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Theoretical Investigations of Electronic and Optical Properties of Vanadium Doped Wurtzite Zinc Oxide from First Principle Calculation Method
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In this study lattice parameters, band structure, and optical characteristics of pure and V-doped ZnO are examined by employing (USP) and (GGA) with the assistance of First-principles calculation (FPC) derived from (DFT). The measurements are performed in the supercell geometry that were optimized. GGA+U, the geometrical structures of all models, are utilized to compute the amount of energy after optimizing all parameters in the models. The volume of the doped system grows as the content of the dopant V is increased. Pure and V-doped ZnO are investigated for band structure and energy bandgaps using the Monkhorst–Pack scheme's k-point sampling techniques in the Brillouin zone (G-A-H-K-G-M-L-H). In the presence of high V content, the bandgap energy decreases from 3.331 to 2.043 eV as seen by the band diagram. PDOS diagram was utilized to get the insight of the electronic structure of the atoms and the amount to which all energy bands contribute to a particular orbit of the atoms. As the V content grew, so did the PDOS for all of the states. The manipulation of bandgaps was carried out in a way that narrowing the bandgaps occurs, resulting in a redshift of the absorption spectrum in the IR region. At lower photon energies, the imaginary and real parts dielectric functions have increased. The effectiveness of V atoms on transmissivity especially in the low energy region of the V-doped ZnO perovskite has been verified compared to the other theoretical results.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences And Applications
Topical 40% <i>Loranthus europaeus</i> Ointment as an Alternative Medicine in the Treatment of Acute Cutaneous Leishmaniasis versus Topical 25% Podophyllin Solution
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Symbolic aesthetics in steel structural systems
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The aesthetic expression and its orders are important for steel structures forming. Steel structures are a compilation of structural elements, where its shapes have standard dimensions and pre-fabricated. As the steel construction systems not only aim to achieve the functional requirements for users, but must also have the symbolic aesthetics which provides visually and cognitive expression for viewers. In this sense the research interested in expressional aesthetics in these systems and highlights the importance of attention as structural items. Therefore the visual items which related with steel structures contain some of the most powerful forms of modern architecture, steel structures with a glass cladding, agility an

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 17 2015
Journal Name
Iraq Agriculture Journal.
Abelmoschus esculentus استخلاص وتنقية بروتييز قرنات البامية المحلية
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This study aimed to extract, purify, and characterize the protease of local Okra Abelmoschus esculentus pods. The extraction process was conducted using ten extraction solutions with different pH and ionic strength values. Phosphate buffer solution with (pH 7, 0.05M, containing 2% sodium chloride) gave the highest activity which was (7.2 Unit/ml) as compared to other solutions, which ranged from 0.8-5.9 Unit/ml. The extracted enzyme purified by several stages. Being, precipitation by gradual addition of Ammonium sulphate from 20 to 85% saturation, then the precipitated enzyme was dialyzed and fractionated through DEAE-Cellulose (22X1.1cm), the enzymic fractions were pooled. The specific activity, purification fold and the enzyme yield value

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Audio Classification Based on Content Features
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Audio classification is the process to classify different audio types according to contents. It is implemented in a large variety of real world problems, all classification applications allowed the target subjects to be viewed as a specific type of audio and hence, there is a variety in the audio types and every type has to be treatedcarefully according to its significant properties.Feature extraction is an important process for audio classification. This workintroduces several sets of features according to the type, two types of audio (datasets) were studied. Two different features sets are proposed: (i) firstorder gradient feature vector, and (ii) Local roughness feature vector, the experimentsshowed that the results are competitive to

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Some Estimation Methods for Mixed-Random Panel Data Regression Models with Serially Correlated Errors with Application
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This research includes the study of dual data models with mixed random parameters, which contain two types of parameters, the first is random and the other is fixed. For the random parameter, it is obtained as a result of differences in the marginal tendencies of the cross sections, and for the fixed parameter, it is obtained as a result of differences in fixed limits, and random errors for each section. Accidental bearing the characteristic of heterogeneity of variance in addition to the presence of serial correlation of the first degree, and the main objective in this research is the use of efficient methods commensurate with the paired data in the case of small samples, and to achieve this goal, the feasible general least squa

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
PDCNN: FRAMEWORK for Potato Diseases Classification Based on Feed Foreword Neural Network
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         The economy is exceptionally reliant on agricultural productivity. Therefore, in domain of agriculture, plant infection discovery is a vital job because it gives promising advance towards the development of agricultural production. In this work, a framework for potato diseases classification based on feed foreword neural network is proposed. The objective of this work  is presenting a system that can detect and classify four kinds of potato tubers diseases; black dot, common scab, potato virus Y and early blight based on their images. The presented PDCNN framework comprises three levels: the pre-processing is first level, which is based on K-means clustering algorithm to detect the infected area from potato image. The s

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Mechanical Engineering And Robotics Research
Proportional-Derivative PD Vibration Control with Adaptive Approximation Compensator for a Nonlinear Smart Thin Beam Interacting with Fluid
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This work is concerned with the vibration attenuation of a smart beam interacting with fluid using proportional-derivative PD control and adaptive approximation compensator AAC. The role of the AAC is to improve the PD performance by compensating for unmodelled dynamics using the concept of function approximation technique FAT. The key idea is to represent the unknown parameters using the weighting coefficient and basis function matrices/vectors. The weighting coefficient vector is updated using Lyapunov theory. This controller is applied to a flexible beam provided with surface bonded piezo-patches while the vibrating beam system is submerged in a fluid. Two main effects are considered: 1) axial stretching of the vibrating beam that leads

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 29 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Safety And Security Engineering
Urban Safety is a Tool for Containing Slums to Reach a Sustainable Urban Structure
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Many cities suffer from the large spread of slums, especially the cities of the Middle East. The purpose of the paper is to study the reality of informal housing in Al-Barrakia and the most important problems that it suffers from. The paper also seeks to study the presence or absence of a correlation between urban safety indicators and urban containment indicators as one of the methods of developing and planning cities. This can be achieved through sustainable urban management. The slums are a source of many urban problems that threaten the security and safety of the residents and represent a focus for the concentration of crimes and drugs. The paper seeks to answer the following question: How can urban safety be improved through urban cont

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Reliability Estimation for the Exponential Distribution Based on Monte Carlo Simulation
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        This Research deals with estimation the reliability function for two-parameters Exponential distribution, using different estimation methods ; Maximum likelihood, Median-First Order Statistics, Ridge Regression, Modified Thompson-Type Shrinkage and Single Stage Shrinkage methods. Comparisons among the estimators were made using Monte Carlo Simulation based on statistical indicter mean squared error (MSE) conclude that the shrinkage method perform better than the other methods

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Electronic Materials
Thiophosgene Detection by Ag-Decorated AlN Nanotube: A Mechanical Quantum Survey
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The density functional B3LYP is used to investigate the effect of decorating the silver (Ag) atom on the sensing capability of an AlN nanotube (AlN-NT) in detecting thiophosgene (TP). There is a weak interaction between the pristine AlN-NT and TP with the sensing response (SR) of approximately 9.4. Decoration of the Ag atom into the structure of AlN-NT causes the adsorption energy of TP to decrease from − 6.2 to − 22.5 kcal/mol. Also, the corresponding SR increases significantly to 100.5. Moreover, the recovery time when TP is desorbed from the surface of the Ag-decorated AlN-NT (Ag@AlN-NT) is short, i.e., 24.9 s. The results show that Ag@AlN-NT can selectively detect TP among other gases, such as N2, O2, CO2, CO, and H2O.

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