The Bi2Se3 compound was synthesis by fusing initial compounds consisting of
extra pure elements in stoichiometric ratio from elements compound, charged inside
quartz ampoule. The crystal growth of Bi2Se3 carried out using Brighaman technique
process from melting f (Bi+Se ) at temperature of 810 ºC for about 48 hrs. Single crystal
of Bi2Se3 has been grown in direction (211) after slow cooling on account of heat
gradient to zone furnaces at cooling rate (1-3) C/hr. The structure study of the compound
was determined by x-ray diffraction technique, which it has bismuthinite structure and
orthorhombic unit cell with lattice parameters of a=10.2678 Å, b=11.2392 Å and
c=5.1737 Å
The present study showed that the caudal fin of adult mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) is homocercal and rounded . It consists of 22-24 fin rays (Lepidotrichia) . Each fin ray consists of many segments . Some of these rays are short and unbranched whereas others long and branched dichotomously. Pigment cells are shown to be dispersed on the fin and they are condensened at the edges of the fin rays and at the regions of their dichotomy . Histologically the transverse section of the fin is surrounded by a fin membrane (composed of epidermis and dermis)
... Show MoreAlthough a great deal of works has been done on the area of capital structure and dividend policy, there is still insufficient knowledge of how these policies affect stock prices. This shortcoming may have been originated from the separation between both policies when investigating their effect on stock prices. Based on this point, this research adopts a new technique (completely randomized design), to combine the effect of capital structure and dividend policy on stock prices rather than separating between them. The study used panel based regression analysis depending on the sample of 30 service and industrial Jordanian firms for the period of 2001-2010. The result of test hypotheses found the following; 1) dividend payout has a
... Show More A histological study was conducted to examine the structure of rhombencephalon (Cerebellum) in Columba livia gaddi (Gmeiin, 1789). The result showed that the cerebellum is aportion of the brain lying behind the cerebrum, the surface of the cerebellum contains deep folds. The cerebellum consists of two regions a cerebellar cortex that is called gray matter composed of three major layers from the outside to the inside, as follows: molecular layer, Purkinje cells layer and granular layer, the second region of cerebellum called medulla. This is the white matter.
In terms of the core nucleus plus valence nucleon, shell-model calculations using two model spaces and interactions, the relationship between a nucleus' proton skin, and the difference in proton radii of mirror pairs of nuclei with the same mass number are investigated. In this work, two pairs of mirror nuclei will be studied: 17Ne-17N and 23Al-23Ne. For 17Ne-17N nuclei, p-shell and mixing of psd orbits are adopted with Cohen-Kurath (ckii) and psdsu3 interactions. While for 23Al-23Ne, the sd-shell and sdpf shell are adopted with the universal shell model (USD) and sdpfwa interactions. Also, the ground state density distributions, elastic form factors, and root mean square radii of these pairs' nuclei are studied and com
... Show MoreThe focus of this work is on systematically understanding the effects of packing density of the sand grains on both the internal and bulk mechanical properties for strip footing interacting with granular soil. The studies are based on particle image velocimetry (PIV) method, coupled with a high resolution imaging camera. This provides valuable new insights on the evolution of slip planes at grain-scale under different fractions of the ultimate load. Furthermore, the PIV based results are compared with finite element method simulations in which the experimentally characterised parameters and constitutive behaviour are fed as an input, and a good level of agreements are obtained. The reported results would serve to the practicing engineers, r
... Show MoreThe present work provides to treat real oily saline wastewater released from drilling oil sites by the use of electrocoagulation technique. Aluminum tubes were utilized as electrodes in a concentric manner to minimize the concentrations of 113400 mg TDS/L, 65623 mg TSS/L, and the ions of 477 mg HCO3/L, 102000 mg Cl/L and 5600 mg Ca/L presented in real oily wastewater under the effect of the operational parameters (the applied current and reaction time) by making use of the central composite rotatable design. The final concentrations of TDS, TSS, HCO3, Cl, and Ca that obtained were 93555 ppm (17.50%), 11011 ppm (83.22%), 189ppm (60.38%), 80000ppm (22%), and 4200 ppm (25%), respectively, under the optimum values of the operational parameters
... Show MoreThe Morphological description and histological structure of olfactory organ in barn owl have been studied. The results of morphological description showed that the olfactory organ in the animal under study have pair of external nares ovale shape which lead to pair of nasal chambers which are located at the dorsal surface of head under eyes level. The chambers are conical in their shape the anterior end is narrow while the posterior end is enlarger the nasal chambers open to the oral cavity through the internal nares. The results also showed that the nasal cavity contains three chonchae which represented by rosteral chonchae, elongated middle chonchae and the posterior nasal chonchae called olfac
... Show MoreThe study addresses the problem of stagnation and declining economic growth rates in Arab countries since the eighties till today after the progress made by these countries in the sixties of the last century. The study reviews the e
... Show MoreThe main purpose of this paper, is to introduce a topological space , which is induced by reflexive graph and tolerance graph , such that may be infinite. Furthermore, we offered some properties of such as connectedness, compactness, Lindelöf and separate properties. We also study the concept of approximation spaces and get the sufficient and necessary condition that topological space is approximation spaces.