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Study and measurements of the uranium and amorphous crystals concentrations in urine samples of breast cancer female patients
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In this work, Kinetic Phosphorescence Analyzer (KPA) has been used to measure the concentrations of uranium (UC) and Amorphous crystals (AMO) in urine samples of breast cancer patients in Baghdad. Additionally, a relation between UC and AMO with respect to patient's age has been deduced and studied.
Forty one urine samples of patients and five for healthy were taken from females lived in different residential area of Baghdad. The measured maximum UC value for urine samples of patients was 2.35 ± 0.053, the minimum value was 0.86 ± 0.034 μg/L, and an overall average was 1.6 ± 0.027 μg/L while the average UC for healthy females was 1.03 ± 0.020 μg/L.
From these results, AMO concentrations were found for all breast cancer patients although those patients had not suffered from any kidney function. While all healthy women that tested against uranium and AMO, have been shown zero AMO. Further, UC increases with aging of patients and more incidence of breast cancer of females between the ages 40-59 years. Whereas the value of average AMO independents on the age of patients and also independents on the average value of UC, so the average of AMO is about "+++" for all patients' groups.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 26 2024
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Effect of Radiation on Blood Component and Hormones on Male Patient and Breast Cancer
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Background: The study's objective was to estimate the effects of radiation on testosterone-related hormones and blood components in prostate cancer patients. N Materials and Method: This study aims to investigate the effects of radiation on 20 male prostate cancer patients at the Middle Euphrates Oncology Centre. Blood samples were collected before and after radiation treatment, with a total dose of 60- 70 Gy, The blood parameters were analyzed. The hospital laboratory conducted the blood analysis using an analyzer (Diagon D-cell5D) to test blood components before and after radiation. Hormonal examinations included testosterone levels, using the VIDASR 30 for Multiparametric immunoassay system Results: The study assessed the socio-demogra

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Knowledge, Attitudes and Barriers Towards Breast Cancer Health Education Among Iraqi Community Pharmacists
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With the increasing prevalence of breast cancer among female internationally, occupies about 25% of all cases of cancer, with a measured 1.57 million up to date cases in 2012. Breast cancer has turn a most warning to health of female in Iraq, where it is the major cause of death among women after cardiovascular diseases, with a mortality rate of 23% related cancer. Recently there is a crucial requirement to include community pharmacists in health elevation activities to support awareness and early diagnosis of cancer, specially breast cancer. The aim of this study is to assess knowledge, attitude and perceived barriers amongst Iraqi community pharmacists towards health promotion of breast cancer. This study is cross sectional research. A

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 12 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Pharmaceutical Sciences
Uranium concentration variation dependency on gender correlated with age of bladder cancer patient
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Human health was and still the most important problem and objective of all most researches. Finding out what causes in the decadence of healthiness of Iraqi population is our tendency in the present work, Uranium causing cancer that is affected by a correlation between age and gender of bladder cancer patients is studied in the present work. Mean of Uranium concentration (Uc) decreased with increasing age for all age group without dependency on gender. While, there is a wide dispersion in Mean Uc excretion between males and females, due to the effect of correlated gender with age, where female Mean Uc is maximum at age 50-69 year (2.355 µg/L), and it's higher than male Mean Uc (2.022 µg/L) in this age stage because of menopause, a

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
The Egyptian Journal Of Hospital Medicine
High Tumor Levels of Ki-67, VEGF and Endostatin Are Associated with Progression of Breast Cancer in Iraqi Women
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Background: Breast cancer (BC) is the most widespread cancer among women worldwide. Its incidence and mortality rates have risen in the previous three decades as a result of changes in risk factor profiles, improved cancer registry, and cancer detection. Objective: The study's goals were to establish if Ki-67 could be used as a potential marker in serum of cancer disease patients as well as their interaction with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and ES in various stages of breast cancer to assess their function in the progression of BC. Materials and Methods: The levels of Ki-67, VEGF and endostatin (ES) in serum were assessed by commercial enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits in 60 women diagnosed with breast cancer

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Bioautomation
Model for Prediction of the Weight and Height Measurements of Patients with Disabilities for Diagnosis and Therapy
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Background: Accurate measurement of a patient’s height and weight is an essential part of diagnosis and therapy, but there is some controversy as to how to calculate the height and weight of patients with disabilities. Objective: This study aims to use anthropometric measurements (arm span, length of leg, chest circumference, and waist circumference) to find a model (alternatives) that can allow the calculation of the height and the body weight of patients with disabilities. Additionally, a model for the prediction of weight and height measurements of patients with disabilities was established. Method: Four hander patients aged 20-80 years were enrolled in this study and divided into two groups, 210 (52.5%) male and 190 (47.5%) fe

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination Oxidant - Antioxidant Enzyme and some Trace Elements in Breast Cancer in Baghdad City
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level of effectiveness of Glutathione - S - Transferees (GST), Glutathione peroxides (GPX),Malondialdehyde (MDA) the product of lipid peroxidation and some trace elements ( zinc,seleinum,iron ,copper ) had been measured in sera of (50) women with breast disease.which had been divided to : Control group (25),The first group (A) benign breast tumors (25),the second group (B) breast cancer (25). The results showed a clear moral high level of Glutathione - S - Transferees (GST), Glutathione peroxidase (GPX) , and Malondialdehyde (MDA) level in breast cancer group while a slight increase were observed in the levels of these enzymes and(MDA) in benign breast group. A significant reduction was evident in the levels of selenium and zinc

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 21 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Effect of x- ray on the treatment of breast cancer combined with amygdalin and doxorubicin separately
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Background: Radiation therapy has the ability to destroy healthy cells in addition to cancer cells in the area being treated. However, when radiation combines with doxorubicin, it becomes more effective on breast cancer treatment. Objective: This study aims to clarify the effect of X-ray from LINAC combined with amygdalin and doxorubicin on breast cancer treatment, and the possibility of using amygdalin with X-ray instead of doxorubicin for the breast cancer treatment. Method: Two cell lines were used in this study, the first one was MCF-7 cell line and second one was WRL- 68 normal cell line. These cells were preserved in liquid nitrogen, prepared, developed and tested in the (place). The effect of three x-ray doses combined with a

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Engineering & Technology
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
Study of aminoacy lt ran-synthetasecomplex interacting multifunctional protein 1 and liver enzymes in iraqi women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy
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Breast carcinoma is one of the greatest popular neoplasms in females. It is a major reason of demise in the world, and it is the first cancer in ranking diagnosed in Iraqi women. This study aimed to determine aminoacyltRAN-synthetase complex interacting multifunctional protein 1 and liver enzymes levels in Iraqi females with stage II breast malignance, and study the effect of chemotherapy (after surgery) on these markers. This study included 50 females patients with stage II breast malignance (before and after surgery and second dose of chemotherapy) attending the Oncology Teaching Hospital in Medical City/ Baghdad, in addition to 20 persons as controller group were chosen without any chronic diseases. Their ages ranged from (30-55) years.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Analytical Study of near Mobility Edge Density of States of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
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Experimental results for the density of states of hydrogenated amorphous silicon due to Jackson et al near the valence and conduction band edges were analyzed using Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear fitting method. It is found that the density of states of the valence band and the conduction band can be fitted to a simple power law, with a power index 0.60 near the valence band edge, and 0.55 near the conduction band edge. These results indicate a modest but noticeable deviation from the square root law (power index=0.5) which is found in crystalline semiconductors. Analysis of Jackson et al density of states integral J(E) data over about (1.4 eV) of photon energy range, showed a significant fit to a simple power law with a power index of 2.11

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