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Hybrid Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Intrusion Detection and Classification

In recent years, with the growing size and the importance of computer networks, it is very necessary to provide adequate protection for users data from snooping through the use of one of the protection techniques: encryption, firewall and intrusion detection systems etc. Intrusion detection systems is considered one of the most important components in the computer networks that deal with Network security problems. In this research, we suggested the intrusion detection and classification system through merging Fuzzy logic and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. Fuzzy logic has been used to build a classifier which has the ability to distinguish between the behavior of the normal user and behavior of the intruder. The artificial bee colony algorithm has been used to build the classifier which was used to classify the intrusion into one of the main types (DoS, R2L , U2R, Prob). The proposed system has the ability to detect and classify intrusion at high speed with a small percentage of false alarms as well as to detect the new attacks. The NSL-KDD dataset used in the training and testing the proposed system.The results of experiments showed that the efficiency of the proposed system performance were (97.59%) for the intrusion detection, and (0.12%) for the false alarms. Also, the Classification rates for classes (DoS, R2L,U2R,Prob) were (97.19, 77.09, 98.43, 93.23) Respectively, which is considered a superior performance comparing with other methods in the literature.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 29 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modified Artificial immune system as Feature Selection

Feature selection algorithms play a big role in machine learning applications. There are several feature selection strategies based on metaheuristic algorithms. In this paper a feature selection strategy based on Modified Artificial Immune System (MAIS) has been proposed. The proposed algorithm exploits the advantages of Artificial Immune System AIS to increase the performance and randomization of features. The experimental results based on NSL-KDD dataset, have showed increasing in performance of accuracy compared with other feature selection algorithms (best first search, correlation and information gain).

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Modern Applied Science
Hybrid Methodology for Image Segmentation Based on Active Contour Module and Alpha-Shape Theory

The concept of the active contour model has been extensively utilized in the segmentation and analysis of images. This technology has been effectively employed in identifying the contours in object recognition, computer graphics and vision, biomedical processing of images that is normal images or medical images such as Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI), X-rays, plus Ultrasound imaging. Three colleagues, Kass, Witkin and Terzopoulos developed this energy, lessening “Active Contour Models” (equally identified as Snake) back in 1987. Being curved in nature, snakes are characterized in an image field and are capable of being set in motion by external and internal forces within image data and the curve itself in that order. The present s

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Structural Engineering
Standard Pushout Tests and Design Rules for a Bolted–Welded Hybrid Demountable Shear Connector

A bolted–welded hybrid demountable shear connector for use in deconstructable steel–concrete composite buildings and bridges was proposed. The hybrid connector consisted of a partially threaded stud, which was welded on the flange of a steel section, and a machined steel tube with compatible geometry, which was bolted on the stud. Four standard pushout tests according to Eurocode 4 were carried out to assess the shear performance of the hybrid connector. The experimental results show that the initial stiffness, shear resistance, and slip capacity of the proposed connector were higher than those of traditional welded studs. The hybrid connector was a ductile connector, according to Eurocode 4, with slip capacity higher than 6 mm. A nonli

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
ZnO: MWCNT optical hybrid filter a promising nanomaterial for wastewater treatment and antimicrobial applications

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 03 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Comparative Study between Classical and Fuzzy Filters for Removing Different Types of Noise from Digital Images

The aim of this paper is to compare between classical and fuzzy filters for removing different types of noise in gray scale images. The processing used consists of three steps. First, different types of noise are added to the original image to produce a noisy image (with different noise ratios). Second, classical and fuzzy filters are used to filter the noisy image. Finally, comparing between resulting images depending on a quantitative measure called Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) to determine the best filter in each case.
The image used in this paper is a 512 * 512 pixel and the size of all filters is a square window of size 3*3. Results indicate that fuzzy filters achieve varying successes in noise reduction in image compared to

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Reliability Estimation for the Exponential-Pareto Hybrid System

     The reliability of hybrid systems is important in modern technology, specifically in engineering and industrial fields; it is an indicator of the machine's efficiency and ability to operate without interruption for an extended period of time. It also allows for the evaluation of machines and equipment for planning and future development. This study looked at reliability of hybrid (parallel series) systems with asymmetric components using exponential and Pareto distributions. Several simulation experiments were performed to estimate the reliability function of these systems using the Maximum Likelihood method  and the Standard Bayes method  with a quadratic loss (QL) function and two priors: non-informative (Jeffery) and inform

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Satellite Image Classification using Spectral Signature and Deep Learning

    When images are customized to identify changes that have occurred using techniques such as spectral signature, which can be used to extract features, they can be of great value. In this paper, it was proposed to use the spectral signature to extract information from satellite images and then classify them into four categories. Here it is based on a set of data from the Kaggle satellite imagery website that represents different categories such as clouds, deserts, water, and green areas. After preprocessing these images, the data is transformed into a spectral signature using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. Then the data of each image is reduced by selecting the top 20 features and transforming them from a two-dimensiona

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 06 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Properties of Fuzzy Norm of fuzzy Bounded Operators

The principal aim of this research is to use the definition of fuzzy normed space
to define fuzzy bounded operator as an introduction to define the fuzzy norm of a
fuzzy bounded linear operator then we proved that the fuzzy normed space FB(X,Y)
consisting of all fuzzy bounded linear operators from a fuzzy norm space X into a
fuzzy norm space Y is fuzzy complete if Y is fuzzy complete. Also we introduce
different types of fuzzy convergence of operators.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 03 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
Use of learning methods for gender and age classification based on front shot face images

Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management
Identification, Quantification, and Classification of Potential Safety Risk for Sustainable Construction in the United States

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