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Study of the Effect of Solar Indices on the Ionosphere Layer of Mars
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               This paper studies the effect of the solar indices (total sunspot no., solar wind density and coronal mass ejection linear speed) on F2- layer electron density, as well as, the comparison of seasonal variations of electron density of F2- layer, NmF2, for Mars at local noontime and for maximum and minimum solar cycles.                  

 Results show that there is an inverse correlation between sunspot number, solar wind density, CME linear speed and ionosphere electron density for Mars, at maximum and minimum solar cycles. This correlation is clear when electron density is at minimum value.                                                                                                                                            

The maximum value of NmF2 was in month 4 (Summer), month 21 (Winter) during maximum solar cycle, and month 1 (Spring), month 24 (Spring) during minimum solar cycle. The minimum value of NmF2 was in month 13 (Autumn) during maximum solar cycle, and month 9 (Summer) during minimum solar cycle. NmF2 was approximately constant in months 1- 8 (Spring and Summer) and gradually decreased in months 9- 13 (Summer and Autumn), then, gradually increased in months 14- 18 (Autumn and Winter) during maximum solar cycle (2012, 2013). In other hand, NmF2 was approximately constant in months 1- 5 (Spring and Summer) and gradually decreased in months 6- 9 (Summer), then, gradually increased in months 10- 16 (Autumn and Winter) during minimum solar cycle (2016, 2017).                                                                                           

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Simultaneous Adsorption of Ternary Antibiotics (Levofloxacin, Meropenem, and Tetracycline) by SunFlower Husk Coated with Copper Oxide Nanoparticles
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In this study, a new adsorbent derived from sunflower husk powder and coated in CuO nanoparticles (CSFH) was investigated to evaluate the simultaneous adsorption of Levofloxacin (LEV), Meropenem (MER), and Tetracycline (TEC) from an aqueous solution. Significant improvements in the adsorption capacity of the sunflower husk were identified after the powder particles had been coated in CuO nanoparticles. Kinetic data were correlated using a pseudo-second-order model, and was successful for the three antibiotics. Moreover, high compatibility was identified between the LEV, MER, and TEC, isotherm data, and the Langmuir model, which produced a better fit to suit the isotherm curves. In addition, the spontaneous and exothermic nature of the adso

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Advances In Structural Engineering
Experimental and FE analysis of composite RC beams with encased pultruded GFRP I-beam under static loads
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Encasing glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) beam with reinforced concrete (RC) improves stability, prevents buckling of the web, and enhances the fire resistance efficiency. This paper provides experimental and numerical investigations on the flexural performance of RC specimens composite with encased pultruded GFRP I-sections. The effect of using shear studs to improve the composite interaction between the GFRP beam and concrete was explored. Three specimens were tested under three-point loading. The deformations, strains in the GFRP beams, and slippages between the GFRP beams and concrete were recorded. The embedded GFRP beam enhanced the peak loads by 65% and 51% for the composite specimens with and without shear connectors,

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Association between anti-CMV IgG and salivary levels of IL‐6 and TNF-α in chronic periodontitis
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Background: Periodontitis is an infection attributable to multiple infectious; it causes an interrelated cellular and humoral host immune responses. Recent reports have indicated that human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) may contribute to pathogenesis of periodontitis. The HCMV can stimulate the release of cytokines from inflammatory and non-inflammatory cells and weaken the periodontal immune defense. This study aimed to reveal the presence of anti-CMV IgG, and determine the levels of IL‐6 and TNF-α and to correlate the presence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) with cytokines levels. Materials and Methods: Forty patients with chronic periodontitis and 40 healthy control subjects (their age and sex were matched with the patients) were involved

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Simultaneous Adsorption of Ternary Antibiotics (Levofloxacin, Meropenem, and Tetracycline) by SunFlower Husk Coated with Copper Oxide Nanoparticles
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In this study, a new adsorbent derived from sunflower husk powder and coated in CuO nanoparticles (CSFH) was investigated to evaluate the simultaneous adsorption of Levofloxacin (LEV), Meropenem (MER), and Tetracycline (TEC) from an aqueous solution. Significant improvements in the adsorption capacity of the sunflower husk were identified after the powder particles had been coated in CuO nanoparticles. Kinetic data were correlated using a pseudo-second-order model, and was successful for the three antibiotics. Moreover, high compatibility was identified between the LEV, MER, and TEC, isotherm data, and the Langmuir model, which produced a better fit to suit the isotherm curves. In addition, the spontaneous and exothermic nature of the adsor

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Case Studies In Chemical And Environmental Engineering
Treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater by an innovative electro-Fenton system: Performance and specific energy consumption evaluation
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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Screening and optimization of a novel gallic acid and tannase production under semi quantitative and quantitative methods
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Abstract<p>Tannin acyl hydrolase as the common name of tannase is an inducible extracellular enzyme that causes the hydrolysis of galloyl ester and depside bonds in tannins, yielding gallic acid and glucose. The main objective of this study is to find a novel gallic acid and tannase produced by <italic>Acinetobacter Baumannii</italic>. A number of optimization steps were followed in order to improve the highest production of gallic acid and tannase. In present study, <italic>A. baumannii</italic> were isolated from ICU burn. <italic>A. baumannii</italic> was examined by microscopic examination, morphological and biochemical assay including oxidase and catalase. The </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Modification of Electro-Fenton Process with Granular Activated Carbon for Phenol Degradation – Optimization by Response Surface Methodology
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As a result of rapid industrialization and population development, toxic chemicals have been introduced into water systems in recent decades. Because of its excellent efficiency and simple design, the three-dimensional (3D) electro-Fenton method has been used for the treatment of wastewater. The goal of the current study is to explore the efficiency of phenol removal by the 3D electro-Fenton process, which is one of the advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). In the present work, the effect of the addition of granular activated carbon (GAC) particles to the electro-Fenton system as the third electrode would be investigated in the presence of graphite as the anode and nickel foam as the cathode, which is the source of electro-generated hydrogen

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Surface Engineering And Applied Electrochemistry
Synthesis of New 1,2,4-Triazole Containing Copolymers and Their Corrosion Inhibition оf Mild Steel in Acidic Medium
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Development means in Iraqi commercial banks to reduce unemployment: A sample of private commercial banks in Iraq
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Many economists believe that the development and promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises is one of the most important sources of economic and social development in countries in general and in developing countries in particular. This is considered to be an essential starting point for increasing production capacity and contributing to tackling poverty and unemployment. In view of the importance of these projects, most developing countries have concentrated their efforts on them. They have encouraged the establishment of small and medium industries, especially after they have proved their ability and efficiency in dealing with the major problems facing different economies.

The banking system plays an important role by finan

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The Aaliji Formation in wells (BH.52, BH.90, BH.138, and BH.188) in Bai Hassan Oil Field in Low Folded Zone northern Iraq has been studied to recognize the palaeoenvironment and sequence stratigraphic development. The formation is bounded unconformably with the underlain Shiranish Formation and the overlain Jaddala Formation. The microfacies analysis and the nature of accumulation of both planktonic and benthonic foraminifera indicate the two microfacies associations; where the first one represents deep shelf environment, which is responsible for the deposition of the Planktonic Foraminiferal Lime Wackestone Microfacies and Planktonic Foraminiferal Lime Packstone Microfacies, while the second association represents the deep-sea environme

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