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Study of the nuclear structure of halo nuclei 23O and 24F using the two-body model
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The nuclear structure included the matter, proton and neutron densities of the ground state, the nuclear root-mean-square (rms) radii and elastic form factors of one neutron 23O and 24F halo nuclei have been studied by the two body model of  within the harmonic oscillator (HO) and Woods-Saxon (WS) radial wave functions. The calculated results show that the two body model within the HO and WS radial wave functions succeed in reproducing neutron halo in these exotic nuclei. Moreover, the Glauber model at high energy has been used to calculated the rms radii and reaction cross section of these nuclei.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 24 2020
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The neutron halo structure of 14B, 22N, 23O and 24F nuclei studied via the generalised Woods–Saxon potential
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The radial wave functions of the generalise dWoods–Saxon (GWS) potential within the two-body model of (Core + n) have been used to study the ground-state density distributions of protons, neutrons and matter and the associated root mean square (rms) radii of neutron-rich 14B, 22N, 23O and 24F halo nuclei. The calculated results show that the radial wave functions of the generalised Woods–Saxon potential within the two-body model succeed in reproducing neutron halo in these exotic nuclei. Elastic electron scattering form factors for these nuclei are studied by combining the charge density distributions with the plane-wave Born approximation (PWBA).

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Modern Physics E
Investigation of halo structure of neutron rich 14B, 15C, 19C and 22N nuclei in the two body model
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The two body model of (Core+n) within the radial wave functions of the cosh potential has been used to investigate the ground state features such as the proton, neutron and matter densities, the root mean square (RMS) nuclear proton, neutron, charge and mass radii of unstable neutron-rich 14B, 15C, 19C and 22N nuclei. The calculated results show that the two body model with the radial wave functions of the cosh potential succeeds in reproducing neutron halo in these nuclei.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of the proton halo structure of nuclei 23Al and 27P using the binary cluster model
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The neutron, proton, and matter densities of the ground state of the proton-rich 23Al and 27P exotic nuclei were analyzed using the binary cluster model (BCM). Two density parameterizations were used in BCM calculations namely; Gaussian (GS) and harmonic oscillator (HO) parameterizations. According to the calculated results, it found that the BCM gives a good description of the nuclear structure for above proton-rich exotic nuclei. The elastic form factors of the unstable 23Al and 27P exotic nuclei and those of their stable isotopes 27Al and 31P are studied by the plane-wave Born approximation. The main difference between the elastic form factors of unstable nuclei and the

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Modern Physics E
Nuclear structure investigation of some neutron-rich halo nuclei
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The ground state proton, neutron and matter densities, the corresponding rms radii and charge form factors of a dripline nuclei 6He, 11Li, 12Be and 14Be have been studied via a three–body model of (Core + n + n). The core–neutron interaction takes the form of Woods-Saxon (WS) potential. The two valence neutrons of 6He, 11Li and 12Be interact by the realistic interaction of ZBMII while those of 14Be interact via the realistic interaction of VPNP. The core and valence (halo) density distributions are described by the single-particle wave functions of the WS potential. The calculated results are discussed and compared with the experimental data. The long tail performance is clearly noticed in the calculated neutron and matter density distr

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Modern Physics E
The ground state properties of some exotic nuclei studied by the two-body model
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The ground state properties including the density distributions of the neutrons, protons and matter as well as the corresponding root mean square (rms) radii of proton-rich halo candidates 8B, 12N, 23Al and 27P have been studied by the single particle Bear– Hodgson (BH) wave functions with the two-body model of (core+p). It is found that the rms radii of these proton-rich nuclei are reproduced well by this model and the radial wave functions describe the long tail of the proton and matter density distributions. These results indicate that this model achieves a suitable description of the possible halo structure. The plane wave Born approximation (PWBA) has been used to compute the elastic charge form factors.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 18 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The study of nuclear structure for some nuclei
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An analytical form of the ground state charge density distributions
for the low mass fp shell nuclei ( 40  A  56 ) is derived from a
simple method based on the use of the single particle wave functions
of the harmonic oscillator potential and the occupation numbers of
the states, which are determined from the comparison between theory
and experiment.
For investigating the inelastic longitudinal electron scattering form
factors, an expression for the transition charge density is studied
where the deformation in nuclear collective modes is taken into
consideration besides the shell model space transition density. The
core polarization transition density is evaluated by adopting the
shape of Tassie mod

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The study of nuclear structure for some nuclei
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 An analytical form of the ground state charge density distributions
for the low mass fp shell nuclei ( 40  A  56 ) is derived from a
simple method based on the use of the single particle wave functions
of the harmonic oscillator potential and the occupation numbers of
the states, which are determined from the comparison between theory
and experiment.
For investigating the inelastic longitudinal electron scattering form
factors, an expression for the transition charge density is studied
where the deformation in nuclear collective modes is taken into
consideration besides the shell model space transition density. The
core polarization transition density is evaluated by adopting the
shape of Tass

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Physics Of Atomic Nuclei
Study of the Halo Structure for Some Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei Using the Cosh Potential
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The radial wave functions of the cosh potential within the three-body model of (Core+ 2n) have been employed to investigate the ground state properties such as the proton, neutron and matter densities and the associated rms radii of neutron-rich 6He, 11Li, 14Be, and 17B exotic nuclei. The density distributions of the core and two valence (halo) neutrons are described by the radial wave functions of the cosh potential. The obtained results provide the halo structure of the above exotic nuclei. Elastic electron scattering form factors of these halo nuclei are studied by the plane-wave Born approximation.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study of the matter density distributions of halo nuclei 6He and 16C using the binary cluster model
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The harmonic oscillator (HO) and Gaussian (GS) wave functions within the binary cluster model (BCM) have been employ to investigate the ground state neutron, proton and matter densities as well as the elastic form factors of two- neutron 6He and 16C halo nuclei. The long tail is a property that is clearly revealed in the density of the neutrons since it is found in halo orbits. The existence of a long tail in the neutron density distributions of 6He and 16C indicating that these nuclei have a neutron halo structure. Moreover, the matter rms radii and the reaction cross section (𝜎𝑅 ) of these nuclei have been calculated using the Glauber model.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 19 2019
Journal Name
Iranian Journal Of Science And Technology, Transactions A: Science
Systematic Study of the Nuclear Structure for Some Exotic Nuclei Using Skyrme–Hartree–Fock Method
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The ground state charge, neutron, proton and matter densities, the associated nuclear radii and the binding energy per nucleon of 8B, 17Ne, 23Al and 27P halo nuclei have been investigated using the Skyrme–Hartree–Fock (SHF) model with the new SKxs25 parameters. According to the calculated results, it is found that the SHF model with these Skyrme parameters provides a good description on the nuclear structure of above proton-rich halo nuclei. The elastic charge form factors of 8B and 17Ne halo nuclei and those of their stable isotopes 10B and 20Ne are calculated using plane-wave Born approximation with the charge density distributions obtained by SHF model to investigate the effect of the extended charge distributions of proton-rich nucl

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