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Effect of π-conjugated molecules on electronics properties of benzene-diamine derivatives

The present work shows a theoretical results that have been used the functional Hybrid of three parameters Lee-Yang-Parr (B3LYP) of the quantum mechanical approach for density functional theory with (Spanish Initiative for Electronic Simulations with Thousands of Atoms) SIESTA code. All calculations were carried out employing the used method at the Gaussian 09 package of programs. It was reported the main point for research on dominance of the bandgap of elongated pi-conjugated molecules by using different chemical groups replacing hydrogen atom in the most molecules that used in this work. The side groups creates another factor that controls the value of the band gap. The dihedral angle between the two phenyl rings plays more important role in controlling the band gap in these molecules.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A Review of the Stereo lithography 3D Printing Process and the Effect of Parameters on Quality

Stereo lithography (SLA) three-dimensional (3D) printing process is a type of additive manufacturing techniques that uses digital models from computer-aided design to automatically produce customized 3D objects. Around 30 years, it has been widely utilized in the manufacturing, design, engineering, industrial sectors and its applications in dentistry for manufacturing prosthodontics are very important. The stereo lithography technology is highly regarded because it can produce items with excellent precision especially when selecting the best process parameters. This review article offers a useful and scientific summary of SLA three-dimensional printing technology and its brief history. The specific type of 3D printers which is SLA t

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of adding different levels from bee pollen in diet on productive performance of broiler chickens

This study was conducted in the poultry field of the Department of Animal Production - Faculty of Agriculture - University of Baghdad (Abu Ghraib) for the period from 28/9/2017 to 9/11/2017 for a period of six weeks (42 days), was used in the experiment 300 chick of broiler (Ross 308) one day old. The aim of this study was to effect of adding supplementing different levels of bee pollen (0, 250, 500, 750 and 1000) gm/100kg on Productive Performance. The chicks were randomly distributed in to five treatments, T1 control (without any addition), (T2, T3, T4 and T5) adding bee pollen in the diet 250, 500, 750 and 1000 gm/100kg respectively. The results showed that bee pollen in the diet level 1000 gm/100 kg led to significant increase in the we

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of plant growth regulators on callus induction and Rutin production of Ricinus communis L. plant

Ricinus communis L. is an important medical plant hence it contains many active compounds. The aim of this research is to study the effect of plant growth regulators on callus induction and Rutin concentration. A combination of Benzyle adenine (BA) and Indol Acetic acid (IAA) at (0.0,1.0,2.0) mg/L was added to the media, the highest fresh weight of the induced callus from stem explant was (4.97) gr . at (1.0,1.0) mg/L BA and IAA consenquently the same combination gave the highest dry weight of callus (0.42) gr. while the combination at (2.0,1.0) mg/L BA and IAA gave the highest fresh weight of induced callus from Leaves explant (5.28) gr., then (2.0,1.0) mg/L BA and IAA gave the highest dry weight for callus induced from leaves at (0.55

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Oct 04 2022
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Mechanical Engineering
Effect of Stator Core Materials on the Performance Characteristics of a Free Piston Linear Generator Engine

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of phenolic compound from Albizzia Seed on Biology of lesser grainborrer RhiZopertha dominica (coleoptera:Bostrichidae)

The lesser grain boner Rhizopertha dominica is an important insect on grain in Iraq . in this study phenol and coumarin were isolated from Albizzia lebbek . the addition of there compounds to artificial diet at concentration of 3.4,5% couse high effects on the development of the studed insect larva.the larva were unable to complete its development to adult stage. More over, using 5% coumarin larva were died.Seed germination was not affected when seed were sprayed with concentration of 3,4,5% of coumarin and phenol.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of feeding pattern on the stage of primary dentition eruption in relation to growth parameters

Background: Feeding is a complicated process that involves the coordination of cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal (GI), and oropharyngeal mechanisms, with support from the musculoskeletal and craniofacial systems. The practice of feeding could be correlated with eruption stage and nutritional status in infants. Aim of the study: This study aimed to assess the relation of feeding patterns to a selected oral variable (stage of the eruption of primary teeth) and growth parameters among clinically healthy infants. Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional comparative study on a sample of (300) infants aged between 6 and 18 months was performed in Karbala City, Iraq. The feeding pattern was investigated using an information sheet ans

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Fire Flame (High Temperature) on the Behaviour of Axially loaded Reinforced SCC Short Columns

Experimental research was carried out to investigate the effect of fire flame (high temperature) on specimens of short columns manufactured using SCC (Self compacted concrete). To simulate the real practical fire disasters, the specimens were exposed to high
temperature flame, using furnace manufactured for this purpose. The column specimens were cooled in two ways. In the first the specimens were left in the air and suddenly cooled using water, after that the specimens were loaded to study the effect of degree of
temperature, steel reinforcement ratio and cooling rate, on the load carrying capacity of the reinforced concrete column specimens. The results will be compared with behaviour of columns without burning (control specime

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of Constructive Conflict on the Organizational Identification Applied Research in the Ministry of Planning

This research deals with the effect of constructive conflict of the organizational identification .These relatively recent subjects have relative importance in the field of administration and they have strong effect in the success of organizations .The objective of this research is to detect the level of the constructive conflict and the organizational identification in the center of The Ministry of Planning. So, two major hypotheses were formulated The first are searched the correlation between the constructive conflict and the organizational identification and it emerged with four sub-hypotheses searched the correlation among every dimension of the constructive conflict with the organizational identification .The second major h

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Ethephon, Boron and Zinc Spray on Anatomical Characters of Sunflower Crop (Helianthus annuus L.)

The experiment field was carried out during spring season of 2006 on experimental farm of Field Crop Science Department College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, to study the effect of foliar applications of Ethephon, Boron and Zinc on the number of vascular bundles in stem and some characteristics of xylem- in sunflower hybrid (ZahratilIraq).
By using the Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Eight treatment were used: control treatment (with water spray only), Ethephon (0.480 kg.a.i/ha), Boron (200 g/L), Zinc (50 mg/L) and the interaction between them. The results revealed significant anatomical changes in disc peduncles of plants caused by the foliar applications of Ethephon, Boron, and Zinc treatments. Bor

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Aqueous Extract of Fig (Ficus carica) Fruit on Some Hematological Parameters in Female Rabbits

The effect of the aqueous extract of fig (Ficus carica) fruit was studied by using different concentrations of this fruit (15, 20 and 25 mg/kg of body weight) on some hematological parameters (hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume, white blood cell count and platelets count) in female rabbits. Twenty female rabbits were randomly divided into four groups (five animals in each group). Three groups were dosed with the concentrations mentioned above, while the last was administered with distilled water and considered as control group. These animals were orally dosed by aqueous extract using a micropipette. The results showed that there was a significant (P<0.05) increase in hemoglobin concentration and packed cell volume means for all

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