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Monitoring dust storm using Normalized difference dust index (NDDI) and brightness temperature variation in Simi arid areas over Iraq
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Dust storms are a natural phenomenon occurring in most areas of Iraq. In recent years, the study of this phenomenon has become important because of the danger caused by increasing desertification at the expense of the green cover as well as its impact on human health. In this study  is important to devote the remote sensing of dust storms and its detection.Through this research, the dust storms can be detected in semi-arid areas, which are difficult to distinguish between these storms and desert areas. For the distinction between the dust storm pixels in the image with those that do not contain dust storm can be applied the Normalized Difference Dust Index (NDDI) and Brightness Temperature variation (BTV). MODIS sensors that carried by theTerra and Equa satellite images have been used in different bands and different resolution and the cases studied in 1/9/2015,16/6/2016/20/2/2016.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Biology Textbook for Scientific Sixth Class in Iraq (A Comparative Study)
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The textbook is the primary means of creativity and thinking, which has a major role in the development of the readership and mental abilities of the student. It is the basic tool in education in Iraq for the teacher and the student, which cannot be dispensed in any educational program. The current study aimed at the book of the biology of the sixth grade of science in Iraq (comparative study). It was compared to the book of biology for the twelve grade in the Kingdom of Jordan to identify the ratio of similarity and differences between them, in addition, to identify the weaknesses in the Iraq curriculum and developing appropriate solutions and suggestions to address them. The sample was represented with books of biology (six-science cla

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 14 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Knowledge of Paramedical Staff Regarding Drugs Addiction in Baghdad City/ Iraq
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Objectives: To determine the level of knowledge regarding drugs addiction among paramedical staff; and to
identify the association between the level of knowledge and their socio-demographic variable.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study was Conducted in Baghdad on Staff for the period from 1st June,
2016 to30th September, 2016 . The sample included 510 Health professionals . There are 9 sectors in center
of Baghdad , 5 of them in Al- Kurkh side of the city and 4 in Al-Russafa side. The sample was selected from
49 primary health care centers and 8 public hospitals through a multi-stage sample using a simple random
sampling technique. The information was collected through the design of a questionnaire whose stability and<

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2010
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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During a period of two years, from January 1995 till December 1996, the first survey on fish parasites in Bahr Al-Najaf depression, mid Iraq, was achieved. A total of 6992 fishes, belonging to 11 species, were collected and inspected for external and internal parasites. These fishes were infected with three protozoans (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Trichodina domerguei and Myxobolus pfeifferi), two monogeneans (Dactylogyrus cornu and Gyrodactylus elegans), two digenetic trematodes (Clinostomum complanatum and Ascocotyle coleostoma), one nematode (Contracaecum sp.) and one acanthocephalan (Neoechinorhynchus iraqensis). Five fish species were recorded as new h

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal For Agricultural Sciences
First record to the spider Scytodes univittata (Araneae:Scytodidae)in Baghdad, Iraq
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This study is  the first and  new record  to the spider Scytodes univittata Simon, 1882  (Araneae:Scytodidae)in Baghdad /Iraq , the spiders Scytodes univittata  were collect from province Baghdad in Iraq , genus Scytodes belong to the  family Scytodidae  it is one of the most family are wide  distribution around the world have 6 eyes and are slow moving  , the genus Scytodes are known from the names spitting spiders ,.Female Scytodes univittata   can be characteristic by :large round cephalothorax length:4.45 mm , abdomen length 3.50, total body length  7.95 mm and V-shaped of  fovea, scutela triangle and large  with long  thin legs femur I have two row of spines then  spineless are in IV femur , coloration  is yello

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Attitudes The King Ghazi Direction British Policy In Iraq 1933-1939
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The period of the reign of King Ghazi saw many disorders in most parts of the country and the management disrupted and imbalanced, besides tribal unrests and political conflict and collision with British interests, Such as bad management in some regions and loss of government control over some administrative units, due to the position of the weak governments towards these problems, so it was necessary to change these Governments and Ministers to solve such problems. In contrast, the Iraqi government has focused on the army as the basis for a strong state and the protector on the existence of an external threat for the safety of the country, King Ghazi has helped in the development of competencies of the military, bringing the officers ex

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Cox proportion hazard model for patients with hepatitis disease in Iraq
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Cox regression model have been used to estimate proportion hazard model for patients with hepatitis disease recorded in Gastrointestinal and Hepatic diseases Hospital in Iraq for (2002 -2005). Data consists of (age, gender, survival time terminal stat). A Kaplan-Meier method has been applied to estimate survival function and hazerd function.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A systematical study about the genus Lycopus L. (Labiatae) in Iraq
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The study included gross morphology and pollen of plants – which collected during field trips , and dry ones for most specimen preserved with the Iraqi herbaria – related to the genus Lycopus L. , and to identify the unidentified species and rectify the error there in , so according to that the species L. europaeus L. only were specified for the genus . Through this work the varity L. europaeus var. glabrescens Schmidely were found at the first time , and suggested to record anew for Iraq . Pollen were of medium size, and had an ellipsoid shape in the equatorial view , and hexagonal in the polar view. The ecological and soil quality where these genus plants grows were specified , and were geographically distribut

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 09 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Isolation of Alkaloids from Papaver rhoeas (Papaveraceae) Wildly Grown in Iraq
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The plant Papaver rhoeas ,which belongs to family Papaveraceae and known as common poppy is wildly grown in Iraq .It was used in traditional medicine in wide range of diseases including inflammation, diarrhea, sleep disorders, treatment of cough, analgesia, and also to reduce the withdrawal signs of opioid addiction.

The project provide the first comprehensive research done in Iraq to study the phytochemical and the methods of extraction and separation of alkaloids from Papaver rhoeas wildly grown in Iraq .The plant was harvested in April 2019 from Zurbatiya is an Iraqi town located at the northeast of Waist province in Iraq.The collected plant was washed thoroughly, dries under shade, and grounding in a mechani

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Enhancing national security through foreseeing the economic intelligence system in Iraq
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         Economic intelligence represents a modern field of knowledge that has been and is still the focus of many studies and research, including this research that deals with economic intelligence and its role in strengthening Iraqi national security - an analytical study. Economic development and economic development without security, and in a situation such as that of Iraq, which is still suffering from conflicts, conflicts and the effects of wars, as well as the unstable conditions in its regional environment, the directions of that relationship cannot be determined except through the availability of accurate information, indicators, full knowledge of reality and the pos

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The priority of government investment for companies manufacturing sector in Iraq
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The study aimed at clarifying the contradictions of the general industrial companies despite the investment allocations and the government investment expenditure on manufacturing activities under the so- called rehabilitation programs. However, this did not contribute to a certain extent in the growth and industrial leap in the direction of developing the activities of the sector Industrial sector in Iraq because of the lack of adoption of a number of basic principles towards the need to take priority of investment in the field of manufacturing and industrial decision-making in the restructuring of industry according to the priorities of investment in light of the international industrial trend, Tosmarah available to the manufact

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