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Recycling waste papers in green cement mortars

This work investigates the utilization of waste papers (natural and industrial) i.e (citrus aurantium and papers A4) mortars containing specified contents 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% of waste papers were prepared and cured. Mechanical characteristics such as compressive and bending strengths, hardness and water absorption were determined for the mortars mixed with the waste papers and compared with those obtained from the pure mortars. Results showed that the addition of waste paper leads to increase the hardness to (69 - 68.5) shore D for (natural and industrial) wastes materials respectively comparing with pure specimen 66 shore D. The compressed strength of the mortar cement specimen cured for 28 days from 13 MPa to (17-18) MPa for (natural and industrial) wastes materials, respectively.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology

Internal curing is a method that has been advised to decrease the primary age cracking, mainly of concrete mixes using low (water to cementitious materials - w/cm) ratios corresponding to the self-compacting concrete-(SCC). This research aims to study the effect of the internal curing using saturated lightweight aggregate- (LWA) on the steel reinforcing corrosion in SCC. In this research, crushed bricks or thermostone were partially replaced by (20%) by the weight of sand and volumetrically measured. The results showed that the steel reinforcement of internally cured concrete showed a slight increase in corrosion up to 300 days of exposure to the saline solution (containing 3.5% NaCl). The ability of using the crushed bricks or thermostone

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Environmental pollution of solid waste and methods of managing it Study in Ramadi Municipality Case

The current research aims at finding out how to properly and correctly manage waste and solid waste and reduce the difficulties faced by all countries. However, it is becoming increasingly acute in developed cities because their economies are growing rapidly. It is necessary to identify the modern methods used in developed countries in managing wastes. The use of modern waste management techniques is a coordinated effort by international agencies within the borders responsible for them. The problem of the study can be identified in the lack of clarity of environmental management procedures in place. The importance of the research contributes to providing greater capacity to the administrative and technical leadership in the municipality

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Extent of Implementing the Strategy of Solid Waste Management in Baquba City - Poll search

The research aims to identify the reality of the management strategy followed in the treatment of solid waste in the city of Baquba, and what strategies are used to treat solid waste, and the extent of the application of these strategies, through personal interviews with leading cadres in the Directorate of Baquba Municipality, their assistants and heads of departments, they numbered (55) Individuals. The descriptive method was adopted through a questionnaire prepared to measure the extent of the implementation of the strategy of solid waste management in the city of Baquba and using statistical tools including (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, relative importance, the gap). The research reac

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Laboratory Study on the Effect of Water-Cement Ratio on Strength Characteristics of Jet Grouting Columns

Jet grouting is one of the most widely applied soil improvement techniques. It is suitable for most geotechnical problems, including improving bearing capacity, decreasing settlement, forming seals, and stabilizing slopes. One of the difficulties faced by designers is determining the strength and geometry of elements created using this method. Jet grouted soil-cement columns in soil are a complicated issue because they are dependent on a number of parameters such as soil type, grout and water flow rate, rotation and lifting speed of monitor, nozzle jetting force, and water to cement ratio of slurry. This paper discusses the effect of the water-cement ratio on the physical and mechanical characteristics of soilcrete. In t

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Investigating the Ability of producing Sustainable Blocks using Recycled Waste

The primary objective of this study is to manage price market items in the construction of walls for affordable structures with load-bearing hollow masonry units using the ACI 211.1 blend design with a slump range of 25-50 mm that follows the specification limits of IQS 1077. It was difficult to reach a suitable cement weight to minimum content (economic and environmental goal), so many trail mixtures were cast. A portion (10-20%) of the coarse aggregates was replaced with concrete, tile, and clay-brick waste. Finally, two curing methods were used: immersion under water as normal curing, and water spraying as it is closer to the field conditions. The recommendation in IQS 1077 to increase the curing period from 14 to 28 days was tak

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Biogas Production by Anaerobic Digestion of Date Palm Pulp Waste

The purpose of this preliminary study is to verify the possibility of using Iraqi Zahdi date palm biomass as a resource for biogas production, methane in particular using thermophilic anaerobic digestion with waste water treatment activated sludge. Moreover, is to investigate the influence of extra nutrients addition to the digestion mixture. Biogas was captured in sealed jars with remote sensing modules connected to computer with integrated program to record the gas pressure continuously. A total gas pressure with 67% Methane was produced from date pulp waste fermentation with a yield of 0.57 Lit for each gram volatile solid of substrate. Addition of 1% yeast extract solution as nutrient increased Methane yield in liters by 5.9%. This i

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Adsorption of Methylene Blue on Prepared Charcoal from Molasses Waste

Recently, important efforts have been made in an attempt to search for the cheapest and ecofriendly alternatives adsorbents. In the present work, waste molasses from Iraqi date palm (Zahdi) had been used as a provenance to produce charcoal for the removal of methylene blue (MB) dye from water. The optimum prepared charcoal was obtained at 150 C, by increasing temperature to 175 C, the charcoal had almost converted to ash. The obtained charcoal have been inspected for properties using scanning electron microscope (SEM), atomic force microscope (AFM), porosity and surface area. Adsorption data were optimized to Langmuir and Freundlich and adsorption parameters have been evaluated. The thermodynamic parameters like a change

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Impact of Urban Solid Waste Management on Urban Environment

The growing population and the rising standard of living in cities as well as the increased commercial, industrial and agricultural activities around the world led to
massive production of waste containing different materials and one of them is the municipal solid waste (MSW), so there is a major problem facing the cities around the world about the waste, how to collect, transfer it and how to discard it. Because the accumulation of wastes, whether in the city alleys or in its squares and especially in its residential areas affect the health of their populations besides this situation will be a major indication of the deteriorating quality of life in the city, as hygiene considered a fundamental criterion for the city beauty as well

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Ecological Observation on Inland water Ecosystem in Erbil –Iraq Kurdistan with particular reference to blue green algae Glaucospira

Regular sampling for six months from January to July 2012 were taken in small, shallow, perennial, standing ponds near the Greater Zab River, Gwer district, Erbil. A variety of physicochemical parameters were determined. Air and water temperature were falling between 15.2 - 34.7 ? C and 15.5 and 26.5 ?C. The waters are neutral (pH 7.38-8.27), hard, alkaline, salty, high in TDS and EC (892-966?S/cm, and rich in nutrients (NO3: 2.1-4.1mg/l, PO4: 0.33-0.62 mg / l , SO4: 24.7-80.2 mg / l ). The attention fixed on a filamentous blue- green algae Glaucospira Lagerheim, 1982) which is new to Iraqi flora. It is a filament (trichome), solitary, pale or yellowish blue – green, without sheath, Screw like coiled, motile, some of them are activ

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Role of Public Relations Management on the Practices of Green Human Resources Management in Jordanian Private Hospitals in Amman

The study aimed to identify the role of public relations management in its dimensions (mental image, media, advertising, and the public) on green human resource management practices in Jordanian private hospitals in Amman, and this study relied on the quantitative approach (descriptive and analytical) to test hypotheses. Where the questionnaire was relied upon to collect data and their number was (1771) workers, and the study population consisted of workers in the hospitals that were studied on them and their number was 10 hospitals, where 316 questionnaires were distributed, 300 questionnaires were retrieved, and 16 questionnaires were not valid for analysis. That is, 91.7% of the sample, and the study relied on proportional stratified

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