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Facies, Depositional Environment and Cyclicity of the Fatha Formation in East Baghdad Oil Field, Iraq.
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This study deals with establishing the depositional environment of the Fatha Formation through facies analysis. It also deals with dividing the formation into units based on the rhythmic nature. Data from selected shallow wells near Hit area and deep wells at East Baghdad Oil field are used. Five major lithofacies are recognized in this study, namely, greenish grey marl, limestone, gypsum (and/or anhydrite), halite and reddish brown mudstone (with occasional sandstone).The limestone lithofacies is divided into three microfacies: Gastropods bioclastic wackestone microfacies, Gastropods peloidal bioclastic packstone, and Foraminiferal packstone microfacies.The lithofacies of the Fatha are nested in a rhythmic pattern or what is known as shallowing-upwards cycle. Each rhythm begins with shallow marine subtidal environment followed by hypersaline lagoonal environment then supersaline lakes and Salinas, and may finally terminate with continental deposits. Each regressive rhythm is followed by a transgressive phase. According the repitions of the lithofacies, the Fatha Formation can be divided stratigraphically into three units namely Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 (in ascending order). Different kinds of nesting of lithofacies are recognized in each unit. Only Unit 2 shows complete rhythms.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
TV and educating university youth about the challenges of cultural identity in Iraq Field study of a sample of students at University of Baghdad
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The TV plays an active role in building the general culture of the recipients, which calls for emphasizing its contemporary mission in rebuilding the values that support the development and modernization of diverse societies. Such importance is necessary to explore the challenges facing the cultural invasion, The space opening, which had its cultural returns to the societies, produced a space for alternative values and antagonisms in the cultures and traditions of these societies in the midst of a psychological / social conflict behind a clash with the peculiarities of Muslim societies. Cultural Adtha.
From these points of view, and because the universities are an important stage to announce the demands of the advocates of change and

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Re-evaluation of Petro physical Properties in Yammama Formation at Nasiriya Field
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Nasiriya field is located about 38 Km to the north – west of Nasiriya city. Yammama, a giant lower cretaceous reservoir in Nasiriya field which is lithologically formed from limestone. Yammama mainly was divided into three main reservoir units YA, YB1, YB2 and YB3 and it is separated by impermeable layers of variable thickness. An accurate petro physical evolution of the reservoir is of great importance perform an excellent geological model so that four petro physical properties which are shale volume, porosity, water saturation and permeability was re-evaluated. The volume of shale was calculated using the density and neutron logs (VSH-DN) rather than using gamma ray log because of presence a uranium content in the formation that make

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Formation evaluation for Mauddud Formation in Bai Hassan oilfield, Northern Iraq
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   Formation evaluation is a critical process in the petroleum industry that involves assessing the petrophysical properties and hydrocarbon potential of subsurface rock formations. This study focuses on evaluating the Mauddad Formation in the Bai Hassan oil field by analyzing data obtained from well logs and core samples. Four wells were specifically chosen for this study (BH-102, BH-16, BH-86, and BH-93). The main objectives of this study were to identify the lithology of the Mauddud Formation and estimate key petrophysical properties such as shale volume, porosity, water saturation, and permeability. The Mauddud Formation primarily consists of limestone and dolomite, with some anhydrites present. It is classified as a clean for

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
marked as licensing oil and its role in future oil industry in Iraq
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Iraq's oil industry  has been passed  in different periods , began with domination  of  Western companies to invest in Iraqi oil at twenties of the last century ,  through the process of nationalization of the shares of those companies ,  beginning of the seventies , and ending with the new policies adopted by the government recently, which was contracting with international companies to develop the oil industry , because of what the outcome of the oil industry from a decline in artistic and  physical ability as a result to the  conditions of war and embargo imposed on Iraq before 2003.

The Iraqi government has introduced licensing of a contract to

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 11 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Distribution of Petrophysical Properties Based on Conceptual Facies Model, Mishrif Reservoir/South of Iraq
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A 3D geological model is an essential step to reveal reservoir heterogeneity and reservoir properties distribution. In the present study, a three-dimensional geological model for the Mishrif reservoir was built based on data obtained from seven wells and core data. The methodology includes building a 3D grid and populating it with petrophysical properties such as (facies, porosity, water saturation, and net to gross ratio). The structural model was built based on a base contour map obtained from 2D seismic interpretation along with well tops from seven wells. A simple grid method was used to build the structural framework with 234x278x91 grid cells in the X, Y, and Z directions, respectively, with lengths equal to 150 meters. The to

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Treating Wet Oil in Amara Oil Field Using Nanomaterial (SiO2) With Different Types of De emulsifiers
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One of the most important problems in the oil production process and when its continuous flow, is emulsified oil (w/o emulsion), which in turn causes many problems, from the production line to the extended pipelines that are then transported to the oil refining process. It was observed that the nanomaterial (SiO2) supported the separation process by adding it to the emulsion sample and showed a high separation rate with the demulsifiers (RB6000) and (sebamax) where the percentage of separation was greater than (90 and 80 )%  respectively, and less than that when dealing with (Sodium dodecyl sulfate and Diethylene glycol), the percentage of separation was (60% and 50%) respectively.

   The high proportion

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 22 2020
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad
Feasibility of Water Sink-Based Gas Flooding to Enhance Oil Recovery in North Rumaila Oil Field
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
Effect of magnetic field on the growth, multiplication and concentration of the volatile oil of rosemary officinalis in vitro
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
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Tigris And Euphrates Rivers: Their Environment From Headwaters To Mouth
Macroplastic and Microplastic in the Freshwater Environment of Southern Iraq: Evidences Obtained from Freshwater Fish Species
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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Optimization of Separator Size and Operating Pressure for Three-phase Separators in the West Qurna1 Oil Field
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An optimization study was conducted to determine the optimal operating pressure for the oil and gas separation vessels in the West Qurna 1 oil field. The ASPEN HYSYS software was employed as an effective tool to analyze the optimal pressure for the second and third-stage separators while maintaining a constant operating pressure for the first stage. The analysis involved 10 cases for each separation stage, revealing that the operating pressure of 3.0 Kg/cm2 and 0.7 Kg/cm2 for the second and third stages, respectively, yielded the optimum oil recovery to the flow tank. These pressure set points were selected based on serval factors including API gravity, oil formation volume factor, and gas-oil ratio from the flow tank.    To impro

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