computer Simulation of Hubble Telescope Including Eyepiece Nano- Sensors to Increase Optical Efficiency
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The Hubble telescope is characterized by the accuracy of the image formed in it, as a result of the fact that the surrounding environment is free of optical pollutants. Such as atmospheric gases and dust, in addition to light pollution emanating from industrial and natural light sources on the earth's surface. The Hubble telescope has a relatively large objective lens that provides appropriate light to enter the telescope to get a good image. Because of the nature of astronomical observation, which requires sufficient light intensity emanating from celestial objects (galaxies, stars, planets, etc.). The Hubble telescope is classified as type of the Cassegrain reflecting telescopes, which gives it the advantage of eliminating chromat

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Performance of Electro-Fenton Process for Phenol Degradation Using Nickel Foam as a Cathode
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Toxic substances have been released into water supplies in recent decades because of fast industrialization and population growth. Fenton electrochemical process has been addressed to treat wastewater which is very popular because of its high efficiency and straightforward design. One of the advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) is electro-Fenton (EF) process, and electrode material significantly affects its performance. Nickel foam was chosen as the source of electro-generated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) due to its good characteristics. In the present study, the main goals were to explore the effects of operation parameters (FeSO4 concentration, current density, and electrolysis time) on the catalytic performance that was optimized by r

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Second Engineering Scientific Conference
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This paper describes the transport of Alkaloids through Rotating Discs Contactor (RDC) using n-decane as a liquid membrane. The transport of Pelletierine Alkaloid from a source phase through bulk liquid membrane to the receiving phase has been investigated. The general behaviour of Pertraction process indicates that% Extraction of pelletierine Alkaloid increased with increase in the number of stages and the agitation speed but high agitation speed was not favoured due to the increased risk of droplet formation during the operation. The pH of source and receiving phases were also investigated. The effect of organic solvent membrane on the extraction of Pelletierine was evaluated using ndecane, n-hexane and methyl cyclohexane. The results sho

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 12 2014
Journal Name
Wireless Personal Communications
A Multi-objective Disjoint Set Covers for Reliable Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Networks
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2023
Journal Name
The European Physical Journal Plus
Improved performance of D149 dye-sensitized ZnO-based solar cell under solvents activation effect
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2017
Journal Name
Int’l Journal Of Advances In Chemical Engg., & Biological Sciences
Morpho-taxonomic Study of Tabanus indrae Hauser, 1939 (Diptera: Tabanidae). New Record for Iraq
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This work was included external morphological study of horse fly Tabanus indrae Hauser 1939 new record in Iraq, which belongs to family: Tabanidae order: Diptera. The study was involved the most important taxonomic external characters of the: head, thorax, abdomen and their appendages which are: antenna, maxillary palp, wings, legs, spotting in coloring pattern and female genitalia of abdomen

Publication Date
Tue Sep 04 2007
Journal Name
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Fluidization process is widely used by a great assortment of industries worldwide and represents a trillion dollar industry [6]. They are currently used in separation, classification, drying and mixing of particles, chemical reactions and regeneration processes; one of these processes is the mass transfer from an immersed surface to a gas fluidized bed

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2010
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Effect of Very Early Atorvastatin Initiation for Acute Myocardial Infarction on Creatine Kinase release
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Background : It has been suggested that pretreatment with a statin agent prior to
myocardial infarction limits myocardial
creatine kinase release, and thus may act to
limit myocardial infarct size in humans.
Objective : To examine the effect of very
early statin initiation for acute myocardial
infarction (AMI), to the extent of
myonecrosis as manifested by peak serum
creatine kinase levels.
Methods : Patients with AMI admitted to AlKindy teaching hospital cardiac care unit
from 1st February 2007 to 28th February
2008, who fulfilled the inclusion criteria
cited in the present study, were randomly
assigned into two study groups. The statin
group patients have received a single oral
dose of 40 mg

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Polymer Research
Morphological study of porous aromatic schiff bases as a highly effective carbon dioxide storages
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Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage is a critical issue for mitigating climate change. Porous aromatic Schiff base complexes have emerged as a promising class of materials for CO2 capture due to their high surface area, porosity, and stability. In this study, we investigate the potential of Schiff base complexes as an effective media for CO2 storage. We review the synthesis and characterization of porous aromatic Schiff bases materials complexes and examine their CO2 sorption properties. We find that Schiff base complexes exhibit high CO2 adsorption capacity and selectivity, making them a promising candidate for use in carbon capture applications. Moreover, we investigate the effect of various parameters such as temperature, and pressu

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Biogas Recovery from Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Poultry House Wastes for Clean Energy Production
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Anaerobic digestion is a technology widely used for treatment of organic waste for biogas production as a source for clean energy. In this study, poultry house wastes (PHW) material was examined as a source for biogas production. The effects of inoculum addition, pretreatment of the substrate, and temperature on the biogas production were taken into full consideration. Results revealed that the effect of inoculum addition was more significant than the alkaline pretreatment of raw waste materials. The biogas recovery from inoculated waste materials exceeds its production from wastes without inoculation by approximately 70% at mesophilic conditions. Whereby, the increase of biogas recovery from pretreated wastes was by 20% higher than its

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