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Microscopic calculations of the electric Quadrupole transition strengths of Be isotopes (9, 10, 12, 14)
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Electric Quadrupole transitions are calculated for beryllium isotopes (9, 10, 12 and 14). Calculations with configuration mixing shell model usually under estimate the measured E2 transition strength. Although the consideration of a large basis no core shell model with 2ℏtruncations for 9,10,12 and14 where all major shells s, p, sd are used, fail to describe the measured reduced transition strength without normalizing the matrix elements with effective charges to compensate for the discarded space. Instead of using constant effective charges, excitations out of major shell space are taken into account through a microscopic theory which allows particle–hole excitations from the core and model space orbits to all higher orbits with 2ℏw excitations which are called core-polarization effects. The two body Michigan sum of three ranges Yukawa potential (M3Y) is used for the core-polarization matrix element. The simple harmonic oscillator potential is used to generate the single particle matrix elements of all isotopes considered in this work. The b value of each isotope is adjusted to reproduce the experimental matter radius, These size parameters of the harmonic oscillator almost reproduce all the root mean square (rms) matter radii for 9,10,12,14Be isotopes within the experimental errors. Almost same effective charges are obtained for the neutron- rich Be isotopes which are smaller than the standard values. The major contribution to the transition strength comes from the core polarization effects. The present calculations of the neutron-rich 12,14Beisotopes show a deviation from the general trends in accordance with experimental and other theoretical studies. The configurations arises from the shell model calculations with core-polarization effects reproduce the experimental B(E2) values.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Pakistan Association Of Dermatologists
The role of epigenetics in immunosuppression in patients with infectious diseases as a fascinating applied observation
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Application of “LIML_LVR” method practically according to the general formula K-CLASS on suggestion simultaneous equation
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في هذا البحث نحاول تسليط الضوء على إحدى طرائق تقدير المعلمات الهيكلية لنماذج المعادلات الآنية الخطية والتي تزودنا بتقديرات متسقة تختلف أحيانا عن تلك التي نحصل عليها من أساليب الطرائق التقليدية الأخرى وفق الصيغة العامة لمقدرات K-CLASS. وهذه الطريقة تعرف بطريقة الإمكان الأعظم محدودة المعلومات "LIML" أو طريقة نسبة التباين الصغرى"LVR

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The age-specific fecundity life tables of Planococcus citri Risso and important predators attack in Baghdad
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Reproduction potential and age –specific fecundity of the Mealybug Planococcus citri Risso were studied in the laboratories of Biological control research unit,college of Agriculture –Baghdad university at 25± 2Cº and 60-70% R.H.with 16 light:8 dark photo period.The results showed that the survival ratio began to decline at the 38th day, the average female age was 20 days ,while the average age was 8 days at the first reproduction . Net reproduction rate ( Ro ) was 58.59 female female generation which prove that the population of the mealybug was of the unstable kind , intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was 0.118 femalefemale and the average length period of generation ( T ) was 34.30 days . Many local predators attack the mealybug

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Laboratory study on the effects of nutrient enrichment on a phytoplankton population in Sawa Lake, Iraq
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Nutrient enrichment of Sawa lake water was made using different nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations during autumn and spring at three stations. Different concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and N: P ratios were used to test variations in phytoplankton population dynamics. Nitrogen at a concentration of 25 µmole.l-1 and N: P ratio of 10:1 gave highest phytoplankton cell number at all stations and seasons. A total of 64 algal taxa dominated by Bacillariophyceae followed by Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae were identified. The values of Shannon index of diversity were more than one in the studied stations.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Paleoenvironments and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Turonian-Lower Campanian Succession at Majnoon Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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The Turonian-Lower Companian succession at Majnoon Oil Field is represented by the Khasib, Tanuma, and Saadi formations. Four major paleoenvironments were recognized within the studied succession, there are: Shallow open marine environment, shoal environment, deep marine environment, and basinal environment. They reflect deposition on a carbonate platform of homoclinal ramp setting. The studied succession represents two second order supersequences (A) and (B). Supersequence (A) includes both the Khasib and Tanuma formations. The Saadi Formation represents cycle (B). These second order cycles can be divided each into two third order cycles, This subdivision may reflect the effect of eustacy being the major controlling factor of cycles dev

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluate the effect of surface treatments on shear bond strength between lithium disilicate ceramic and dentin.
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Purpose: To evaluate the effect of different surface treatments on shear bond strength between dentin and IPS e.max lithium disilicate glass-ceramic. Materials and Methods: Eighteen extracted third molars were embeded in epoxy resin. The tooth was sectioned vertically in mesiodistal direction using a low speed hard tissue microtome. The buccal and lingual surfaces of each section were ground flat using 600 grit Silicone carbide paper. Eighteen ceramic discs consisted of lithium disilicate glass-ceramic were prepared with a diameter of 4.7mm and height of 2.2mm. The discs were divided in two groups (n=10): (1) IPS e.max treated with hydrofluoric acid and Monobond Plus (MBP) and (2) IPS e.max treated with Monobond Etch &Prime (MBEP). The toot

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 21 2009
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Mineralogical, geochemical and geotechnical evaluation of Al-Swera soil used for the bricks industry in Iraq
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation the efficiency of Trichomonas vaginalis depending on clinical sings , direct examination ,culturing and serological test
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The adequacy of diagnostic tests, together with trichomoniasis associated clinical symptoms, were investigated in females suffering vaginitis, and they were referred to the Gynecology Department, Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital during the period December 2004 – June 2005. The total number of patients was 250 cases (age range: 18 - 52 years), and each patient was examined using a sterile speculum to obtain vaginal swabs for examination. The diagnosis with T. vaginalis was done in many methods. The direct methods included wet and stained (Leishman's stain) examinations and cultivation in different culture media (Kupferberg Trichomonas Broth Base;, Trichomonas Agar Base; TAB and Trichomonas Modified CPLM), while the indirect methods were serol

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
GH and IGF-2 Histological Effects on the Heart, Liver and Gizzard of Chickens were Studied
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GH and IGF-2 were examined histologically in the present study on adult hens to learn more about the organs’ responses to GH and IGF-2. Cardiac protein synthesis is stimulated by GH and IGF-2, according to microscopic examination. The recent research found a considerable amount of adipose tissue in the cardiac muscle bundles, which is linked to the metabolic process. In addition, GH and IGF-2 were shown to promote protein synthesis and mitosis in liver and gizzard tissues, according to the research. In addition, the apoptosis, regeneration, and secretory activity of gizzard glands are increased by the aforementioned hormones.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 09 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Occupational Toxicity and Health Hazards of the Healthcare Providers at Healthcare Facilities in Sulaimani City, Iraq
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Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate the occupational health hazards that face health care providers in Sulaimani City.

Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted utilizing quantitative data collection methods. It involved 159 respondents including Physicians, Pharmacists, Medical assistants, Laboratory Instructors and Nurses who worked in 8 major health facilities in Sulaimani city, Kurdistan region, Iraq.

Results: Nurses were the most susceptible group to sharp related injuries 13.84%, cuts and wounds 10.69% than the others and they were more experiencing verbal abuse in the workplace 15%. Laboratory instructors represent the most exposed group

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