ArcHydro is a model developed for building hydrologic information systems to synthesize geospatial and temporal water resources data that support hydrologic modeling and analysis. Raster-based digital elevation models (DEMs) play an important role in distributed hydrologic modeling supported by geographic information systems (GIS). Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data have been used to derive hydrological features, which serve as inputs to various models. Currently, elevation data are available from several major sources and at different spatial resolutions. Detailed delineation of drainage networks is the first step for many natural resource management studies. Compared with interpretation from aerial photographs or topographic maps, automation of drainage network extraction from DEMs is an efficient way and has received considerable attention. This study aims to extract drainage networks from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Lesser Zab River Basin. Composition parameters of the drainage network including the numbers of streams and the stream lengths are derived from the DEM beside the delineation of catchment areas in the basin. The results from this application can be used to create input files for many hydrologic models.
A total of 60 species of aquatic oligochaetes were identified in different sites within Tigris-Euphrates basin / Iraq, including River Tigris, River Euphrates, Southern marshes ( Al-Haweiza , Al-Hammar and Al-Chebaiesh ) , Shutt Al-Germa, and Shatt Al-Arab. In River Euphrates 39 species were identified, 40 species from River Tigris and 32 species from Shatt-Al-Arab and southern marshes.The identified species were classified as four species of Family Aeolosomatidae, 54 species of Naididae ( 31 Naidinae , 8 Pristininae and 15 Tubificid worms), one species of each of Lumbriculidae ( Lumbriculus variegates ) and Lumbricidae ( Eiseiella tetraedra). Among Aeolosomatidae , Aelosoma aquaternarium, A. Liedyi, A. variegatum and A. hemprichi
... Show MoreA total of 352 freshwater fishes, belonging to three species of the family Cyprinidae were collected from the Greater Zab river in north of Iraq during the period from November 2000 to the end of November 2001. The inspection of their gills revealed the infection of these fishes with three species of monogenetic trematodes belonging to the genus Dogielius. These species included D. mokhayeri from Aspius vorax with a percentage incidence of 37.5%; D. molnari from Cyprinion macrostomum (33.3%) and D. persicus from Barbus luteus (41.2%). The record of this genus and its three above-named species of the present study are considered as the first record on fishes of Iraq.
An integrated GIS-VBA (Geographical Information System – Visual Basic for Application), model is developed for selecting an optimum water harvesting dam location among an available locations in a watershed. The proposed model allows quick and precise estimation of an adopted weighted objective function for each selected location. In addition to that for each location, a different dam height is used as a nominee for optimum selection. The VBA model includes an optimization model with a weighted objective function that includes beneficiary items (positive) , such as the available storage , the dam height allowed by the site as an indicator for the potential of hydroelectric power generation , the rainfall rate as a source of water . In a
... Show MoreRecently, the development and application of the hydrological models based on Geographical Information System (GIS) has increased around the world. One of the most important applications of GIS is mapping the Curve Number (CN) of a catchment. In this research, three softwares, such as an ArcView GIS 9.3 with ArcInfo, Arc Hydro Tool and Geospatial Hydrologic Modeling Extension (Hec-GeoHMS) model for ArcView GIS 9.3, were used to calculate CN of (19210 ha) Salt Creek watershed (SC) which is located in Osage County, Oklahoma, USA. Multi layers were combined and examined using the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ArcMap 2009. These layers are soil layer (Soil Survey Geographic SSURGO), 30 m x 30 m resolution of Digital Elevati
... Show MoreBenthic invertebrates' diversity and some physical a:1d
chemical characteristics in Lower Zab tributary and Tigris River were studied. Month l y samples were col l ected from November 2001 to October 2002.
The rt:sLllts of the present study showed the turbidity iu Tigris river
before the confluence to be higher (34.4 NTU) compared to the other stations. Mean salinity was greater in Lower Zab tributary (0.33 %) compared to that in the river. Lower Zab tJibutary and Tigris River were good in Oxygen content, and a high dissolved oxygen value was recorded (7.9 mg/L) in Lower Zab tributary.
... Show MoreThe railways network is one of the huge infrastructure projects. Therefore, dealing with these projects such as analyzing and developing should be done using appropriate tools, i.e. GIS tools. Because, traditional methods will consume resources, time, money and the results maybe not accurate. In this research, the train stations in all of Iraq’s provinces were studied and analyzed using network analysis, which is one of the most powerful techniques within GIS. A free trial copy of ArcGIS®10.2 software was used in this research in order to achieve the aim of this study. The analysis of current train stations has been done depending on the road network, because people used roads to reach those train stations. The data layers for this st
... Show MoreThe assessment of a river water’ quality is an essential procedure of monitor programs and is used to collect basic environmental data. The management of integrated water resources in a sustainable method is also necessary to allow future generations to meet their water needs. The main objective of this research is to assess the effect of the Diyala River on Tigris River water quality using Geographic Information System (GIS) technique. Water samples have been collected monthly from November 2017 to April 2018 from four selected locations in Tigris and Diyala Rivers using the grab sampling method. Fourteen parameters were studied which are Turbidity, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Biological Oxygen Demand, Electrical Conductivi
... Show MoreThe assessment of a river water’ quality is an essential procedure of monitor programs and isused to collect basic environmental data. The management of integrated water resources in asustainable method is also necessary to allow future generations to meet their water needs. Themain objective of this research is to assess the effect of the Diyala River on Tigris River waterquality using Geographic Information System (GIS) technique. Water samples have beencollected monthly from November 2017 to April 2018 from four selected locations in Tigris andDiyala Rivers using the grab sampling method. Fourteen parameters were studied which areTurbidity, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Biological Oxygen Demand, Electrical Conductivity, TotalDissolved Solids,
... Show MoreDiyala river is the most important tributaries in Iraq, this river suffering from pollution, therefore, this research aimed to predict organic pollutants that represented by biological oxygen demand BOD, and inorganic pollutants that represented by total dissolved solids TDS for Diyala river in Iraq, the data used in this research were collected for the period from 2011-2016 for the last station in the river known as D17, before the river meeting Tigris river in Baghdad city. Analysis Neural Network ANN was used in order to find the mathematical models, the parameters used to predict BOD were seven parameters EC, Alk, Cl, K, TH, NO3, DO, after removing the less importance parameters. While the parameters that used to predict TDS were fourte
... Show MoreHydromorphometric analysis as a method is considered one of the most reliable and used methods in solving hydrological problems. Where it is possible to know the volume of runoff and the rest of the elements that enter into the water balance. Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing is the technique that used the hydro-morphometric analysis of the Wadi Al-Mohammadi basin. Wadi Al-Mohammadi, located in the Western Desert, is one of the main valleys that flow into the Euphrates River. It is considered an important basin, because of its many characteristics, including its relatively large area and the amount of water drained through, which is used mainly in watering livestock and agriculture, in addition to industrial purposes suc
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