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Optimization Procedures using Effect of Etalon Finesse and Driving Term on Optical Bistability
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        In this work, analytical study for simulating a Fabry-Perot bistable etalon (F-P cavity) filled with a dispersive optimized nonlinear optical material (Kerr type) such as semiconductors Indium Antimonide (InSb). Because of a trade off between the etalon finesse values and driving terms, an optimization procedures have been done on the InSb etalon/CO laser parameters, using critical switching irradiance (Ic) via simulation systems of optimization procedures of optical cavity. in order to achieve the  minimum switching power and faster switching time, the optimization parameters of the finesse values and driving terms on optical bistability and switching dynamics must be studied.

        In addition, for different values of a cavity finesse (for example, F = 25 and 2.37) the switching intensity takes low values with a high finesse etalon compared to a high switching intensity with a low finesse etalon. So, the minimum switching power for a low finesse etalon is ⁓0.785mW, and is about 0.0785mW for a high finesse etalon. The driving term peak of a high finesse etalon becomes higher and the slowing down region becomes less, leading to a fast switching as compared with a slow switching in a low finesse etalon. So that, the minimum switching time was about 300ns for a low finesse etalon, and about 150ns for a high finesse etalon.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of the documentary credit opening procedures on The obligate of time limits prescribed by the contract
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This research aims to analyze the effect between letter of credit opening  and implementation procedures which considered one of the most important Foreign services submitted by bank institutions to their customers on Time contracted time limit commitment contract by some Iraqi commercial banks, descriptive analytical method used in This research The questionnaires designed a tool main research to gather information to get to know the effect ,  Seventy questionnaire forms were distributed, sixty seven forms were analyzable , The answers were analyzed by the arithmetic mean and standard deviation and test the level of influence between variables simple linear regression. The result showe

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of some short-term debt instruments on the money supply and its effect on the production of wheat crop in Iraq during the period (1990_2018).
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The research aims to show the effect of some short-term debt instruments (central treasury transfers, cash credit granted to the government by commercial banks) on the production of the wheat crop in Iraq, through its effect on money supply during the period (1990-2018), As the study includes two models according to the statistical program (Eviews9), the first model included measuring the effect of short-term debt instruments on money supply, and the second measuring the extent of the money supply's impact on Wheat crop production, as the results of the standard analysis showed that the short-term debt instruments used in the model were Significant effect on wheat crop production indirectly through its effect on money supply, As

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Histological and Physiological Studies on the Long-term Effect of Different Concentrations of Energy Drink (Tiger) on the Renal and Hepatic Systems of Young Mice
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The present study aims to investigate the long-term histopathological, and physiological effects of different concentrations of a commercially available energy drink (Tiger) on liver and kidney of young mice. Sixteen Balb/c male mice,6 -week old, were divided into 4 groups (n=4). Two groups consumed the energy drink at a concentration of 28µl energy drink/ml water. One group were killed after 10 days (T1), another group were killed after 20 days (T2). Other group of mice consumed the energy drink at a final concentration of 14µl/ml for 20 days (T3). The last group was provided only with water and served as control. Mice of all groups drank around 3 ml per day. The histopathological study on liver of treated groups showed many changes s

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 21 2023
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees22fr
Effect of Ag doping on optical constant and hall effect measurements of SnS thin films
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In this report Silver doped Tin Sulfide (SnS) thin films with ratio of (0.03) were prepared using thermal evaporation with a vacuum of 4*10-6 mbar on glass with (400) nm thickness and the sample annealing with ( 573K ). The optical constants for the wavelengths in the range (300-900) nm and Hall effect for (SnS and SnS:3% Ag) films are investigated and calculated before and after annealing at 573 K. Transition metal doped SnS thin films the regular absorption 70% in the visible region, the doping level intensification the optical band gap values from 1.5- 2 eV. Silver doped tin sulfide (SnS) its direct optical band gap. Hall Effect results of (SnS and SnS:3% Ag) films show all films were (p-type) electrical conductivity with resistivity of

