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Measuring of C-reactive protein titer in patients with acute hepatitis-C Virus infection
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Objective(s): To measure serum C-reactive protein (CRP) titer as a predictive diagnosis of acute hepatitis C virus (HCV)
Methodology: Two hundred and ten patients with acute HCV infection and 234 apparently healthy individuals as
control group were enrolled in this study in Baghdad medical city (Teaching Laboratories). The patents include
74(35.2%) females and 136 (64.8%) males with mean age (27±16.5) years. The control group includes 114 (48.7%)
females and 120 (51.3%) males with mean age (26±5.8) years. Blood samples were collected from out patients from
Alfadul in Baghdad city. Sera were separated and stored at 20 0
C. The diagnosis of acute HCV infection was based on
detection of HC Ag and anti- HCV IgM and standard liver function tests. Determination of CRP titer was assessed by
semi-quantitative tube agglutination test. All data were statistically analyzed.
Results: Based on 95% percentile, the baseline CRP titer in healthy individuals was 1:8 (16mg/l) and for patients 1:512
(1024mg/l). There was a statistically significant increase in the mean CRP titer in patients with acute HCV infection
compared to healthy individuals (P< 0.001) .The validly of CRP titer 1: 64 as a cut –off value to predict HCV infection
provide a sensitivity and specificity of 100 % and 96% respectively. Furthermore, there was a significant correlation
between CRP titer and liver function test values.
Therefore, in further studies, we recommends the evaluation of C- reactive protein titer in patients with acute
hepatitis B Virus infection and patients with non–infectious diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus
and hyperlipidemia infection, and compare between them.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Representations of the place in the drawings of Nuri al-Rawi: زينب سعد عزالدين-محمد جلوب جبر
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The place and environment in which the artist lives is considered one of the influences and drivers active in him, thus determining his style and artistic direction later, and in our research we have dealt with the effect of place and environment in the drawings of Nuri al-Rawi and the extent of their reflection on the general, so the research came within two frameworks: The first is the methodological framework that represents We have the problem of the research, its importance, its goal and the limits of research in it in addition to defining terms. As for the theoretical framework, the study dealt with two topics, the first of which included the topic (Nuri the narrator, the environment and the place) dealing with the role and effect

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measure the impact of the age structure of the population on the gross domestic product in Iraq
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   يهدف البحث إلى التعرف على The research aims to identify the effect ofاثر التركيب العمري للسكان على الناتج المحلي الإجمالي في العراق وتحديد الفئات العمرية من أطفال ومنتجين أي من هم في سن العمل والمسنين لأهمية ذلك لإغراض التخطيط الاقتصادي.إنeffectofeee age structure of the population on GDP in Iraq and determine the age groups of children and any of the producers wham are of working age and the elderly of the importance for the purposes of economic planning. نسبة الفئة العمرية Proportion of the age group (00- -4 4سنوات اقتربت من

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 07 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Problems that facing the philosophy of education in the variables of knowledge and Informatics society (techno _ social).
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This research includes problems that facing the philosophy of education in the variables of knowledge and Informatics society (techno _ social).

 The problematic research included three questions:

 1- What are the concepts and characterization related to the problematic of relationship between the philosophy of education and informatics variables (techno - social).

2-What kind of problems facing speech philosophy of education in the variables information (techno - social)

  3 - What are the perceptions of educational proposed to address problematic philosophy of education in the scope of human (human nature) and (values ​​and morals), in addition the research may explain the co

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Parasitological investigation of piscivorous birds in Al-Hammar marsh south of Iraq during December-February 2004 and December 2005 were revealed that water birds infected with five nematode species, which belong to three different superfamilies, Desmidocercella numidica (Seurat, 1920) (Superfamily: Aproctoidea) from three piscivorous birds including Grey heron Ardea cinerea, Bittern Botaurusstellaris, and small white heron Ardeola ralloides; Avioserpens sp. 1 and Avioserpens sp. 2 (Superfamily: Dracunculoidea) from small bittern Ixobrychus minutus and black glossy ibis Plegadisfalcinellus respectively; Baruscapillaria sp. and Baruscapillarinae gen. sp. (Sup

