The two-frequency shell model approach is used to calculate the
ground state matter density distribution and the corresponding root
mean square radii of the two-proton17Ne halo nucleus with the
assumption that the model space of 15O core nucleus differ from the
model space of extra two loosely bound valence protons. Two
different size parameters bcore and bhalo of the single particle wave
functions of the harmonic oscillator potential are used. The
calculations are carried out for different configurations of the outer
halo protons in 17Ne nucleus and the structure of this halo nucleus
shows that the dominant configuration when the two halo protons in
the 1d5/2 orbit (15O core plus two protons halo in pure 1d5/2 orbit). The
calculated matter density distribution in terms of the two-frequency
shell model is compared with the calculated one in terms one size
parameter for all orbits to illustrate the effect of introducing one or
two size parameters in calculations. The longitudinal form factors for
elastic C0 and inelastic C2 electron scattering from 17Ne nucleus are
calculated for the considered configurations and for three states of
each configuration which are the ground state ( JT 1 2 3 2 ) and
the first two excited states ( JT 3 2 3 2 ) and ( JT 5 2 3 2 ).
The electric transition strengths B(C2) are calculated for the excited
states and for the effective nucleon charges which are used in this
work and compared with the experimental values.
Shell model and Hartree-Fock calculations have been adopted to study the elastic and inelastic electron scattering form factors for 25Mg nucleus. The wave functions for this nucleus have been utilized from the shell model using USDA two-body effective interaction for this nucleus with the sd shell model space. On the other hand, the SkXcsb Skyrme parameterization has been used within the Hartree-Fock method to get the single-particle potential which is used to calculate the single-particle matrix elements. The calculated form factors have been compared with available experimental data.
An expression for the transition charge density is investigated where the deformation in nuclear collective modes is taken into consideration besides the shell model transition density. The inelastic longitudinal form factors C2 calculated using this transition charge density with excitation of the levels for Cr54,52,50 nuclei. In this work, the core polarization transition density is evaluated by adopting the shape of Tassie model together with the derived form of the ground state two-body charge density distributions (2BCDD's). It is noticed that the core polarization effects which represent the collective modes are essential in obtaining a remarkable agreement between the calculated inelastic longitudinal F(q)'s and those of experimen
... Show MoreThe effect of short range correlations on the inelastic longitudinal
Coulomb form factors for different states of J 4 , T 1with
excitation energies 3.553,7.114, 8.960 and 10.310 MeV in 18O is
analyzed. This effect (which depends on the correlation parameter )
is inserted into the ground state charge density distribution through
the Jastrow type correlation function. The single particle harmonic
oscillator wave function is used with an oscillator size parameter b.
The parameters and b are considered as free parameters, adjusted
for each excited state separately so as to reproduce the experimental
root mean square charge radius of 18O. The model space of 18O does
not contribute to the tra
The effect of short range correlations on the inelastic Coulomb form factors for excited +2 states (1.982, 3.919, 5.250 and 8.210MeV) and +4 states (3.553, 7.114, 8.960 and 10.310 MeV) in O18 is analyzed. This effect (which depends on the correlation parameterβ) is inserted into the ground state charge density distribution through the Jastrow type correlation function. The single particle harmonic oscillator wave function is used with an oscillator size parameter .b The parameters β and b are adjusted for each excited state separately so as to reproduce the experimental root mean square charge radius of .18O The nucleusO18 is considered as an inert core of C12 with two protons and four neutrons distributed over 212521211sdp−− activ
... Show MoreIn terms of the core nucleus plus valence nucleon, shell-model calculations using two model spaces and interactions, the relationship between a nucleus' proton skin, and the difference in proton radii of mirror pairs of nuclei with the same mass number are investigated. In this work, two pairs of mirror nuclei will be studied: 17Ne-17N and 23Al-23Ne. For 17Ne-17N nuclei, p-shell and mixing of psd orbits are adopted with Cohen-Kurath (ckii) and psdsu3 interactions. While for 23Al-23Ne, the sd-shell and sdpf shell are adopted with the universal shell model (USD) and sdpfwa interactions. Also, the ground state density distributions, elastic form factors, and root mean square radii of these pairs' nuclei are studied and com
... Show MoreIn this paper, inelastic longitudinal electron scattering form factors C2 and C4
transitions have been studied in Ti 48,50
and Cr 52,54
nuclei with the aid of shell
model calculations. The core polarization transition density was evaluated by
adopting the shape of Tassie model togther with the derived form of the ground state
two-body charge density distributions (2BCDD's). The following transitions have
been investigated; 0 2 2 2 1 1
and 0 2 4 2 1 1
of Ti 48 , 0 3 2 3 1 1
0 3 4 3 1 1
of Ti 50 , 0 2 2 2 1 1
and 0 2 4 2 1 1
of Cr 52 and
0 3 2 3 1 1
and 0 3 4 3 1 1
of Cr 54 nuclei. It is fou
The quadrupole moment of 14B exotic nucleus has been calculated using configuration mixing shell model with limiting number of orbital's in the model space. The core- polarization effects, are included through a microscopic theory which considers a particle-hole excitations from the core and the model space orbits into the higher orbits with 6ħω excitations using M3Y interaction. The simple harmonic oscillator potential is used to generate the single particle wave functions. Large basis no-core shell model with (0+2)ћω truncation is used for 14B nucleus. The effective charges for the protons and neutrons were calculated su |