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Effectiveness of lactation counseling on maintenance of breastfeeding
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Objective(s): To determine the effectiveness of lactation counseling on maintenance of breastfeeding after
cesarean section for study group.
Methodology: A quasi-experimental study was conducted on non probability sample (purposive) of (60) women
who had cesarean section and sample divided in to two groups (30) of them as a study group from Fatima AlZahra'a
Maternity and Pediatric Teaching Hospital & implement lactation counseling on it and another group (30)
as control group from Baghdad Teaching Hospital in Baghdad City. Study implemented for the period of April 24th
2011 to August 2nd 2011. A questionnaire was used as a tool of data collection to fulfill with objective of the study
and consisted of three parts, including demographic, reproductive characteristics and maintenance of
breastfeeding of the sample. A pilot study was carried out to test the reliability of the questionnaire and content
validity was carried out through the 11 experts. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were used to
analyze the data.
Results: The results of the study revealed that most mothers their ages within ideal fertility age which ranged
between (20-24) years, and most of them had low educational level, and were housewives, and live in urban
area, with moderate socioeconomic status, and (53.3%), (50%) respectively of them were primigravida. The
study shows that (100%) of the study group had continued breastfeeding, while (76.7%) of the control group had
continued breastfeeding and the reasons for discontinuation of breastfeeding for control group are not enough
milk and newborn refuse lactation, (73.3%) of the study group had exclusive breastfeeding, while (26%) of the
control group had exclusive breastfeeding.
Recommendations: The study recommended to reactivate the role of Baby-Friendly Hospitals Initiative in
promoting of breastfeeding by implementation of ten steps successful of breastfeeding, and breastfeeding
counseling for women during pregnancy and after birth especially who have cesarean section which has important
role on maintenance of breastfeeding up to 6 months after birth.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 05 2018
Journal Name
Acs Applied Nano Materials
Direct Formation of 2D-MnO<sub><i>x</i></sub> under Conditions of Water Oxidation Catalysis
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We describe the synthesis and characterization of a novel 2D-MnOx material using a combination of HR-TEM, XAS, XRD, and reactivity measurements. The ease with which the 2D material can be made and the conditions under which it can be made implies that water oxidation catalysts previously described as “birnessite-like” (3D) may be better thought of as 2D materials with very limited layer stacking. The distinction between the materials as being “birnessite-like” and “2D” is important because it impacts on our understanding of the function of these materials in the environment and as catalysts. The 2D-MnOx material is noted to be a substantially stronger chemical oxidant than previously noted for other birnessite-like manganese oxi

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
Biomedical And Pharmacology Journal
Extraction, Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Two Phenolic Acids from Aerial Parts of Celery and Coriander
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Celery and coriander are vastly applied in modern medicine and traditionally because various medicinal and nutritional benefits depend on their medicinal characteristics. The study aimed to detect, isolate and compare extracts contents of phenolic acids (caffeic and p-coumaric acids) in ethyl acetate fraction of fresh and dry aerial parts of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) and celery (Apium graveolens L.) of the Apiaceae family. The extraction of these constituents was carried out by maceration method using 70% ethanol and fractionation was done by using petroleum ether, and ethyl acetate. The existence of caffeic and p-coumaric acids in aerial part extracts of two plants was identified by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 04 2020
Journal Name
A Comparative Study of the Performance of Slender Reinforced Concrete Columns with Different Cross-Sectional Shapes
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Most reinforced concrete (RC) structures are constructed with square/rectangular columns. The cross-section size of these types of columns is much larger than the thickness of their partitions. Therefore, parts of these columns are protruded out of the partitions. The emergence of columns edges out of the walls has some disadvantages. This limitation is difficult to be overcome with square or rectangular columns. To solve this problem, new types of RC columns called specially shaped reinforced concrete (SSRC) columns have been used as hidden columns. Besides, the use of SSRC columns provides many structural and architectural advantages as compared with rectangular columns. Therefore, this study was conducted to explain the structura