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Magazine Aldhakwat Albedh
The methodology of Ibn Mamati (d. 606 AH) in his book Laws of Diwans - A Civilizational Study
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The book The Laws of Duwan of Mamati's Son (T, 606 E) His approach to his narratives is a topic of historical and civilized importance. The Fatimid Age of the People of Jehovah has expanded its influence and authority, including ministers, writers, doughnuts and foreshores. One of the Christian families that shined in the late Fatmi era was "Mamati", who lived in "Assiut" from Upper Egypt, then moved to Cairo, and enrolled in the service of the Fatimids, where their sons held important positions in State offices.Ibn Mamati became in charge of the Army Office and then added to it the Finance Office, which became the most important downs in Egypt. Through his work in the Duwan Law Books, this book was a living record of the Dawawans in the Ay

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Scenarios for investment of proposed marshes and requirements for success:a case study in the Marshlands of maysan
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  The research aims to presenting a number of scenarios for the investment of the marshes. The problem of research problem was that there is no in-depth analysis of the marshes  environment. The traditional methods of  the environmental analysis are insufficient. The research community is represented by the decision makers in Maysan Governorate. The research led to proposing of three scenarios with statement  the requirements for the success of each one. The most important conclusions are that the three proposed scenarios for marshes investment depend on the availability of the required volunteers for each scenario. The higher the availability of the requirements, the more optimistic the scenario becomes. If t

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of storage duration on the Type and concentration of aflatoxin in local paddy and polished rice.
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?Natural Occurrence of aflatoxin Bi and B2 was investigated monthly in paddy rice stored for duration of six months. Aflatoxin B| was detected at the beginning of storage. The concentration of aflatoxin Bi in paddy and polished rice was found to be (0.3 and ()) ppb respectively while aflatoxin B2 W'as not detected in both paddy and polished rice afler six months of storage, concentration of aflatoxin Bi ‘ ’ ' reached 3 ppb in paddy rice and 0.9 ppb in polished rice, while the study proved that the concentration of aflatoxin in paddy rice was higher than polished rice as a result of processing which reduce the toxin

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 18 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Methodology of Bible Criticism of Muslim Scholars in South Africa Ali Safraz Khan Gumal as a sample
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This paper and research paper analyzes the critical methodology of "Ali Khan Joommal “ about the Bible , directed in most of the textual criticism of the Torah, and its highest criticism is directed to both the Old and New Testaments.

Joommal  was distinguished by the mental methods and examples accompanying his era, while maintaining the general context in which Muslim scholars had previously followed, and he was distinguished from them by his many citations to the Western literature of Jews or Christians, in short it is a critical phenomenon worthy of study and evaluation.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 13 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
A comparison of some forecasting models to forecast the number of old people in Iraqi retirement homes
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Statistical methods of forecasting have applied with the intention of constructing a model to predict the number of the old aged people in retirement homes in Iraq. They were based on the monthly data of old aged people in Baghdad and the governorates except for the Kurdistan region from 2016 to 2019. Using Box-Jenkins methodology, the stationarity of the series was examined. The appropriate model order was determined, the parameters were estimated, the significance was tested, adequacy of the model was checked, and then the best model of prediction was used. The best model for forecasting according to criteria of (Normalized BIC, MAPE, RMSE) is ARIMA (0, 1, 2).

Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effects of Thyrotoxicosis on the Structure of Salivary Glands (Submandibular Glands) in Swiss Albino Mice (Mus musculus)
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The goal of this study  was intend to study the effects of induced

thyrotoxicosis on the histological structure of submandibular gland.

Two groups of mature albino mice wen: used, the first group was injected (subcutaneous) daily  with  (0.2_0.4)ml  norma] salinfor 11 days and used as control group, while the second group was injected daily wi th L_thyroxin (T4) 0.2mg /Kg (subcutaneous) for l l days.

At  the  end  of   the  treatment  , supmandibular  glands      were processed for light microscopic examination .

The result.s have shown the   presence of degenertaive changes of major submandibular acini cells in anima

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