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Assessment of Levels of premenstrual psychological and physical Problems (Premenstrual Syndrome-PMS) of Students of the Colleges of Bab Al-Mua’dham Complex/ University of Baghdad
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Objectives: To assess levels of premenstrual psychological disorders of the students in Bab Al-Mua’dham Complex and to find out the relationship between the levels of premenstrual psychological and physical disorders and some demographic characteristics of the students. Methodology: A descriptive study was accomplished throughout the period from the 1st of October, 2015 to the 8th of July, 2016 to assess the psychological and physical problems. A purposive sample of 313 students distributed among different colleges of Bab Al-Mua’dam complex distributed as following: 82 students are from college of Arts; 79 students are from College of Languages; 48 students are from college of Islamic Sciences: and 104 are from College of Nursing. For the purposes of the study a questionnaire was constructed which represents the premenstrual symptoms screening tool (PSST) by Steiner et al.(2003)(1). This questionnaire consists of three parts: first, the demographic characteristics of students agreed to participate in the present study; Second part contains 16 items represents the psychological problems and the third part is supposed to measure the physical problems and contains 11 items. Levels of severity of problems were determined by using the quartiles step. The data of the study were analysed by applying descriptive data analysis: frequencies, percentages and tables of distribution; and inferential data analysis: Pearson coefficient correlation and Chi square, using the statistical analysis program of SPSS 19th version. Results: The present study reveals that more than half of the students are 20 and 21 years old; the majority of them are unmarried; one third of the sample are from the first class; more than three quarters have different levels of severity of psychological and physical problems distributed among slight level to the levels which interrupt the daily activities and/ or change the life style. The study has not found any differences between married and unmarried students. Also, the study does not find significant association between demographic characteristics and psychological problems but there is a significant relationship between the study stage and physical problems and age and psycho-physical problems. Recommendations: The present study recommends that medical and health follow up for students with levels which interrupt the daily activities and/ or change the life style of those students. Further studies concerning the impact of psychological and physical problems upon the academic achievement and also upon social relationship and the way the student deals with her family and society. Further studies aimed to discover the mood fluctuations which might result to suicidal ideation.



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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Blood Research
Relationship between liver iron concentration determined by R2-MRI, serum ferritin, and liver enzymes in patients with thalassemia intermedia
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4 Blood Res 2018;53:314-319. Received on August 11, 2018 Revised on August 30, 2018 Accepted on August 30, 2018 Background Iron overload is a risk factor affecting all patients with thalassemia intermedia (TI). We aimed to determine whether there is a relationship of serum ferritin (SF) and alanine ami- notransferase (ALT) with liver iron concentration (LIC) determined by R2 magnetic reso- nance imaging (R2-MRI), to estimate the most relevant degree of iron overload and best time to chelate in patients with TI. Methods In this cross-sectional study, 119 patients with TI (mean age years) were randomly se- lected and compared with 120 patients who had a diagnosis of thalassemia major (TM). Correlations of LIC, as determined by R2-MRI, with SF

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Comparison between Reference Infliximab (Remicade) and its Biosimilar (Remsima) in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Field-based Pharmacoeconomic Study
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Background: Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that mostly involves the spine and sacroiliac joints. It is associated with a decreased quality of life. Biological medicines such as infliximab and its biosimilar are the mainstay treatments for active ankylosing spondylitis.

Objective: The study objective was to conduct a pharmacoeconomic study comparing the cost-effectiveness of the reference infliximab with its biosimilar in ankylosing spondylitis patients visiting public hospitals.

Subjects and Method: This is a two-center pharmacoeconomic study performed at two large teaching governmental hospitals in Baghdad, Iraq, which s

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Dates Leaves Midribs to Prepare Hierarchical Structures Incorporating Porous Carbon and Zeolite A Composites for Cesium137Cs Ion Exchange
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This study synthesized zeolite 4A, and hierarchical composite structure consisting of zeolite 4A- carbon were successfully prepared. Hydrothermal method was used to grow a layer of zeolite 4A over porous carbon surfaces to enhance mass transfer and increase surface area of zeolite. The products then were used to remove radioactive cesium137Cs from liquid wastewater. Iraqi dates leaves midribs (DM) were used as locally available agricultural waste to prepare low- cost porous carbon, using carbonization method in tubular furnace at 900C for two hours. Hierarchical porous structures including zeolite are prepared by mechanically activating the carbon surface via Ultrasonicating nanoparticles suspension of ground zeolite type 4A.F

