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Evaluated the level density for proton induced nuclear resonances in (P+48Ti) reaction using different models
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The experimental proton resonance data for the reaction P+48Ti have been used to calculate and evaluate the level density by employed the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble, GOE version of RMT, Constant Temperature, CT and Back Shifted Fermi Gas, BSFG models at certain spin-parity and at different proton energies. The results of GOE model are found in agreement with other, while the level density calculated using the BSFG Model showed less values with spin dependence more than parity, due the limitation in the parameters (level density parameter, a, Energy shift parameter, E1and spin cut off parameter, σc). Also, in the CT Model the level density results depend mainly on two parameters (T and ground state back shift energy, E0), which are approximately constant in their behavior with the proton energy compared with GOE model. The RMT estimation used to calculate the corrections of the incompleteness proton resonance measurement data by using two methods; the conventional analysis method, which depends on the resonance widths and the updated, developed, tested and applied a new analysis method, which depends mainly on the resonance spacings. The spacing analysis method is found much less sensitive to non-statistical phenomena than is the width analysis method. Where the analysis of a given data set via these two independent analysis methods indicated the increasing in the reliability of the determination of the missing fraction of levels, the observed fraction f between 0.87+0.13−0.11 – 0.68+0.12−0.12 for different spin-parity of this reaction and then the distinguishability in the level density calculations can be achieved. The modified Porter Thomas distribution along with the maximum likelihood function have been used to get the missing levels corrections for 5 proton resonance sequences in the present reaction. To estimate the present long-range correlations for pure sequence of levels the mean square of the deviation of the cumulative number of levels from a fitted straight line represented by the Dyson and Mehta Δ3 statistic has been employed for spin parity 12+, and calculated the <Δ3> against the cumulative number of proton levels.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
S-maximal Submodules
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Throughout this paper R represents a commutative ring with identity and all R-modules M are unitary left R-modules. In this work we introduce the notion of S-maximal submodules as a generalization of the class of maximal submodules, where a proper submodule N of an R-module M is called S-maximal, if whenever W is a semi essential submodule of M with N ⊊ W ⊆ M, implies that W = M. Various properties of an S-maximal submodule are considered, and we investigate some relationships between S-maximal submodules and some others related concepts such as almost maximal submodules and semimaximal submodules. Also, we study the behavior of S-maximal submodules in the class of multiplication modules. Farther more we give S-Jacobson radical of rings

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
S-maximal Submodules
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Throughout this paper R represents a commutative ring with identity and all R-modules M are unitary left R-modules. In this work we introduce the notion of S-maximal submodules as a generalization of the class of maximal submodules, where a proper submodule N of an R-module M is called S-maximal, if whenever W is a semi essential submodule of M with N ? W ? M, implies that W = M. Various properties of an S-maximal submodule are considered, and we investigate some relationships between S-maximal submodules and some others related concepts such as almost maximal submodules and semimaximal submodules. Also, we study the behavior of S-maximal submodules in the class of multiplication modules. Farther more we give S-Jacobson radical of ri

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of effect acidic solution (HCl) and (EP/Al2O3 & EP/ TiO2) hybrid on thermal conductivity of epoxy resin.
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This research studies the effect of adding micro, nano and hybrid by ratio (1:1) of (Al2O3,TiO2) to epoxy resin on thermal conductivity before and after immersion in HCl acid for (14 day) with normality (0.3 N) at weight fraction (0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08) and thickness (6mm). The results of thermal conductivity reveled that epoxy reinforced by (Al2O3) and mixture (TiO2+Al2O3) increases with increasing the weight fraction, but the thermal conductivity (k) a values for micro and Nano (TiO2) decrease with increasing the weight fraction of reinforced, while the immersion in acidic solution (HCl) that the (k) values after immersion more than the value in before immersion.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl.
Some types of fibrewise fuzzy topological spaces
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The aim of this paper is to introduce and study the notion type of fibrewise topological spaces, namely fibrewise fuzzy j-topological spaces, Also, we introduce the concepts of fibrewise j-closed fuzzy topological spaces, fibrewise j-open fuzzy topological spaces, fibrewise locally sliceable fuzzy j-topological spaces and fibrewise locally sectionable fuzzy j-topological spaces. Furthermore, we state and prove several Theorems concerning these concepts, where j = {δ, θ, α, p, s, b, β}.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Estructura y el análisis de los personajes en la novela“ Sotileza ” de José María de Pereda
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    Sotileza , localismo santandrino de sutileza , es la parte más fina del aparejo de pescar donde va el anzuelo. Es la obra maestro de José María de Pereda.Su ambiente , el Santander viejo, anterior al año 50,evocado emocionadamente - emociόn romántica contenida en los trazos sobrios y firmes de un naturalism psicolόgico y paisajista,el Santander que el autor confiesa poseer en el fondo de su corazόn,«y tenerlo esculpido en la memoria de tal suerte que ,a ojos cerrados,me atrevería a trazarle con todo su perímetro y sus calles, y el color de sus piedras, y el número, y los nombres, y hasta las caras de sus habitantes».Dentro de la grandeza primaria de las criaturas de Pere

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University-science
St-closed Submodule
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Abstract Throughout this paper R represents commutative ring with identity and M is a unitary left R-module, the purpose of this paper is to study a new concept, (up to our knowledge), named St-closed submodules. It is stronger than the concept of closed submodules, where a submodule N of an R-module M is called St-closed (briefly N ≤Stc M) in M, if it has no proper semi-essential extensions in M, i.e if there exists a submodule K of M such that N is a semi-essential submodule of K then N = K. An ideal I of R is called St-closed if I is an St-closed R-submodule. Various properties of St-closed submodules are considered.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Applied Acoustics
Theoretical model of absorption coefficient of an inhomogeneous MPP absorber with multi-cavity depths
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Problems and needs of Baghdad university students from perspective of college of political sciences and college of engineering’s students
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The current research aims to identify the problems and needs for both college of political science and college of engineering’s students. The sample was (100) male and female student. The results showed bunch of problems which could be organized descendingly, the scientific domain ranged between (2 - 2.42), the mean of the psychological domain was (2.85), the moral domain ranged between (2.2 – 2.28)m the problems of study earned (2.30), the material domain got (1.95), the medical and social domain obtained (1.925), and finally, the family domain received (1.887).

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Stochastic Non-Linear Pseudo-Random Sequence Generator
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Many of the key stream generators which are used in practice are LFSR-based in the sense that they produce the key stream according to a rule y = C(L(x)), where L(x) denotes an internal linear bit stream, produced by small number of parallel linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs), and C denotes some nonlinear compression function. In this paper we combine between the output sequences from the linear feedback shift registers with the sequences out from non linear key generator to get the final very strong key sequence

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 12 2023
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Finite Time Disturbance Observer Based on Air Conditioning System Control Scheme
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A novel robust finite time disturbance observer (RFTDO) based on an independent output-finite time composite control (FTCC) scheme is proposed for an air conditioning-system temperature and humidity regulation. The variable air volume (VAV) of the system is represented by two first-order mathematical models for the temperature and humidity dynamics. In the temperature loop dynamics, a RFTDO temperature (RFTDO-T) and an FTCC temperature (FTCC-T) are designed to estimate and reject the lumped disturbances of the temperature subsystem. In the humidity loop, a robust output of the FTCC humidity (FTCC-H) and RFTDO humidity (RFTDO-H) are also designed to estimate and reject the lumped disturbances of the humidity subsystem. Based on Lyapunov theo

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