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Impact of Adolescents' Family Meal Eating Patterns upon their Weight Control Behaviors at Secondary Schools in Baghdad City
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Objective: The study aimed to identify the adolescents' family meal eating patterns, and find out the relationship between adolescents' family meal eating patterns and their weight control behaviors. Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted on impact of adolescents' family meal eating patterns upon their weight control behaviors in secondary schools at Baghdad city, starting from 20th of April 2013 to the end of October 2014. Non- probability (purposive) sample of 1254 adolescents were chosen from secondary schools of both sides of Al-Karkh and Al-Russafa sectors. Data was collected through a specially constructed questionnaire format include (54) items multiple choice questions. The validity of the questionnaire was determined through a panel of experts related to the field of the study, and the reliability through a pilot study. The data were analyzed through the application of descriptive statistical analysis frequency, & percentages, and inferential statistical analysis, chi-square, are used. Results: The study results revealed the study sample mostly (38.4%, 40.3%, 40.3%, 31.4%, 38.5%, 41.4%, and 33.1%) always and sometimes eat meals rich with fat, carbohydrate and sweetly elements shown that in breakfast meal like fried eggs, fried vegetables and cream, better with jam, while in lunch and dinner mostly the adolescents and their family (41.0%, 67.2%, 55.7%, 37.7%, 52.5%, 41.3%, 32.3%, 41.2%, and 31.4%) sometimes interest bringing and eating burger, shawerma and falafel sandwich from out, also half percent the study sample sometimes eating healthy foods like cooking and fresh colure vegetables at home, more than one third and half of them (37.4%)and (38.1%)daily and sometimes eat fast food in or out home. The study sample eating habits with the family at home, eating snacks, fast food in and out home, have highly significant association with their total weight control behaviors methods. Recommendation: The study recommended that should adolescents' family have more intervention to follow regular mealtime and eating healthy foods to prevent and protect them from excessive risk weight gain at future.



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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Thin Solid Films
Studies of annealing impact on the morphological, opto-dielectric and mechanical behaviors of molybdenum-doped CrN coatings
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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Knowledge and Attitude of Family Doctors Regarding the Provision of Psychological Health Care in Primary Health Care Centers in Baghdad Al-Karkh
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Background: Mental health is integrated into PHC as a strategy of WHO to fill the gap in mental health treatment. Part of this strategy needs a level of task shifting so that mental health care is provided by different level of PHC workers and not only specialists such as psychiatrists and psychologists.

Objectives: To assess the knowledge and attitudes of family doctors regarding the provision of psychological health in PHCC and if there is an association between the certificates of these family doctors and their Knowledge and attitudes to psychological health.

Subjects and Methods:  A cross-sectional descriptive study with analytic elements was conducted in 8 famil

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2015
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Poultry Science
Association of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Gene Polymorphism at 279 Position of the 5’UTR Region with Body Weight Traits in Broiler Chicken
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insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) gene has been described in several studies as a candidate gene for growth. The present study attempts to identify associations between body weight traits and polymorphisms at 279 position of 5'UTR flanking region of IGF-1 gene in broiler chickens. Three hundred broiler chickens from two breeds (Cobb 500 and Hubbard F-15) were used in this study. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at 279 position of 5'UTR region of the IGF-1 gene was identified in 20.6 and 60.3% of Cobb 500 and Hubbard F-15, respectively, using the PCR-RFLP technique. Allele frequencies were 83.87 and 42.80% for the T allele and 16.13 and 57.20% for the C allele in Cobb500 and Hubbard-15 breeds, respectively. Genotype frequencies were

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Publication Date
Sun May 19 2024
Journal Name
Basrah Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
Investigation on Field Performance of Plowing and Harvesting Potatoes in Southern Baghdad
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This field experiment, was conducted to investigate a comparison of two methods for harvesting potatoes: mechanical and handy when using moldboard and chisel plow for primary tillage and three different distances for planting tubers in the rows 15, 25, and 35 cm in silt clay loam soil south of Baghdad. The factorial experiment followed a randomized complete block design with three replications using L.S.D. 5 % and 1 %. Mechanical harvest recorded the best valid potato tubers at 88.78 %, marketable yield of 31.74 ton. ha-1, efficiency lifted 95.68 %, tubers damage index 28.41, speeding up the harvesting process and reducing time and effort. Handy harvest gave the least damage to potato tubers, 6.02 %, and unlifted potato tubers, 4.32 %. Howe

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Research and Development Programs Effectiveness in the Central Library of Baghdad University
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Research and Development Programs Effectiveness in the Central Library of Baghdad University

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The efficiency of Using Attribute and Performance- Based Activity Methods to Raise the Level of Control Deviation A field study in Jaber Bin Hayyan Factory
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Cost is the essence of any production process for it is one of the requirements for the continuity of activities so as to increase the profitability of the economic unit and to support the competitive situation in the market. Therefore, there should be an overall control to reduce the cost without compromising the product quality; to achieve this, the management should have detailed credible and reliable information about the cost to be measured, collected, understood and to analyze the causes for the spread of deviations and obstacles the management faces, and to search for the factors that trigger the emergence of these deviations and obstacles

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مدى وعي المرأة في قدرتها على تأثيث وتنسيق منزلها في مدينة المكلا
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ملخص البحث :-

المنزل هو الشغل الشاغل لكل انسان لانه المكان الذي يجد فيه راحته ويعبر عن ذوقه ويعكس شخصيته وهو بمن فيه يشكل وحدة عمل وانتاج يتطور بمرور الزمن .

من خلال ملاحظة الباحثة لكثير من النساء في مدينة المكلا انهن يقعن في اخطاء مختلفة عند تأثيث منازلهن بسبب جهلهن اساليب التخطيط السليم لشراء الاثاث او تنسيقه في فراغات المنزل المختلفة . ولكي تصل الباحثة الى هدف البحث كان لا

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation of accounting procedures for joint arrangements in the Iraqi environment and their reflection on the quality of financial reporting
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The research aims to assess the local accounting procedures related in one of developments that have taken place, and largely on the structure of the Iraqi economic activity. But a partnership between the (public and private sector), or one of the types of joint arrangements, and through the use of the analytical method and extrapolate the reality of the accounting treatments in Company research sample. Research found to a number of conclusions that the unified accounting system applied in the economic units that deal with contracting joint arrangements formula suffers from obvious shortcomings, and reflected the common arrangements suffer from obvious shortcomings. and reflected on the quality of financial reporting, and the urgent need

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use A State Space Model and Forecast House Prices in Baghdad.
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The purchase of a home and access to housing is one of the most important requirements for the life of the individual and the stability of living and the development of the prices of houses in general and in Baghdad in particular affected by several factors, including the basic area of the house, the age of the house, the neighborhood in which the housing is available and the basic services, Where the statistical model SSM model was used to model house prices over a period of time from 2000 to 2018 and forecast until 2025 The research is concerned with enhancing the importance of this model and describing it as a standard and important compared to the models used in the analysis of time series after obtaining the

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Married population of Baghdad (The study of the POPULATION geography)
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The study found a number of results. The most prominent were the low married during the years of the study in 1997-2012. The study also showed the level of administrative units that the percentage of widows and single rise in urban and rural decline. This is due to the different nature of urban and rural society of the behavior and social habits and traditions.As the proportion of divorced and unmarried are decreased in urban and increase proportion in the countryside, and this is due to the influence of the rural population in the urban centers. As well as the study showed that there was a significant effect of the economic and social factors and other factors on marital status on its parts in the study area.

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