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Study of the Electronic Properties and Hall Effect of Amorphous Si1-xGex:H Thin Films
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The electronic properties and Hall effect of thin amorphous Si1-xGex:H films of thickness (350 nm) have been studied such as dc conductivity, activation energy, Hall coefficient under magnetic field (0.257 Tesla) for measuring carrier density of electrons and holes and Hall mobility as a function of germanium content (x = 0–1), deposition temperature (303-503) K and dopant concentration for Al and As in the range (0-3.5)%. The composition of the alloys and films were determined by using energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).
This study showed that dc conductivity of a-Si1-xGex:H thin films is found to increase with increasing Ge content and dopant concentration, whereas conductivity activation energy decreases with increasing Ge content and dopant concentration. The carrier density (electrons and holes) of prepared films increases with increasing Ge content, dopant concentration and deposition temperature. The mobility and the mobility activation energy increase with increasing Ge content. The width of localized state is 0.215 eV for a- Si0.5Ge0.5:H thin film deposited at 503 K.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Recantation By The Al-Zaher People And Its Effects in Derivation
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nouns , because deriving these names will lead to eternity which is impossible, and restrict the derivation only in agent nouns from their verbs, and the adjective names from their adjectives with the condition of truth in derivation.
The derivation of “Allah” names was denied due to a creed thoughts, because saying that “Allah” names is derived will not describe the eternal essence of “Allah”, and if it were derived this will make “Allah” is a Compound from his essence and Attributes.
The Al-Zaher people had recant the derivation of the agent nouns by preventing the derivation of “Allah” names because it will make “Allah” is a Compound from his essence and Attributes.
The Al-Zaher people had recant from

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 03 2018
Journal Name
Evaluating the financial performance according to the traditional and modern financial indicators
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The research aims to develop the general performance and improve the level of activity of private insurance companies in line with the current progress of the country. Besides, Evaluating financial performance to diagnose weaknesses and strengths in sample research companies and then developing appropriate solutions. The deviation in the financial performance of the research sample was revealed by measuring the various accounts of the company. The research sample included five companies in the private insurance sector listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange Market, which represent the private insurance sector. The research concluded that the added economic value is a broad concept that goes beyond the traditional performance evaluation process a

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The talent and its relation with some changes for the Kindergarten children
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The current research aims to distinguish the talent for the kindergarten
children and its relation with some changes . The research included ( 170 )
child (male , female ) from the kindergarten children on the year 2009 – 2010
the researcher had used PRED meter to achieve the goals of this research
after being sure from the honesty and the prove and the ( person ) connection
coefficient had been used to discover the relation between the talent and the
changes which had been mentioned in the research . The result proved that
the children had talents the toys and the educational scientifically scholarship
finally the researcher had presented some recommendations and suggestions
for other studies .<

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
The causal relationship between the agricultural exports and agricultural growth in Iraq
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
From Structure to the Signal (Text and Discourse in the Semiotic Analysis)
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Care and attention to the structure in the sixties of the last century replaced the mark, and if the structure of Ms. pampered in research and studies, it has become the mark is also a spoiled lady .. But the relationship between the structure and the mark was not a break and break, but the relationship of integration, His themes are structural analysis, and these are intellectual themes that can not be surpassed in contemporary research, especially since semiotics have emerged from the linguistic inflection.

We have tried to distinguish between text and speech, which is a daunting task, as it seems that whenever the difference between them is clear and clear, we come back to wonder whether the text is the same discourse, and is

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The fair Value and its Using Effects on The Financial Reports Quality
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This research aims at studying the relation between fair value and the Financial Reports Quality  to achieve a number of aims such as :-

1- Throw light on the problems of the measurement that depends on the historic cost as it paves the way towards the method of the fair value in the accounting measurement.

2-Give a general definition for  fair value in the accounting via analyzing the theoretical aspects that relates the subject and the  scientific bases on which the relating accounting treatment depend.

3- Exhibit the characteristics that could be added by the fair value  to the accounting Information .

       The study problem is summarized in that the e

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The European Union and the Extremist Right Phenomenon: Brexit as a Model
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The European Unit has never been affected by a serious phenomena as the phenomena of the advancing of the far right parties. Though these parties vary in their impact in their original countries, they agree on one important issue which is the deconstruction of the European unit and limiting its supernational powers. These increasing popular parties aim at more national independence in decision making away from the decisions taken by Brussels. Moreover, they criticize the financial and administrative corruption accompanied many of the rescuing procedures directed for example towards countries like Greece and Spain during the international economic crisis. This failure nourishes many of the negative feelings against the European unit which

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Applying the Percentage of Complete Method or the Complete Contract One on the Taxation of the Long – Term Construction Contracts: بحث تطبيقي في الهيئة العامة للضرائب – قسم الشركات
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The research aims to shed light on the amount of proceeds annual tax for each of the way the contract total and percentage of completion method - see which is better - as well as the current problems arising from the application method of the contract in full in settling accounts tax - to identify problems - related to postpone settling accounts tax in accordance with the way the contract fully and determine the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods through practical application , and then use the results as inputs to help in the decision to confirm the continuation of the GCT using a full decade in settling accounts tax for long-term construction contracts or forgo them.

Were the result of research the existence of

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The approach of Al-Hafiz Ibn Al-Malqin, in his followings on the Nisaburi ruler, through the book Al-Badr Al-Munir in the graduation of hadiths of the great commentary
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions as follows:
   For God Almighty has swapped for every age a group of religious scholars who give news to the narrators, so that they can lie against the Sunnah of the Mustafa, who is among those who memorized Ibn Al-Mulqin, as he followed the ruler in his book Al-Badr Al-Munir in the Hadith of Al-Sharh Al-Kabeer, and our research included two topics, which we explained in the first topic: The sequels in which the teacher's son Al-Malqin disagreed, and we discussed in the second topic: the followings in which Ibn Al-Malqin agreed to rule.
   This research included important results, th

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Design And Textiles
Defining the Design Process: Methodology and Creation
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The current study is unique in its emphasis on investigating design operation and concept from multiple scientific perspectives: including invention, technique, and design components. This research tends to study the methodology and creation of design process in a holistic manner so that the readers may grasp their characteristics and properties down to its minute epistemological detail. The investigation of the design concept is where the real groundwork and pressing need for the study begin. Creation and methodology are two primary concepts in relation to design these relationships can be formed in any design because of the various forces that act upon it. The primordial objective of this study is to evaluate the relationship betw

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