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Effectiveness of an Instructional Program Concerning Non-Pharmacological Guideline on Controlling Essential Hypertension among Patients at AL-Sader Hospital in AL-Najaf AL-Ashraf City
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Objective: The aims of present study to detect the effectiveness of instruction program of non-pharmacological guideline on blood pressure and laboratory test.


Methodology: A pre-experimental study was conducted in Al-Sader Teaching Hospital   from 8th of September 2019 to 25th of May 2020, in order to find out the effectiveness of instruction program concerning non-pharmacological guideline on controlling essential hypertension among patients. A non- probability (purposive sample) of 50 patients with essential hypertension is selected. Those patients are already diagnosed with Essential Hypertension and had already used the medication and they visited the hospitals for treatment or follow-up or both. A questionnaire is constructed to assess the effectiveness of the instruction program for controlling essential hypertension which consist of four part

Part one: It is concerned with the patients’ socio-demographic data which include (gender, age, level of education, marital status, economic status, and occupation)

Part two: Consist of patient health behavior which as exercise, weight, height and assessing of BP. 

Part three: included list of Laboratory test

Part four: deals two domain related to patient's knowledge about hypertension which as 15 items and Second domain related to DASH regimen which as 13 items.

The validity of the questionnaire and the instructional program had been achieved by 10 panel of experts, the descriptive and inferential statistics was used to data analysis of the results.

Results: The results of the study indicated that the stage of hypertension according to category of hypertension was 44% stage 3 the pre-test and their hypertension was improved in the   post-test where become 26% prehypertension, and 22% norm tension.

Recommendations: The study recommended that the instructional guideline (DASH) should be used and applied to all patients' to health institutions with essential hypertension by the Ministry of Health and health care centers.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluating Training Programs According to model Kirkpatrick / field research in the Health Maysan Directorate .
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This present paper aim at knowing  the process of evaluating the training program that could be applied  in Maysan Health office  for it significance and importance in field of management and vocational staff  preparations  of high  scientific experience in different fields of  Health.  The society of research includes staffs  working in Maysan Health Office  , of specialists ,  dentists, pharmacists, laboratories, nursing  and administrators. Their number is 100 employees, the researcher has designed questionnaire by depending on "Kirkpatrick"  for assessing  the training . The researcher has used   thorough survey and has entailed 90 questionnaire,

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Predict the Laser Power and Recovery Period in Treatment by Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA)
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            Eight patients (3 male and 5 female) were treated in this study by Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA); Mathematical models are proposed to estimate the applied laser power and to assess the recovery period. The estimations of the applied laser power and recovery period in these models will be depended mainly on the diameter of the incompetent vein.  In addition, Excel Program was utilized to find the proposed models.  A 1470 nm diode laser up to 15W continuous power (CW) was used in the treatment of venous ulcers by EVLA procedure. Following up by duplex ultrasound was started in the 1st week after the first session until the vein is completely closed. The present study concluded that the relationship both between

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The contemporary vision of marketing And its impact in crystallizing the chances of success of the new product
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The current research aims at identifying the new marketing directions that in the picture because if the changes and challenges that face the business nowadays, these effect on the future of the new product.

The problem of the research concentrate on the new marketing activities and how to make it appropriate between the product and the market's need, and to fulfill the needs and desire of the customer and it's importance for achieving the economical goals of the organization for a long relationship with the customer.

The resume of the research is about the impact of nowadays marketing and it's effect on knowing the customer instead of concentrating on the important roll of mark

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal For Information And Documentation Studies
The role of performance indicators in evaluating the performance of the University of Technology's Central Library
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University libraries seek to evaluate their performance in order to correct their path and adjust it in the right direction. Therefore, they use (performance indicators), which are a tool used by institutions to evaluate the weaknesses and strengths in their work and the reasons for failure to achieve some goals sometimes. They convert (goals, procedures and actions) into a formula that can be measured mathematically, which contributes to the library determining the gap between its current performance and what those libraries are supposed to be on, clarifying the path that the library is following, controlling the risks that may befall it, and thus enhancing the process of continuous improvement to avoid areas of failure and weakness becaus