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Al-fatih Journal
Impact exercises sense of the power arm in the level of performance skill in basketball clapotement
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أن كرة السلة بما تتضمنه من مهارات حركية متنوعة تتطلب من ممارسيها امتلاك عدد من القدرات الحركية الخاصة وبشكل خاص التوافق العضلي العصبي والرشاقة والقوة المميزة بالسرعة، فضلاعن قدرات الإدراك الحس- حركي (إدراك المكان وقوة دفع الكرة سواء بالطبطبة العالية أو الواطئة .... الخ ) لذا تكمن أهمية البحث في إيجاد الطرق والوسائل التي تطور قدرة الطالبة على إدراك قوة دفع الكرة والإحساس بها أثناء تعلم وتدريب الطبطبة بأنواعها ب

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 18 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
Contribution of hunting cooperation and antipredator behavior to the dynamics of the harvested prey-predator system
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Fear, harvesting, hunting cooperation, and antipredator behavior are all important subjects in ecology. As a result, a modified Leslie-Gower prey-predator model containing these biological aspects is mathematically constructed, when the predation processes are described using the Beddington-DeAngelis type of functional response. The solution's positivity and boundedness are studied. The qualitative characteristics of the model are explored, including stability, persistence, and bifurcation analysis. To verify the gained theoretical findings and comprehend the consequences of modifying the system's parameters on their dynamical behavior, a detailed numerical investigation is carried out using MATLAB and Mathematica. It is discovered that the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, Characterization and Antioxidant Activity of New Azo Ligand and Some Metal Complexes of Tryptamine Derivatives
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Write a brief abstract about your paper’s subject of study. Write a brief abstract about your paper’s subject of study. Write a brief abstract about your paper’s subject of study. Write a brief abstract about your paper’s subject of study. Write a brief abstract about your paper’s subject of study. Write a brief abstract about your paper’s subject of study. Write a brief abstract about your paper’s subject of study. Write a brief abstract about your paper’s subject of study. Write a brief abstract about your paper’s subject of study. Write a brief abstract about your paper’s subject of study. Write a brief abstract about your paper’s subject of study. Write a brief abstract about your paper’s subject of

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of Second Hankel Determinant for Certain Subclasses of Functions Defined by Al-Oboudi Differential Operator
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The concern of this article is the calculation of an upper bound of second Hankel determinant for the subclasses of functions defined by Al-Oboudi differential operator in the unit disc. To study special cases of the results of this article, we give particular values to the parameters A, B and λ

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Radiological Assessment of Mandibular Retromolar Canal (MRMC) Using CBCT-Radiographs in a Sample of Iraqi Patients
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Background: Because of its clinical and surgical importance and lack of precise information about this rare and important anatomical landmark, this study was designed to detect the presence, configurations and length of Mandibular Retromolar Canal (MRMC) with aid of CBCT visualization. Materials and methods: In this retrospective study the data was obtained from Specialist Health Center in AL-Sadder city in Baghdad for (100) patients with 200 inferior dental canal, all of them referred to CBCT scan (Kodak 9500, French origin). The scanning was done with tube voltage 90 kVp, tube current with 10mA and exposure time was 10 s., the field of view was measured with 5cm x 3.7cmwith 0.03mm voxel size Results: In the present study the prevalence of

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of using Mesocyclops hyalinus and Cyclops agilis as A biological Control of Anophles larvae
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The fresh water ecosystem constitute an essential and very important for human life, for this reason it should be kept away from all the chemical pollutants including the pesticides The best way for Fighting harmful insects.(such as Anophles larvae) is by the biological control.


In the present study two species of Cyclopoida: Copepod, Mesocyclops hyalinus and Cyclops agilis Ø¢ were used as predators for Anophles larvae.


The data showed that the percentages of predation were 65% and 56%

forM. hyalinus and C. agilis respectively


and the means of predation were 1.3 larvae/ female and 1.1

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
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Modern technology and the possibility of their use for the development of the domestic copper industry
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Industries copper a craft that requires precision and patience great in the processes of industrialization and execution of product launches brass designs and a variety of forms , and the goal of research into the possibility of the use of modern technologies in the development of industries copper local , and identifies research study models of industries copper local to the city of Baghdad , and are available in the markets for the period from (200 - 2011) , Chapter II Multi industries copper local and technical in the copper industry , and after analysis models the sample was the most important conclusions : can work forms a multi- product copper formations deep or window using the technique work motifs and patterns. - formations deco

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