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Monitoring dust storm using Normalized difference dust index (NDDI) and brightness temperature variation in Simi arid areas over Iraq
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Dust storms are a natural phenomenon occurring in most areas of Iraq. In recent years, the study of this phenomenon has become important because of the danger caused by increasing desertification at the expense of the green cover as well as its impact on human health. In this study  is important to devote the remote sensing of dust storms and its detection.Through this research, the dust storms can be detected in semi-arid areas, which are difficult to distinguish between these storms and desert areas. For the distinction between the dust storm pixels in the image with those that do not contain dust storm can be applied the Normalized Difference Dust Index (NDDI) and Brightness Temperature variation (BTV). MODIS sensors that carried

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Metal Ions Complexes Derived From Schiff Base Ligand with Anthranillic Acid: Preparation, Spectroscopic and Biological Studies: organic chemistry
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This search includes the preparation of Schiff base ligand (SB) from condensation primary amine with vanillin. The new ligand was diagnosed by spectroscopic methods as Mass, NMR, CHN and FTIR. Ligand complexes were mixed from new (SB) and Anthranillic acid (A) with five metal (II) chlorides. The preparation and diagnosis were conducted by FTIR, CHN, UV-visible, molar conductivity, atomic absorption and magnetic moment. The octahedral geometrical shape of the complexes was proposed. The ligands and their new complexes were screened with two different types of bacteria.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Enhancing Smart Cities with IoT and Cloud Computing: A Study on Integrating Wireless Ad Hoc Networks for Efficient Communication
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Smart cities have recently undergone a fundamental evolution that has greatly increased their potentials. In reality, recent advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) have created new opportunities by solving a number of critical issues that are allowing innovations for smart cities as well as the creation and computerization of cutting-edge services and applications for the many city partners. In order to further the development of smart cities toward compelling sharing and connection, this study will explore the information innovation in smart cities in light of the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing (CC). IoT data is first collected in the context of smart cities. The data that is gathered is uniform. The Internet of Things,

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Applied Water Science
Hydrochemistry as a tool for interpreting brine origin and chemical equilibrium in oilfields: Zubair reservoir southern Iraq case study
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparison among pulp capping materials in: calcium ion release, pH change, solubility and water sorption (An in vitro study)
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Background: Calcium hydroxide and calcium-silicate materials used as direct pulp capping materials. The aims of this in vitro study is to compare among these materials in, the calcium ion release and pH change in soaking water after immersion of materials’ specimens in deionized water. Also Solubility and water sorption of materials’ specimens measured after soaking time. Calcium-silicate materials used were Biodentine, TheraCal and MTA Plus. Materials and methods: Four materials used in this study; Urbical lining (as control group), Biodentine, TheraCal and MTA Plus. Ten discs fabricated from each tested material, by using plastic moulds of 9 mm diameter and 1 mm thickness. Each specimen was immersed in 10 ml of d

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Identification Pseudomonas aeruginosa by 16s rRNA gene for Differentiation from Other Pseudomonas Species that isolated from Patients and environment
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common and major opportunistic human pathogen, its causes many and dangersinfectious diseases due to death in some timesex: cystic fibrosis , wounds inflammation , burns inflammation , urinary tract infection , other many infections otitis external , Endocarditis , nosocomial infection and also causes other blood infections (Bacteremia). thereforebecomes founding fast and exact identification of P. aeruginosafrom samples culture very important.However, identification of this species may be problematic due to the marked phenotypic variabilitydemonstrated by samples isolates and the presence of other closely related species. To facilitate species identification, we used 16S ribosomal DNA(rRNA) sequence data

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Water Practice & Technology
Artificial neural network and response surface methodology for modeling oil content in produced water from an Iraqi oil field
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ABSTRACT<p>The majority of the environmental outputs from gas refineries are oily wastewater. This research reveals a novel combination of response surface methodology and artificial neural network to optimize and model oil content concentration in the oily wastewater. Response surface methodology based on central composite design shows a highly significant linear model with P value &lt;0.0001 and determination coefficient R2 equal to 0.747, R adjusted was 0.706, and R predicted 0.643. In addition from analysis of variance flow highly effective parameters from other and optimization results verification revealed minimum oily content with 8.5 ± 0.7 ppm when initial oil content 991 ppm, tempe</p> ... Show More
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