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Effectiveness of lactation counseling on maintenance of breastfeeding
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Objective(s): To determine the effectiveness of lactation counseling on maintenance of breastfeeding after
cesarean section for study group.
Methodology: A quasi-experimental study was conducted on non probability sample (purposive) of (60) women
who had cesarean section and sample divided in to two groups (30) of them as a study group from Fatima AlZahra'a
Maternity and Pediatric Teaching Hospital & implement lactation counseling on it and another group (30)
as control group from Baghdad Teaching Hospital in Baghdad City. Study implemented for the period of April 24th
2011 to August 2nd 2011. A questionnaire was used as a tool of data collection to fulfill with objective of the study
and consisted of three parts, including demographic, reproductive characteristics and maintenance of
breastfeeding of the sample. A pilot study was carried out to test the reliability of the questionnaire and content
validity was carried out through the 11 experts. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were used to
analyze the data.
Results: The results of the study revealed that most mothers their ages within ideal fertility age which ranged
between (20-24) years, and most of them had low educational level, and were housewives, and live in urban
area, with moderate socioeconomic status, and (53.3%), (50%) respectively of them were primigravida. The
study shows that (100%) of the study group had continued breastfeeding, while (76.7%) of the control group had
continued breastfeeding and the reasons for discontinuation of breastfeeding for control group are not enough
milk and newborn refuse lactation, (73.3%) of the study group had exclusive breastfeeding, while (26%) of the
control group had exclusive breastfeeding.
Recommendations: The study recommended to reactivate the role of Baby-Friendly Hospitals Initiative in
promoting of breastfeeding by implementation of ten steps successful of breastfeeding, and breastfeeding
counseling for women during pregnancy and after birth especially who have cesarean section which has important
role on maintenance of breastfeeding up to 6 months after birth.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
We study the effect of Ultra violet rays (A-B) in treatment of Vitiligo (applied Therapy)
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This research evaluated the effect of (UV)(400-320A)Hz(320-220B)Hz on the patient with vitiligo , using it with our new combing therapy that include the oral (Psorlene ) topical , meladinine solution applied on the Vitiligiousns Lesions , In edition to the instralesnional injection in the Vitiligiousns Lesions by long acting steroid (kenacort-A ) by aprecentage of (5%) , after that we expose the patient to UV . The ruslets of this way of treatment more effective by using of the UV rays in the treatment of vitiligo , while the previous treatment that used the UV ray with or with out the psorlene , the results were not effective on controlling of the Vitiligio diseases comparing by the treatment used in this research as it stop’s the sp

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Univariate and Multivariate Optimization of Spectrophotometric Determination of Europium (III) in Pure Form and Synthetic Sample
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    Two different approaches, univariate and multivariate (simplex method), have been used to obtain the optimum conditions for the quantitative Spectrophotometric determination of Eu3+ using Solochrome violet RS (3-Hydroxy-4-(2-hydroxy phenyl azo) naphthalene -1sulfonic acid) (SVRS) as a chromogenic reagent. The investigation shows that Eu3+ ion forms a wine-red complex with SVRS in alkaline buffer solution having a maximum absorbance at 464 nm against reagent blank.       Calibration graphs obtained under univariate and simplex were found to be linear in the range of (0.30-8.0) µg/ml with detection limit 0.061µg/ml and molar absorptivity of 9877.66 L/ and (0.40-10.0)µg/ml with

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 07 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of music therapy in lowering high blood pressure in patients with diseases of sugar
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      Faces of the individual in his life many stressful events, which includes expertise undesirable, and events may involve a lot of sources of tension and the risk factors and threats in all areas of life, and this would make the stressful events play a role in the genesis of many diseases physical.            

The high blood pressure is one of the most Actual manifestations of mental stress in the present scale physical disorders which may frequently in men relative to women, which may be caused by spasms in the blood vessels.      