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The policy of Islamic legislation and its impact on the promotion of the values of justice and the fight against corruption: Legislation, Promotion, Values, Corruption, Justice, Collapse of Nation
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Since the advent of the sunrise of the immortal message, Islamic legislation has always established justice and the right guidance, and has prevented any perversion, injustice or corruption, with a divine system that called in its course the characteristics of the legislation on its general basis and its ability to develop, progressivity, and paving the way with a collective approach, accompanied by the worldly and moral punishment. When the corrupters went too far, reformers were delayed and values were missed; Mankind has been afflicted with the scourge of injustice and loss, and has lost sight of the approach that the Creator of the world has given to the people of the world, for what would guide them in their affairs sooner and later

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of External Oversight in The Organization of Policy Import: A model of Supreme Audit
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The construction of development is required to develop various economic sectors with the necessity to meet the various requirement of both individuals and institutions , or through the import process , which must be commensurate with the needs of the market and the economy and development. But in fact , we find that the process of import in Iraq after 2003 took a turn dangerous excesses on limits of philosophy and objectives of the import , which is reflected at the level of national production as well as the policy of dumping and given and the lack of matching a lot of goods and materials imported for Standards and Measures of quality and stands behind it causes many of them exposure to the market and weak sectors with an overlap betwee

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of External Oversight in The Organization of Policy Import: A model of Supreme Audit
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  The construction of development is required to develop various economic sectors with the necessity to meet the various requirement of both individuals and institutions , or through the import process , which must be commensurate with the needs of the market and the economy and development. But in fact , we found that the process of import in Iraq after 2003 took a turn dangerous excesses on limits of philosophy and objectives of the import , which  reflected  the level of national production as well as the policy of dumping and given to the lack of matching a lot of goods and materials imported for Standards and Measures of quality and stands behind it causes many of them exposure to the market and weak sectors with an o

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Pragmatic Analysis of Questions and Responses in American Defense Attorneys' Cross-examinations: رحاب عبد الجليل سعيد العطار
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The structure of the interrogation process in cross-examinations is said to be diverse and complex in terms of question-response typology. This is because the counsel has to extract truth from an opposing party’s witness whose views are expected to advocate that party's views regarding the case. Accordingly, the study which is basically quantitative in nature aims to investigate what the examining party intends to obtain out of these questions and which of these questions are the most prevalently used. It also aims to measure the amount of cooperativity in witnesses' responses. Accordingly, three transcripts of cross-examination have been analyzed, using a pragmatically-oriented approach. The approach draws on Stenstorm (1984) and Arch

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The impact of the US military variable in reality Security in the Arab Gulf region after 2003
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The military presence in the Gulf region after the British withdrawal from it in 1971 was one of the most important pillars of the American strategy to climb the ladder of global leadership, as the geostrategic features that the region enjoyed provided factors of controlling energy sources and global trade routes. The United States of America guarantees Western Europe and Japan the process of access to energy sources and the exclusion of its opponents from the region, especially the Soviet Union, and the growing American military presence in the Gulf after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. On the other hand, the region experiences many contradictions, some of which threaten its security, such as the exacerbation of disputes between its count

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact properties of strategic thinking in the stages of the application Business process re-engineering: A survey Study of the consultant of a sample of managers and their assistants and consultants in the General Company for Cotton Industries
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Need organizations today to move towards strategic thinking which means analyzing situations faced by particular challenges of change in the external environment, which makes it imperative for The Organization That to reconsider their strategies and orientations and operations, a so-called re-engineering to meet those challenges and pressures, to try to achieve improvement root in the installation of the organization and methodscompletion of its work towards achieving high levels of performance and that is reflected to achieve its objectives, and this is what aims to Current search to deal with implications characteristics of strategic thinking in the stages of application re-engineering business of the company General Industries

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