Objective(s): To determine the effectiveness of lactation counseling on maintenance of breastfeeding after
cesarean section for study group.
Methodology: A quasi-experimental study was conducted on non probability sample (purposive) of (60) women
who had cesarean section and sample divided in to two groups (30) of them as a study group from Fatima AlZahra'a
Maternity and Pediatric Teaching Hospital & implement lactation counseling on it and another group (30)
as control group from Baghdad Teaching Hospital in Baghdad City. Study implemented for the period of April 24th
2011 to August 2nd 2011. A questionnaire was used as a tool of data collection to fulfill with objective of the study
and consisted of three parts, including demographic, reproductive characteristics and maintenance of
breastfeeding of the sample. A pilot study was carried out to test the reliability of the questionnaire and content
validity was carried out through the 11 experts. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were used to
analyze the data.
Results: The results of the study revealed that most mothers their ages within ideal fertility age which ranged
between (20-24) years, and most of them had low educational level, and were housewives, and live in urban
area, with moderate socioeconomic status, and (53.3%), (50%) respectively of them were primigravida. The
study shows that (100%) of the study group had continued breastfeeding, while (76.7%) of the control group had
continued breastfeeding and the reasons for discontinuation of breastfeeding for control group are not enough
milk and newborn refuse lactation, (73.3%) of the study group had exclusive breastfeeding, while (26%) of the
control group had exclusive breastfeeding.
Recommendations: The study recommended to reactivate the role of Baby-Friendly Hospitals Initiative in
promoting of breastfeeding by implementation of ten steps successful of breastfeeding, and breastfeeding
counseling for women during pregnancy and after birth especially who have cesarean section which has important
role on maintenance of breastfeeding up to 6 months after birth.
بحث لمعرفة رواة السنن والمسانيد للحافظ ابن نقطة
This study is due to insufficient development of the issues of initial training in tennis at youthful (student) age. Objective: development of a methodological and scientific-methodological base of students' tennis with current trends in tennis. Summing up the best practices of modern tennis, we came to the conclusion that the formation of the art of reflection backhands in teaching beginner students of sports specialization to achieve future success. In modern conditions in the development of Russian tennis student opens the possibility of using new technologies and programs. Using these approaches, we have developed a training program and tested students' tennis in the pedagogical experiment, which resulted in its effectiveness.
During the syrvey on natural enemies of whiteflies in Iraq, the following. predators were recorded.
In this study, we review the ARIMA (p, d, q), the EWMA and the DLM (dynamic linear moodelling) procedures in brief in order to accomdate the ac(autocorrelation) structure of data .We consider the recursive estimation and prediction algorithms based on Bayes and KF (Kalman filtering) techniques for correlated observations.We investigate the effect on the MSE of these procedures and compare them using generated data.
Cadmium Oxide thin films were deposited on glass substrate by spray pyrolysis technique at different temperatures (300,350,400, 500)oC. The optical properties of the films were studied in this work. The optical band-gap was determined from absorption spectra, it was found that the optical band-gap was within the range of (2.5-2.56)eV also width of localized states and another optical properties.
Al- belenoby , Andalusian obscure poet .I choose to study poetic rhythm in this poetic and the appropriateness of with what rhythm touring in his self to give beautiful meaning raise to receiver to put the hands of continental placements creativity in poetry .I divided my research into ideas are presented in a sequential manner , I started researching with poetic rhyme than rhyme they represent the form of the poem, they represent the external form of the poem and their music that farm the general concept then the rhetorical styles that represent the internal form of the poem and it music that the listener works and enjoying it part by part all this led to the put the hands of the receiver placement creativity in Belenoby Poet.&nbs
... Show MoreIn this paper, photometric analysis of two short period group of the eclipsing binaries (RS CVn); RT And and BH Vir is presented. New physical and geometric parameters were obtained by performing two computer modeling. The first model is software package PHOEBE based on the Wilson–Devinney method, and the second is Binary Maker 3 (BM3).Our results are in good agreement with those obtained using the same modeling.
High Alumina Glasses "Alumina Silicate Glasses" was prepared by utilizing powder technology technique. The starting materials are wasted soda-lime glass from an industrial site, Iraqi Duekhla raw kaolin and small amounts of potassium carbonates.
X-ray Diffraction and FTIR analysis show complete vitreous glasses are obtained. Increasing Alumina content plays an obvious role in improving physical and mechanical properties of the prepared high alumina glass. In addition, the increased alumina content enhanced the dielectric constant and reduced dielectric loss. These results may be interpreted as du
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