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of the Number of Dipping Cycles for a Cadmium Oxide Film Prepared by SILAR Method
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The thin films of cadmium oxide (CdO) were deposited using the SILAR (Successive ionic layer absorption and reaction) method at various deposition cycles. CdO thin films were made on glass substrates at a temperature of  95°C, using a cadmium acetate source material and an ammonium hydroxide solution. One of the main criteria that impact the quality of thin films is the number of deposition cycles. The size of the crystals decreases with the increase in the number of cycles from 33.7 nm at the immersion cycle 10 to 22.7 nm at the immersion cycle 20, as shown by the X-ray diffraction results. The optical band gap energy of the films reduces as the number of deposition cycles increases, while the transmittance of the Cadmium oxide film i

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of New Fused Heterocyclic Compounds Consisting of Benzodiazepine, Quinoxaline, Benzimidazole and Thiazole Rings
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In this study, new heterocyclic compounds were synthesized through the cyclization reactions of o-phenylenediamine (1) with various organic reagents. Benzodiazepine derivatives (2-4) were obtained by reaction of (1) with ethylacetoacetate, malonic acid and acetyl acetone.Treatment of compound (1) with chloroacetamide, chloroacetic acid, p-bromophenacyl bromide and oxalic acid dihydrate afforded quinoxaline derivatives (5-8), respectively. Reaction of compound (1) with benzoic acid, piperonal, cyclohexanone and carbon disulfide resulted in the formation of compounds (9-12), respectively. Finally, reaction of compound (12) with chloroacetic acid in the presence of potassium hydroxide produced compound (13).

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Removal of Dissolved Organic Compounds and Contaminants from Wastewater of a Petroleum Refinery by Ion Exchange
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The efficient removal of dissolved organic compounds (DOC) from wastewater has become a major environmental concern because of its high toxicity even at low concentrations. Therefore, a technique was needed to reduce these pollutants. Ion exchange technology (IE) was used with AmberliteTM IR120 Na, AmberliteTM IR96RF, and AmberliteTM IR402, firstly by using anion and mixed bed system, where the following variables are investigated for the process of adsorption: The height of the bed in column (8,10 and 14 cm), different concentrations of (DOC) content at constant flow rate. The use of an ion exchanger unit (continuous system) with three columns (cation, anion, and mixed bed) was studied.

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Exploitation of the Democratization of Language in the Mass Media: Тенденция к демократизации языка в сми
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      In the present paper, the features of democratization of vocabulary in the language of mass media are tackled. Particularly, the functions of this phenomenon in the context of language as an ontological reality are analysed. As well, the growing role  of the language of the media, and the language of politics as an integral part pertaining to it, is noted. Further, attention is paid to the excessive saturation of the language of the media along with the literary language, by means of evaluation which may include negative results.

     In this concern, scholars had different views, specifically in relation to the use of colloquial vocabulary along with some vernacular profess

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Synthesis and evaluation of B-cyclodextrin Based Nanosponges of 5- Fluorouracil by Using Ultrasound Assisted Method
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CD-nanosponges were prepared by crosslinking B-CD with diphenylcarbonate (DPC) using ultrasound assisted technique. 5-FU was incorporated with NS by freeze drying, and the phase solubility study, complexation efficiency (CE) entrapment efficiency were performed. Also, the particle morphology was studied using SEM and AFM. The in-vitro release of 5-FU from the prepared nanosponges was carried out in 0.1N HCl.

5-FU nanosponges particle size was in the nano size. The optimum formula showed a particle size of (405.46±30) nm, with a polydispersity index (PDI) (0.328±0.002) and a negative zeta potential (-18.75±1.8). Also the drug entrapment efficiency varied with the CD: DPC molar ratio from 15.6 % to 30%. The SEM an

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Scopus (13)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of Malondialdehyde Levels in sera, RBCs and Tissues homogenate of Iraqi Women With Breast Tumors
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Breast tumors patients generally have more oxidative stress than normal females. This was clear from a highly significant elevation (P<0.05) in malondialdehyde level in RBCs, serum and tissue of all patients groups with breast cancer as compared with control group. In this study we had found that free radicals in malignant breast tumors were higher than benign tumors, therefore the MDA might be used as a marker for prognosis of the disease.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The role of Hajjaj bin Yusuf Al - Thaqafi in the linguistic reform of the Holy Quran
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During his tenure in Iraq, al-Hadjjaj bin Yusif undertook administrative and economic reforms as well as linguistic reform.

The efforts exerted by Abu al-Aswad al-Dawali to control the reading of the Holy Quran were not sufficient, so the melody and error continued and became more pronounced, especially since the letters were written until then without any distinguishing features.

Al- Hadjjaj bin Yusuf realized the seriousness of the continuation of these errors and what he talked with the days of the causes of division and disagreement between the Muslim community ordered his book to put these suspicious characters marks was at the head of the book Nasr bin Asim and Yehi bin Muammar

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