In this work the diode planer magnetron sputtering device was
designed and fabricated. This device consists of two aluminum discs
(8cm) diameter and (5mm) thick. The distance between the two
electrodes is 2cm, 3cm, 4cm and 5cm.
Design and construction a double probe of tungsten wire with
(0.1mm) diameter and (1.2mm) length has been done to investigate
electron temperature, electron and ion density under different
distances between cathode and anode. The probes were situated in
the center of plasma between anode and cathode.
The results of this work show that, when the distance between
cathode and anode increased, the electron temperature decreased.
Also, the electron density increases with the increasing of the
distance between the two electrodes. The behavior of ion density is
similar to that of electrons but the value is higher
Ab – initio density function theory (DFT) calculations coupled with Large Unit Cell (LUC) method were carried out to evaluate the electronic structure properties of III-V zinc blend (GaAs). The nano – scale that have dimension (1.56-2.04)nm. The Gaussian 03 computational packages has been employed through out this study to compute the electronic properties include lattice constant, energy gap, valence and conduction band width, total energy, cohesive energy and density of state etc. Results show that the total energy and energy gap are decreasing with increase the size of nano crystal . Results revealed that electronic properties converge to some limit as the size of LUC increase .
Experimental results for the density of states of hydrogenated amorphous silicon due to Jackson et al near the valence and conduction band edges were analyzed using Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear fitting method. It is found that the density of states of the valence band and the conduction band can be fitted to a simple power law, with a power index 0.60 near the valence band edge, and 0.55 near the conduction band edge. These results indicate a modest but noticeable deviation from the square root law (power index=0.5) which is found in crystalline semiconductors. Analysis of Jackson et al density of states integral J(E) data over about (1.4 eV) of photon energy range, showed a significant fit to a simple power law with a power index of 2.11
... Show MoreThe purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of corrosive environment (corrosive ferric chloride of 1, 2, 5, 6% wt. at room temperature), immersion period of (48, 72, 96, 120, 144 hours), and surface roughness on pitting corrosion characteristics and use the data to build an artificial neural network and test its ability to predict the depth and intensity of pitting corrosion in a variety of conditions. Pit density and depth were calculated using a pitting corrosion test on carbon steel (C-4130). Pitting corrosion experimental tests were used to develop artificial neural network (ANN) models for predicting pitting corrosion characteristics. It was found that artificial neural network models were shown to be
... Show MoreIn the present study, composites were prepared by Hand lay-up molding and investigated. The composites constituents were epoxy resin as the matrix, 6% volume fractions of Glass Fibers (G.F) as reinforcement and 3%, 6% of industrial powder (Calcium Carbonate CaCO3, Potassium Carbonate K2CO3 and Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3) as filler. Density, water absorption, hardness test, flexural strength, shear stress measurements and tests were conducted to reveal their values for each type of composite material. The results showed that the non – reinforced epoxy have lower properties than composites material. Measured density results had show an incremental increase with volume fraction increase
... Show MoreNanostructured photodetectors have garnered great attention due to their enriched electronic and optical properties. In this work, we aim to fabricate a high-performance CeO2/Si photodetector by growing a CeO2 nanostructure film on a silicon substrate using the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique at different laser energy densities. The impact of laser energy density and the number of pulses on the morphological, optical, and electrical properties was studied. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) results show that the CeO2 film has a spherical grain morphology with an average grain size ranging from 33 to 54 nm, depending on the laser energy density. The film deposited at various numbers of laser pulses also has spherical
... Show MoreAn effective two-body density operator for point nucleon system folded with two-body correlation functions, which take account of the effect of the strong short range repulsion and the strong tensor force in the nucleon-nucleon forces, is produced and used to derive an explicit form for ground state two-body charge density distributions (2BCDD's) and elastic electron scattering form factors F (q) for 19F, 27Al and 25Mg nuclei. It is found that the inclusion of the two-body short range correlations (SRC) has the feature of reducing the central part of the 2BCDD's significantly and increasing the tail part of them slightly, i.e. it tends to increase the probability of transferring the protons from the central region of the nucleus towards
... Show MoreThe refractive indices, nD densities 𝜌, and viscosities of binary mixtures of sulfolane + n -butanol + sec- butanol + iso- butanol + tert – butanol + n-propanol and iso- propanol were measured at 298.15K. Form experimental data, excess molar volum VE , excess molar refractivity ∆nD, excess molar viscosity E and excess molar Gibbs free energy of activation of viscous flow G *E were calculated. From n-propanol – sulfolane and iso- propanol sulfolane mixtures showed negative ∆nD, n-butanol – sulfolane, sec-butanal – sulfolane, iso-butanol – sulfolane and tert- butanol sulfolane , nD was positive over the whole mole fraction rang , while VE , E and G *E show a negative deviation. The
... Show MoreIn an earlier paper, the basic analytical formula for particle-hole nuclear state densities was derived for non-Equidistant Spacing Model (non-ESM) approach. In this paper, an extension of the former equation was made to include pairing. Also a suggestion was made to derive the exact formula for the particle-hole state densities that depends exactly on Fermi energy and nuclear binding energies. The results indicated that the effects of pairing reduce the state density values, with similar dependence in the ESM system but with less strength. The results of the suggested exact formula indicated some modification from earlier non-ESM approximate treatment, on the cost of more calculation time
The present project involves photodegrading the dye solochrom violet under advanced oxidation techniques at (25 oC) temperature and UV light. Zinc Oxide (ZnO) and UV radiation at a wavelength of 580 nm were used to conduct the photocatalytic reaction of the solochrom violet dye. One of the factors looked into was the impact of the starting conditions. pH, the amount of original hydrogen peroxide, and the dye concentration time radiation were used. For hours, the kinetics and percentages of degradation were examined at various intervals. In general, it has been discovered that the photodegradation rates of the dye were greater when H2O2 and ZnO were combined with UV light. The best wavelength to use was determined. Modern oxidation techni
... Show MoreThe two-neutron halo-nuclei (17B, 11Li, 8He) was investigated using a two-body nucleon density distribution (2BNDD) with two frequency shell model (TFSM). The structure of valence two-neutron of 17B nucleus in a pure (1d5/2) state and in a pure (1p1/2) state for 11L and 8He nuclei. For our tested nucleus, an efficient (2BNDD's) operator for point nucleon system folded with two-body correlation operator's functions was used to investigate nuclear matter density distributions, root-mean square (rms) radii, and elastic electron scattering form factors. In the nucleon-nucleon forces the correlation took account of
... Show More