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Dopping Effect on Optical Constant of Poly (Vinyl Chloride)
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Thick films of poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC)& PVC doped with Zn(etx)2 salt complex have been prepared by cast method with fixed thickness almost (120±5) Microns. Optical studies were carried out in the wavelengths region(200-900)nm based on absorption & transmition measurement. Optical parameters such as absorption coefficient(?) ,refraction index(n) and extinction coefficient(K) were observed to be effected by adding the dopant.Electrical parameters such as real(?)& imaginary(?) part of dielectric constant were also calculated part of dielectric constant were also calculated from the optical parameters using Maxwell equation.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2005
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Bending Effect on the Single Mode Optical Fibers
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Bending effects on the transmission of optical signal are investigated on a single mode
optical fiber (SMOF) of 10 m length, core radius of 5 μm and optical refractive index difference
0.003. The bending radii (R) were between 0.08 and 0.0015 m. A great decrease in the amplitude is
shown for radii below 0.01 m. Sudden break down occurs for radii less than 0.0015 m. Birefringence
(B) is difficult to measure for long fibers. Meanwhile, B was found by comparing with calibrated
fiber of the same properties but of length of 0.075 m. The results show an increase in propagation
constant (Δβ) and the decrease in beat length (Lb), and show that bending decreases the critical radius
of curvature (Rc) related to B. The chang

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The parameters effect on the holographic optical elements
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In this work we fabrication holographic optical element diffraction grating thickness 40?m and mirror90?m by using dichromated gelatin,to perform that we have to use the Nd-yaG laser doubling frequency of wavelenght (532)nm and its powers of (80)mWatt.we have studyed the thickness and concentration dichromat effect in mirror reflaction ,effect of angle of reconstruction beam in band width and diffraction efficiency ,study effect gelatin hardener of the diffraction efficiency.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Dynamic Response of a Nonlinear Fabry-Perot Etalon for Various Medium Response Times
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     In this work, the switching nonlinear dynamics of a Fabry-Perot etalon are studied. The method used to complete the solution of the differential equations for the nonlinear medium. The Debye relaxation equations solved numerically to predict the behavior of the cavity for modulated input power. The response of the cavity filled with materials of different response time is depicted. For a material with a response time equal to = 50 ns, the cavity switches after about (100 ns). Notice that there is always a finite time delay before the cavity switches. The switch up time is much longer than the cavity build-up time of the corresponding linear cavity which was found to be of the order of a few round-trip ti

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of CuI concentration on structural and optical properties of PVA: CuI nanocomposites
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The nanocomposite on the base of synthesis Copper iodide
nanoparticles and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA/CuI) with different
concentration of CuI were obtained using casting technique.
PVA/CuI polymer composite samples have been prepared and
subjected to characterizations using FTIR spectroscopy, The FTIR
spectral analysis shows remarkable variation of the absorption peak
positions with increasing CuI concentration. The obtained results by
X-ray diffraction indicated the formation of cubic CuI particles. The
effects of CuI concentrations on the optical properties of the PVA
films were studied in the region of wavelength, (190-1100) nm.
From the derivation of Tauc's relation it was found that the direct
allowed t

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Applied Research
Optical study of effect of thiourea on CdS thin films
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Abstract: This paper presents the results of the structural and optical analysis of CdS thin films prepared by Spray of Pyrolysis (SP) technique. The deposited CdS films were characterized using spectrophotometer and the effect of Sulfide on the structural properties of the films was investigated through the analysis of X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD). The growth of crystal became stronger and more oriented as seen in the X-ray diffraction pattern. The studying of X-ray diffraction showed that; all the films have the hexagonal structure with lattice constants a=b=4.1358 and c=6.7156A°, the crystallite size of the CdS thin films increases and strain (ε) as well as the dislocation density (δ) decreases. Also, the optical properties of the

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