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Knowledge of Paramedical Staff Regarding Drugs Addiction in Baghdad City/ Iraq
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Objectives: To determine the level of knowledge regarding drugs addiction among paramedical staff; and to
identify the association between the level of knowledge and their socio-demographic variable.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study was Conducted in Baghdad on Staff for the period from 1st June,
2016 to30th September, 2016 . The sample included 510 Health professionals . There are 9 sectors in center
of Baghdad , 5 of them in Al- Kurkh side of the city and 4 in Al-Russafa side. The sample was selected from
49 primary health care centers and 8 public hospitals through a multi-stage sample using a simple random
sampling technique. The information was collected through the design of a questionnaire whose stability and
reliability were determined. Data analysis was done using descriptive and indicative descriptive statistical
Results: The results of the examination demonstrated that 21.8% of the health staff in the age group (40-44)
were the majority of the study sample for males (51.2%) and about (85.9%) of the married while the majority
(87.1% Of the city's population. The educational level was the majority of graduates of medical institutes
(62.4%). No significant association was found between level of education and knowledge about drug
addiction for paramedical staff .No significant association had been found between gender, marital status,
and residence with knowledge about drug addiction for paramedical staff.
Recommendations: Paramedical staff might be needed to adhere to educational programs and national
training as intensive courses for short period, about of drug addiction. And national education programs about
drug addiction to prevent constructed and presented to the public through the collaboration between the health
authority and society association and non-governmental organizations

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 04 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Chemical And Pharmaceutical Research
Lead, Cadmium and Nickel contamination of roadside soils and plant leaves in Baghdad City
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Health Assessment and unhealthy eating habits for children nurseries in the city of Baghdad
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This study was conducted to identify the health status of children's nurseries in the city of Baghdad and to identify improper dietary habits practiced by these children have shown the results of this study that the same proportion of childhood diarrhea disease research and infections

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Health Problems for the Elderly at the Nursing Home in Baghdad city
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Objective: Assessment of health problems and identify demographical information to elderly. Methodology:
it is a descriptive study, data were collected by the researchers depended on the direct interview with the
elderly by using the study instrument (questionnaire) as well as review the records of the geriatric.
Results: The majority of study sample (66%) were males and (24.3%) were within age group (70-74) years,
(44.7%) were widows, and (41.7%) did not read and write. This study applied the international classification
of diseases(short-table) in (11) items, which stated that most of the elderly were complaining from
health problems: debility of hearing (80.65%), eczema or allergies (69.35%), debility of vision (66.9

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Epidemiological Surveillance of Communicable Diseases in Baghdad City during the Period January-April 2006
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The records of Primary Health Care Centres (Al-Risafa section of Baghdad) were inspected for communicable diseases during the period January-April 2006. There were 8622 recorded cases (the diagnosis was based on a clinical examination and laboratory findings), which were distributed as 4782 (55.5%), 1430 (16.6%), 1604 (18.6%) and 806 (9.3%) for Sadar city, Risafa, A'adhamyiah and Mada'in, respectively. The highest frequency was reported for chicken pox (42.7%), followed by mumps and typhoid fever (20 and 13.7%, respectively), while diphtheria and cholera were not recorded. These three most frequent diseases were further analyzed, and their distribution showed a significant difference (P ? 0.001). April was the month of the highest recorded

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 05 2021
Journal Name
Revue Française D’allergologie
Indoor house dust-borne fungi and risk of allergic respiratory diseases in Baghdad city
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study a bout the Epidemiology of Vulvo Vaginal Candidiasis (Candida spp.) in Baghdad City
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This Study was conducted to investigate vaginitis in women who live in Baghdad City. Results Revealed that Candida spp. were the causal agent of 38.5% of symptomatic cases the yeasts Candidaalbicans, C.glabrata, C.tropicalis, C.parapsilosis and C.krusei were isolated with the percentage of 38.1, 9.1, 3.9, 2.6, 1.3 respectively also there were 18% of women in control group carrying Candida spp. The direct smear method were not efficient because the percentage of infection was 17.5% comparing with the culture method the sensitivity of direct smear method was 45.5% The percentage of WBC to Epithelial cells was less than one in 76.6% of women.

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
Revue Française D'allergologie
Indoor house dust-borne fungi and risk of allergic respiratory diseases in Baghdad city
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Evaluation the water quality of the potable water network in Al-Shuala/ Baghdad City
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In this research, the water quality of the potable water network in
Al-Shuala Baghdad city were evaluated and compare them with the
Iraqi standards (IQS) for drinking water and World Health
Organization standards (WHO), then water quality index (WQI) were
calculator: pH, heavy metals (lead, cadmium and iron), chlorides,
total hardness, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solid and
electrical conductivity. Water samples are collected weekly during
the period from February 2015 to April 2015 from ten sites. Results
show that the chlorides, total dissolved solid and electrical
conductivity less than acceptable limit of standards, but total
hardness and heavy metals in some samples higher than acceptabl

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 31 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Attitudes of mothers towards over the counter antibiotics for their children in Baghdad city
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality of Taxation in Iraq and Aspect of it’s Development
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This research is considered a simple attempt and effort which is it first and last target is to point at the procedures of the taxes account that aims to reduce the taxes from the persons and give free to the person who estimates the tax to practice what comes from the competent authorities to describe the person who estimates the tax and not an accountant who practice the accountant procedures which are imposed on him by the annual terms from higher administrations , So he can not evaluate   state of the person who pay the tax , and he might be dissatisfied with his job , because his role can’t  be activated from the general foundation taxes.

And so , this research includes four fields:-

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