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Relationship between Third Trimester Vaginal Bleeding Medical Causes and pregnancy Outcomes of Pregnant Women Attending Bint Al-Huda Hospital in Al-Nasiriya City

Objective: To find out the relationship between vaginal bleeding during third trimester and pregnancy outcomes. Methodology: A purposive sample is "Non-probability" of (100) women who had diagnostic vaginal bleeding during third trimester (27-40wk) of pregnancy, and who visited the Bint Al-Huda Hospital for the period from 15th Feb. to 17th May 2015.Validity and reliability of questionnaire are determined through pilot study. Descriptive and inferential statistical procedures were used to analyze the data, and the data were collected by using interview technique, constructed questionnaire has been designed in three parts: socio demographic, reproductive data and questions related to current vaginal bleeding and medical Causes, and pregnancy Outcomes. Results: Results of the study showed that the highest percentage of the study sample were within the age group (20-24 years). And women with high educational and economic level and more than half of the study sample were housewives, and residents in urban areas. With regard to the information reproductive the highest percentage of the study sample had been pregnant for five times and had given birth five times and more and have at least four living children were pregnancy in weeks period (28-29) a week and (30-31) a week, respectively, and the interval between the last pregnancy and current one year to two years. And that the cause of bleeding from a medical point is the rupture of the uterus and attributed the causes of bleeding from their medical point of view were accidents. The study shows that the impact on the newborn was premature birth of a child and that there is a significance relationship between the medical causes of 3rd trimester vaginal bleeding and pregnancy outcomes. Recommendations: Increases pregnant women awareness about pregnancy complications especially bleeding during pregnancy through mass media, pay more maternal attention and Emphasize the importance of attending the primary health care center for antenatal care to early diagnosis and treatment of some possible complications during pregnancy, reduce the number of pregnancy especially for those with high risk through family planning and Reduce the perinatal morbidity and mortality through good neonatal intensive care facilities.



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Publication Date
Thu Aug 18 2022
Journal Name
Dental Hypotheses
Microleakage Evaluation of Glass Hybrid Restoration Following Usage of Papain-Based Gel and Ceramic Bur for Caries Removal: An in Vitro Study

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 20 2025
Journal Name
Karbala Journal Of Physical Education Sciences
Training of different ranges using the (HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor ) and its effect in developing some of special abilities for young boxers

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology

Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Chemtech Research
The Effect of Ginger Plant (Zingiber officinale) Aqueous Extract on Function and Histological Structure of Kidney in Mice Treated with Carbon Tetrachloride

The percent work was designed to determine the effect of ginger plant aqueous extract on function and histological structure of kidney in mice treated with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Ginger plant caused a protective effect against CCl4 induced kidney damage and improved the kidney weight and biochemical parameters including urea, uric acid and creatinine. The ginger plant has a protective effect against injury in the kidney of mice treated with CCL4, because the ginger plant protects the tissues of kidney from toxic effect of CCL4. The kidney of CCL4 treated mice showed many histological alterations in the kidney included: atrophy, vascular degeneration and hemorrhage, death cell, degeneration of epithelial cells, destruction of basement

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 16 2020
Journal Name
Route Educational & Social Journal
Effect of applying the QR-Code system for acquisition chemistry and creative thinking in of first class female student at intermediate schools.

This research aims at identifying the system of applying the QRcode system for acquisition of chemistry by first class female students studying at intermediate schools knowledge and its effect on creative thinking. The research sample consisted of (63) female students in one of the intermediate schools in Baghdad/Iraq using two equivalents experimental and control groups. The scientific context used was based on the chemistry text book related to the periodic table, (Metals) for the first group of students and Alkaline metals,Nonmetals, Metalloides) for the second group. The research methodology employed consisted of the followings :Measuring students acquisition using (35) issues. The results were verified for their face validity and obtai

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

    The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of Royal jelly RJ on morphology and motility of mice sperms. Sperms were collected from the cauda region of the  epididymis of each 10 mice from the treatment and control groups. Direct activation techniques and evaluation of sperm morphology were carried out. Dhino microscope was used for sperm measurement. The inspection was carried out in Salamatic laboratory for pathological analysis in 2015.The result revealed that all of the sperm function parameters registered significant activation  in the treatment group. There was a significant increase in both the percentage of the sperm motility grade A and the progressive motility (A+B) of the treatment gr

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Impact of Bubbles Map strategy on developing science operations’ skills for 5th grade literary students in the subject of rhetoric and application

This research aims to know the effect of the strategy of map bubbles on developing the skills of science operations among 5th grade literary students in the subject of rhetoric and application, and the design of the experimental and control groups with the pre and post-tests was used. The research sample consisted of (50) students divided into two groups, an experimental group of which reached the number of its members is (25) students and studied using the strategy of map bubbles, and a control group of its members reached (25) students and studied in the traditional (standard) method. The researchers prepared a multiple-choice achievement test with several (30) paragraphs, and its validity and consistency were extracted. Then the test was

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 20 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Thickness of Buccal Bone at Various Sites of the Mandible and Its Clinical Significance in MonocorticalScrews Placement Using Multi-Slice Computed Tomography

Background:Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of using miniplates and screws is the treatment of choice of mandibular fractures. It is important to know both: the region where the bone providesafirm anchorage, andthe topography of the dental apices and inferior alveolar nerve to avoiddamaging them when inserting the screw. The aim of this study is to determine the thickness of buccal cortical plate and that of buccal bone at the parasymphysis and mandibular body, thereby determining the area that provide afirm anchorage and the maximum length of mono-cortical screws that can be safely placed in these regions without injuring the tooth roots or mandibular nerve. Materials and Methods:The sample of the present study was 110 Iraqi sub

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Publication Date
Thu May 10 2018
Journal Name
Global Journal Of Health Science; Issn 1916-9736 E-issn 1916-9744
Effects of Biological and Non Biological Agents (Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs) on Bone Mineral Density in a Sample of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Background: Osteoporosis is an extra-articular complication of rheumatoid arthritis that results in increased risk of fractures and associated morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs. Objective: To evaluate changes in bone mineral density in a sample of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients on biological (anti tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha) and non-biological agent disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). Patients and Methods: A cross sectional study enrolled 60 RA patients diagnosed by rheumatologist according to the 2010 American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism (2010 ACR/EULAR) classification criteria for RA. Thirty patient on biological agent (anti TNF alpha) and 30 patient on non-biological agent (D

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Water Productivity and Yield of Wheat Cultivated Using Developed Seasonal Schedule Irrigation in the Nineveh Province

The agricultural lands that depend on supplementary irrigation methods for winter wheat cultivating in wide areas of the Nineveh province are most vulnerable to climate change concerns. Due to frequent rainfall shortages and the temperature increase recently noticed and predicted by the climate scenarios. Hence important to assess the climate effect on the crop response in terms of water consumption during the periods (2021-2040) and (2041-2060) by using high-resolution data extracted from 6 global climate data GCMs under SSP5-8.5 fossil fuel emission scenarios in changing and fixed CO2 concentration. And validate the Aqua-Crop model to estimate the yield and water productivity. And gives the RRSME of 7.1- 4.1

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