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Evaluation of Nurses' Attitudes towards Patients’ End of life in Diyala Governorate
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Objectives: To assess nurses' attitude toward end of life phase. To find out  relationships between nurses attitude and socio demographic data (age, gender, level of education, years of experience).

Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study design is carried out to assess the attitude on nurses concerning patient at the end of life phase at critical care units, from the period of (1nd November 2021) to (1th February 2022). A probability sample random sampling technique used. Then, the number of participants in Baquba Teaching Hospital and general al khalis hospital were determined by using randomly selected. simple Total of (100) nurses working at critical care units through the time of the study period and the study criteria and agree to participate. Pilot study were excluded ten nurses from the study. the result of co-relation co efficient were (79%).The content validity of the questioner is obtained by panel of (14) experts. inferential statistics and Descriptive were used to analytic the results of the study using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 and Microsoft Excel (2016).

Results: study results of this showed  the level of attitude nurse's toward End of life care together with nurses working in diyala city in Iraq were (poor 0%, fair 51%, and good49%). There is no significant difference between nurses’ attitude toward care of the dying patient (number of training course, area of employment).

Conclusions: nurses have moderate level of attitude, and there is no significant difference between nurses’ attitude toward care of the dying patient (number of training course, area of employment).

Recommendations: The recommended  of study is necessity of evolving Education or training that can enhance nurses behavior toward End of life care. investigate  relationship amonng religion and spiritual of nurses and their attitude toward end-of-life care.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Reading Trend in the Recent School Book
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Reading Trend in the Recent school book

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching and Education manners in Islamic legacy
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Learning education in the Islamic legacy vision considers a completed The Islamic learning education took its bases from origins of Quran and honored prophet Suna , and stressed on education child a good education and providing him with principles of religion and semantic moral values and Messenger (peace on him) considers the higher example for man in his moral, behavior and goodness and witness on this Higher God said

(you had in God Messenger a good leadership for those were requesting God and last day and mentioned God a lot). Al- Ahzab Surah :21. learning education converts man from religion to another and from culture to another and teacher left his signs on the generation if he accept or refuse.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 14 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Procedural support In the initial investigation phase
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يعد الإسناد الإجرائي من الركائز الأساسية في الإجراءات  الجنائية وعلى الرغم من ذلك بلم تكن هناك دراسات واسعة ، اذ عد الفقه والقضاء هذا الموضوع من الشكليات المسلم بها في الإجراءات  الجنائية فانه لم تتضمن غالبية التشريعات الإجرائية الجنائية النص صراحة على تعريف الإسناد الإجرائي وترك ذلك للفقه ، فالمشرع العراقي لم يحدد مفهوم الإسناد الإجرائي في قانون اصول المحاكمات الجزائية رقم (23) لسنة 1971 المعدل وكذلك في

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
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Form and content in book covers designs
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   Despite the development in the fields of communication and informatics, the book remains its distinguished presence and popular popularity as it is the oldest means to obtain knowledge, addressing the vast majority of society in different levels and levels of knowledge and culture. The design of the cover book portal and the structure of semolina semantic including the elements of construction and typography contribute to the activation of the relationship between form and content, and here lies the importance of this relativity and its role in enhancing the communicative dimension of the design of the book cover, and cast a shadow on the promotional and marketing effectiveness. Hence the importance of research, but the prob

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Making political image in the election campaigns
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The study discusses the marketing profile of electoral candidates and politicians especially the image that takes root in the minds of voters has become more important than the ideologies in the technological era or their party affiliations and voters are no longer paying attention to the concepts of a liberal, conservative, right-wing or secular, etc. while their interests have increased towards candidates. The consultants and image experts are able to make a dramatic shift in their electoral roles. They, as specialists in the electoral arena, dominate the roles of political parties.
The importance of the study comes from the fact that the image exceeds its normal framework in our contemporary world to become political and cultural

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Trade and commodification in contemporary world ceramics
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The research deals with the global ceramic achievement within the international forums in the past decades. As follows، showing and presenting the aesthetic and intellectual values leading to common constants that establish international artistic studies that achieve the purpose of circulation and marketing of artworks. Contemporary global plastic art has witnessed a number of technical and social transformations and changes at the technical and pragmatic levels under the pressure of the changing and accelerating tide towards technical، cognitive، social and cultural concepts.
The second chapter came to the first topic: deliberative and commoditization، and the second topic: the deliberativeness of contemporary global ceramics.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Parasycology and scientific miracles in Islamic thought
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The research sheds light on the subject of phraseology as an important field to present metaphysical issues with contemporary scientific discourse. (Primary psychology) It does not apply with the reality of this science and therefore some tried to call it other names such as (Alsai), a unit of measurement of energy activity of things and assets. It was also called metaphysics or metaphysics, but it eventually settled on parapsychology. We try to win Islam and religious concepts with contemporary scientific discourse. The researcher discussed issues that modern science was unable to comprehend and interpreted. He used these subjects to prove the truths of religion and faith. Modern times because the whole universe miracles or as Imam Ghaz

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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The Visual Illusion in American Contemporary Ceramics
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The research entitled (The Visual Illusion in American Contemporary Ceramics) includes four chapters، the first chapter of which includes the methodological framework for the research، which contains the research problem focused on the following question: Has the American potter succeeded in achieving the artistic and aesthetic In the art of ceramics، as in the art of drawing and graphics، the fact that the art of ceramics has its advantages and limits in terms of material and technology? The aim of the research was to identify visual illusions in visual art in the works of a selected group of American potters. While the importance of the research was evident in that it sheds light on the methods and techniques of optical art in cont

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
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The technical mediator in contemporary Iraqi formation
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 The current research (technical mediator in contemporary Iraqi painting) dealt with the concept of technical mediator in contemporary arts and its role in the qualitative transformation in art, the diversity of discoveries in technical media that artists use in their artistic achievement, and the extent of their impact on contemporary Iraqi painting, where the research problem was identified (what is The nature and role of technical media in showing works in contemporary Iraqi painting) and (What are the intellectual and aesthetic concepts of media and techniques as references for contemporary art in Iraq). The second topic dealt with technical media and their impact on the plastic arts, and the third topic focused on the technical med

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Discipline in the classroom (problems and solutions)
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Research Summary

First: the problem of research and its importance

      The teacher's success in facilitating the students' learning and growth according to the educational and educational goals set out, he must identify the problems of discipline of students in the classroom in terms of sources and reasons and types and methods of prevention and treatment and the teacher to remember that success in his teaching and instruction is not completed more fully once he has the information And knowledge of the subject of the lesson, but must understand the dynamics of the group (class group) and master the skills of classroom management, su

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